Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by Qewki

Locking profession would allow player profession to be accounted for to increase matchmaking accuracy

So is that profession-specific mmr or only to prevent class-stacking? If the former, what would become of having a unique skill rating for ranked seasons?

If we lock characters on queue, we could start using profession MMR.


Originally posted by razor123456789101

This might be a reaction to the complaints from lower divisions. But can't they just have the algorithm try and make balanced teams for them while still allowing change? There's more population in lower divisions so it might not strain the queue times too much.

Anyway, the more I think about it, the less I'm in favor.

The matchmaker already attempts to avoid class stacking, but it isn't strictly enforced. However, locking characters lets the matchmaking start using profession MMR instead of only account-wide MMR for matchmaking.

13 Feb


Originally posted by darapotocska

I beleaf your response has left me stumped

I hope nobody arbors any resentment about this.


This is pretty awesome.

10 Feb


Maybe next episode you'll find out he finally retired.

But, in the episode after that, you'll have to beg him to come out of retirement.


Hey everyone,

Thanks for bringing this behavior to our attention. We're looking into it.

09 Feb


Little did you know, years of being told that they can be outrun by others really gets to a centaur! ;)


Originally posted by ANet_Downtown

It wasn't uncommon to hear me cackling when we playtested this.

Can confirm.


Originally posted by JHBlancs

Dunno who to pass this on to, but by far my second favorite part of this patch is Watchtower Cliffs. I happened upon a 30-strong group that tore through everything, to the boss at the top, then back down. It was artful.

Then we went back up and down. I stopped after that, but they kept going. Some say the cycle continues, to this day.

Solid enjoyment had by all Thanks for getting this content to this level of enjoyment. The champs respawned really slowly - which is good! On the way down we didn't see any champs, and we saw few on the way back up. Still a solid haul of leather and a fun experience. I'd even say toss in a couple more veteran mobs up and down the stretch.

I'm glad you enjoy it, and I've alerted the proper authorities.


Originally posted by The_Blog

Oh it's the Ember Bay team?
I thought there were 3 teams that take turns. So I expected this map to come from the Bloodstone Fen team.

It was the Bloodstone Fen team on this map. :)


Originally posted by Zadah


Episode 4 was made by the episode 1 team, but Nellie joined our team so you're both partially correct. ;)


Originally posted by Iroh_the_Dragon

Skelk Regurgitant in Tangled Depths

Yasss!! Of all the extra events that happen after completed camps, this one is my fav. Assist-o-matic is a pretty funny little guy, but there's something about that fight....

Assist-o-matic (and most of Rata Novus) were also events I designed. :)


Thank you for the kind words :D


Originally posted by Sl4sh4ndD4sh

You should be happy to know that it also turned into a leatherfarm with all the champions there, and everything basically ends up dead, and thus balance is restored.

You gotta want it.


Originally posted by Amadan

Bloodstone Fen Gliding Skills and Hablion

They are really fun. I know you can't tell us anything, but it would be awesome if they appeared in more places than just one single map.

If you hit the leylines in Lake Doric you can use the skills there as well.


It wasn't uncommon to hear me cackling when we playtested this.


Originally posted by Angeels

I know there are no balance devs here - but I really feel I must ask this question again.

As an engineer main it currently feels like we have been consistently shafted on balance patches for quite some time now. Are there any real plans to actually make this class stronger in PvE through the core traitlines to take the class that currently has the most complex rotation upwards in terms of damage?

Balance dev here! I can't give specifics, but we'll be introducing a few different changes in the next update that we hope will address some of the engineer concerns with the core specializations and general pve viability. We'll be seeing you soon! -Karl

08 Feb


Originally posted by pattyboywales

Which one of you evil people designed the last boss in the this episode. I was naked by the end of it!

cough... >:)


Originally posted by NaotsuguGuardian

What was the inspiration for the HMS Divinity Rifle?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, a ship. ;)