Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

10 Nov


Hi everyone,

First, thank you for the support for my own Gw2 Extra Life campaign.

But, really, thank you to everyone that helped out with the many, different Extra Life campaigns that went on this weekend. So many of you shared the links, told your friends, tuned in, and donated. Every bit of it helped. In one day, the Extra Life organization was able to generate $6.3M for children's hospitals!

Specifically, though, I want to thank Kit The Traveler. She tuned in almost right at the start of the stream. I am sure you can imagine that moderating a Twitch stream is not an easy task. Kit just started handling the moderation on her own. She took it upon herself to remind people that we were here for charity. That it wasn't an officially sponsored ArenaNet event, and that therefore I wasn't able to talk about unannounced info. I noticed this, and so I tossed her a moderator tag. I never reached out to her beforehand. This wasn't anything planned. I just figured it...

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08 Nov


Originally posted by Attunement

Good luck with the stream, I'll definitely be checking it out.

A little reddit formatting tip, you need to use a double break between lines for the bullet points to format, here's what your post should look like:

Hi all,

If you have a chance, please check out our [twitch stream](

We have a lot of people joining me today throughout the day:

* Bryon Miller - adventures designer

* Hugh Norfolk - pvp team

* Evan Lesh - pvp team

* Joshua Davis - pvp team

* Jebro - shoutcaster extraordinaire

* Matt Lambdin - fractals team

* Mike Z - fractals team

* Cameron Rich - fractals team

* Joe Kimmes - fractals team

* Dara Potocska - guild halls team

* Evan Zynda - QA guru

* Joel Helmich - gameplay programmer

* Ben Newell - designer/programmer

* Josh Foreman - jumping puzzle master

Let's have fun, let's be cool, and let's remember why we are doing this today.

For The Kids


Doh, yeah, sorry. I was in such a hurry to get it out and get started that I didn't notice >< LOL

07 Nov


Hi all,

If you have a chance, please check out our twitch stream.

We have a lot of people joining me today throughout the day: *Bryon Miller - adventures designer *Hugh Norfolk - pvp team *Evan Lesh - pvp team *Joshua Davis - pvp team *Jebro - shoutcaster extraordinaire *Matt Lambdin - fractals team *Mike Z - fractals team *Cameron Rich - fractals team *Joe Kimmes - fractals team *Dara Potocska - guild halls team *Evan Zynda - QA guru *Joel Helmich - gameplay programmer *Ben Newell - designer/programmer *Josh Foreman - jumping puzzle master

Let's have fun, let's be cool, and let's remember why we are doing this today.

For The Kids Les

External link →

04 Nov


I am happy to announce that Jebro will be joining us for the pvp session!

03 Nov


I just learned that Josh Foreman will be joining us at 6am to heckle me as I repeatedly fail some of his toughest jumping puzzles!


Originally posted by ikolam

Scheduled a hosting :D Going to be fun to hang out! Hope we are awake when you're playing a new character! Got lowbies on NA, but main on EU :)

Awesome news. Thank you for the support :)


Originally posted by Kalulosu

This is NA right? :'(

Yes it is, sorry :(


Originally posted by crod541

Duplicate entries for the same guild will result in that guild being disqualified

Shouldn't it be based on the different account names, I know a couple of people from my guild are on reddit and will likely see this. I'm not saying I'm certain we'll all donate (I'm pretty sure one of our guildmates is also streaming for Extra Life) but there's a pretty good possibility certain guilds will have different people donating and participating in the competition. And are we only allowed to participate in either the guild contest or personal spot contest (can we have "Group contest-<insert start time>" and "Guild contest" on the same donation)

You make a very good point. I will change the wording of the guild contest rule. I was just trying to discourage people from doing dozens of $1 donations to bump their odds, but a guild should be allowed to pool it's members together.

Also, yes, it is OK to enter for the guild contest and one group contest at the same time :)

02 Nov


Originally posted by aRestless

It is possible to delete existing threads, but it is not possible to edit a thread's title, which means that you'd probably have to delete all threads.

In my opinion: Leave it as it is now, because a fourth thread (even with the other ones deleted) would probably get even less upvotes and therefor less visibility. Just keep it in mind for the future. Having one big post not only keeps the frontpage clean, it also tends to lead to more visibility, because people might upvote one thread, but it's unlikely they upvote all three.

Ok, thanks for the feedback. My thought was that there might be questions, comments, or interest in one contest versus another. And, if all of those conversations for the three different contests were mixed together then it would make it more difficult to get the information. I will remember this in the future though. Cheers


Originally posted by aRestless

I really support this endeavour. However, there is no need to create three different threads for different contests during the same event.

I thought it would get too jumbled and crowded to put them all in a single thread. You think I should undo that? Is it possible for me to even delete the other threads at this point?

29 Oct


We agree that this is an issue and support players should get credit for their contribution.

We are discussing and experimenting with some ideas internally, but a global change like this will take a while to get the numbers, feel, and testing right. Be prepared for it “When It’s Ready!”


Originally posted by LinkHughes

The wager is not over, my dear Dara. We shall see which guild hall is the community's true choice. Come fly, friends! #TeamLostPrecipice

I'll be leading an internal team in an attempt to win a vote and take Gilded Hollow for ourselves since the initial claiming event was done with NO VOTING and we were PRESS-GANGED INTO IT. There were shenanigans at the highest level to get the Anet guild involved in that dry, dusty Lost Precipice business. SHENANIGANS I SAY.


28 Oct


Hello, I just wanted to say thanks for listening and I'm glad you are enjoying it, I am very fortunate to have an amazing team.

Thanks, James Ackley Audio Director Arenanet

26 Oct


Originally posted by Doom_Box

Why is there a smiley face hidden on the tangled depths map?


24 Oct


Hey there, I made this adventure :)

Great job with this, I balanced gold tier around having the Blazing Speed Mushroom mastery, and getting gold without it shows exactly the kind of precision movement I was hoping to see! My PB for this was 1:15 before we shipped HoT, so see you on the leaderboards ;)

23 Oct


Originally posted by madmax21st

That's a backstab. OP now ded.

No way, reverendsmooth and I, we're on the same team!



22 Oct

14 Oct


I always support different views and opinions in Tyria. Please provide me with your exact location and a time you'll be present so that I may send some...ambassadors... to greet you.