Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

16 Dec


Originally posted by towelcat

Not sure what additional input I can give that hasn't been said. There is a natural conflict between solo and guild designed content. These are set to be reasonably attainable even by one person, and I think that's still true, but are still designed with a primary intention of a guild.


The small nameplate badges that launched with season 5 have since been repainted for better clarity and color differentiation. I expect them to go live in a build next month. Thanks for the feedback.

Here's a comparison of the old & new:


Regarding the badges: Prestige and rewards were separated with this season and the badges were changed to reduce confusion with the pip colors.

The small nameplate badges that went live with Season 5 looked grey/blurry/muddy. They have since been repainted individually with better color differentiation:

The new ones are easier to read, and they should be in a build next month. Thanks for the feedback and for playing PvP. See you in the Mists!

13 Dec

Originally posted by Presac

Yes, that is the letter that gets sent if your personal story got my bugfix. I'm trying to figure out if the HoT story error is related. It shouldn't have affected anything except chapter 7 and 8 of the original personal story.

Interesting, did you or anyone with HoT story issues get a letter from Scholar Aiti?


Originally posted by selendra

A fix for the randomly exploding presents in the JP? After all these years?? I'm in love.

Wintersday is saved!


Originally posted by DivineBuddha

Blah pvp Patch



Originally posted by Eitth

Does those pvp only buffs work on wvw as well?

No, they are split 3 ways.


Looks like you have a user-created addon installed. Paging /u/chriscleary to check for TOS violation! ಠ_ಠ

09 Dec


Originally posted by EchoFalls27

Hey, thanks for all your work.

Could you possibly answer something for me? I finished year of the ascension part IV with 10/11 achievs completed. I was missing a couple of league crosses.

I have 3 of the gifts for the backpack but obviously missing 1 due to the above.

Is all my work going to scrapped from Part IV, and will I need to redo I somehow. Or will it be grandfathered into the new system?

I love PvP, I'm not amazing at it, but I get by, I finish in Ruby, but real life does get in the way and I couldn't put a lot of work into ft he first 2 seasons, but I did work my butt off in the second two.

None of your progress will be lost.


I've had this happen a couple times before. I believe it was because the minimap was still trying to autocenter (although not visually) when you start dragging again and have to wait a couple more seconds. This was a long time ago so I could be talking out my butt.

07 Dec


Originally posted by riddlemore

Looks like they took a lot of cues from Overwatch.

We also took a lot of queues from our hearts <3

03 Dec

02 Dec


Originally posted by ANET_Laevateinn

Am I authorized to hit Epidemic if the slubling is teamkilling...?

That would just be sinking to my level. You have to show that you are better than that, and turn your nose up as I stomp Faerla.


Originally posted by ANET_Faerla

I just wanted to drop by and say that we ran into this a lot during internal group testing. There was even a time when the slubling could stomp downed players. Ryan D discovered and then promptly abused this fact to stomp me full of sodium.

The boss kill I'm most proud of.

29 Nov

    /u/Tivac on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Way more annoyed than I should be at that CSS shipping unminified.

22 Nov


Originally posted by DragonSquid

Home Instance Nodes: Winterberry node and petrified wood node not available if you bought the bloodstone node

Hey, thank you for the report! We're working on a fix for this :)


Just wanted to update people on this issue. I tracked down the cause, and have put in a fix. We're trying to get it pushed today. Thanks for your patience :)


Just wanted to update people on this issue. I tracked down the cause, and have put in a fix. We're trying to get it pushed today. Thanks for your patience :)


Just wanted to update people on this issue. I tracked down the cause, and have put in a fix. We're trying to get it pushed today. Thanks for your patience :)