Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

31 Mar


Originally posted by Varorson

Let's see:

  • Cloud at top plays SAB music when clicked.
  • The quote in OP is from the Back to School instance (partially)
  • We see the Genie again for first time(?) since Back to School.
  • Scrolling thing talks about CODE, makes me think a hint to that instance? Did we actually truly did get an update to SAB but it wasn't World 3? I'm doubtful but that's all my brain can think of atm

If this is truly a hidden scavenger hunt you've placed, reminds me of the beginning hints to War in Kryta, with the hidden urls...

But something tells me it's just hinting that the "cat" in 2-2 just wants soup. :(

Check the browser console!

30 Mar


There's another feature that I don't think anyone's found yet. It was very hard to find, but a recent update should help ;)

21 Mar


Originally posted by cardosy

Again, I think this uncertainty from the in-game speaker is fascinating.

It's a common plot device for building living game worlds. By doing so, they're able to retcon the story and events whenever they see fit for the development of the game, since they're not actual facts, but just stories told within the game world.

People involved in the narrative and overall direction these games take come and go all the time, and ideas are thrown into the pot constantly. It's natural that some of them are discarded, while others turn into canon as development goes. Still, it's an immersive and elegant solution to this issue and I also love in-game narrators and the fact that they're not always right or honest, but rather just telling their point of view.

I just wanted to say that you're absolutely right. I'll also go a step further and say that telling game stories through absolutes makes it too easy to shut the door on stories we know and love.

Interpretative techniques like an in-game narrator resonate with a sort of post-modern take on knowledge, which is that truth is almost always colored by perspective and somewhat impossible to know. To that end it also makes it possible to come back to these stories later, retelling and expanding on them.

These nature of these debates are, in my opinion at least, made a little more interesting and magical by the idea of a living MMO world.


Originally posted by Andulias

That's nothing really new, they simply expanded upon an already existing theory. Since the launch of the game we have known that the kodan consider the norn to be their devolved cousins. Scratch that, we've known since before the launch of the game:

EDIT: But you know that, you linked it as a source.

For what its worth, I think it was worthwhile to actually get that lore manifesting in the game somehow. Once I realized that our narrative designer was doing this, it became influential to the work I was doing on the mastery for this map. It being part of a line called "Ancient Magic" was a sticking point for me anyhow.

Fortunately the aspects of Kodan lore that involve them watching over untamed spirits made for a harmonious spin-off into this little tale about one of the lost tribes carrying a sacred fire through the ages. Major credit goes to the community for uncovering that and documenting it here:

Read more

14 Mar


Originally posted by wrongkanji

I am not ready to say .... FareWell.

I laughed harder than I should have at this.

10 Mar


Originally posted by InkTide

Ohhh, that's interesting! I don't know why, but I'm holding out hope that this all ends well for Blaine.

Hopefully he'll join Dragon's Watch so it's not just Taimi and me. Imagine having a King on our side!

"I don't know why, but I'm holding out hope that this all ends well for Blaine." FTFY ;)

02 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]

Great post, Crystal!

Thank you!

01 Mar


Originally posted by smitske

Are you implying htat whatever samarog is achieving in his spare time (spearthrow championships) is not something you care about? So mean.



Originally posted by BobHogan

Ah, that's interesting! In terms of design, does this mean that going forward, new content will be more "consistent"? And by consistent I mean that new content will be using the AI system in a similar way (tuned to desired difficulty of course).

Difficult question to answer since the goals of each team vary. The AI system can get pretty complicated when you get really deep into it. I would say the raids team uses the most simplistic form of it since we only care about the combat behaviours. Other teams care about both combat and what the creatures are doing when not in combat.


Originally posted by BobHogan

So does this mean that the other designers at ANet were not using the same tools that the raid team designers were?

All designers here use the same tool, but different teams will manipulate it in different ways. For example: the way the Raids team uses the AI system is different from how a Living World team might use it.

28 Feb


To clarify... The designers I helped spin up were a mix from different teams and none of them joined the raids team. There has always been "two teams on raids that leapfrog" (not including Spirit Vale) except at various points in time the teams were a single designer.

Edit for clarity

When I say "teams" I'm specifically referring to designers only. All other resources (art, programming, qa) are shared between the two.

24 Feb


Originally posted by ggunslinger

Removed this ability’s interaction with quickness.

What the HELL.

I mean, Weakening Charge was still better than quickened Vault, but Vault wasn't as clunky to use as WC rotation. Now we're back to turning autotargetting off or what? Please don't let it be true.

EDIT: For those who didn't know, it's propably caused by a bug with Vault and quickness. Basically quickness makes the attack happen while you're still in the air, not on target location. It's not noticable in melee range, but it completely negates your damage on far targets.

Hopefully this interaction will return after they find a fix, but it feels f**king bad man.

The new interaction with quickness (and slow) indeed did turn out to be more detrimental than we had desired. As such, we're pulling the change time-scaling change for now. If we can get the code to work right at all ranges, we'll give it another go!

22 Feb


Originally posted by Vaarsavius

While you're looking into bosses, the double-wiping on Deimos is really annoying too.

Also fix incoming for that too.

21 Feb


Some changes have been made to the PvP infrastructure and we are actively working through some issues. Apologies for the inconveniences!

19 Feb


Originally posted by sequriem

Door laser is not only on KC tho. In every boss now the second somebody triggers the aggro the fight will instantly start. (VG and Sab for example)

The fact the bosses didn't immediately go into combat when they aggro'd was always a bug. We fixed that in the recent patch and we're working on fixing KC.

Going forward the expectation should be that the raid group is in the "boss arena" and ready to go before you pull the boss. If someone is caught lollygagging behind then they're going to be considered out of bounds and unable to participate in the encounter.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We had planned a Mini Deimos for ship, but the art asset was far too expensive to just shrink down into a mini and would have required a ton of work to scale down properly. It's one of the crazier creatures that team has come up with in terms of complexity!


Originally posted by RisingDusk

Man, so this is what causes it! What a frustrating bug! We had Chronomancers with bizarrely low boon duration, condition classes with strangely low condition duration, and the works. We always figured out that rejoining the instance fixed it, but never what caused it. Glad to finally be aware of the issue.

/u/CrystalRAID can you please make sure this gets looked at? Thanks. :)

Late reply, but yes we are looking in to this.

16 Feb


Originally posted by lolcheme

so is this also character locking? Or if someone had two characters with the same profession but different builds would that be ok?

It would also be character locking.


Originally posted by RomoSSJ5

So... Question.

If they're not allowed to come back. That means automatic loss for the team. Basically meaning the whole team pays if someone messes up. Same thing with d/c's

They can come back if they go back to the character they queued with.


Originally posted by _Sorrows_

They can't ever guarantee only 1 of a class because duos can have 2 of a class. The system will most likely try and take 2 single players of that class within rating range and put them on the other team if possible. It'll never be perfect matches.

If we wanted to enforce a limit on profession counts, we'd have to put the same rules on premades, so a party with duplicate professions would not be allowed to queue.