By profane I mean swear words which would be masked by the chat filter, not directed at a person. For example, if I were talking in map chat with an acquaintance and said, "I just f***** up real bad on my biostatistics test".
(Don't worry, I did fine on the exam :D)
I expected them to be disallowed, but it's always good to hear it right from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Unfortunately, most companies take this stance even with chat filter technology.
I appreciate the direct feedback :)
One thing I want to say is that we are gamers and we certainly understand an occasional "slip of the tongue." I really don't think that a slip like the one you mentioned would be reported, and if it were reported, I rather doubt that an agent would take action. One word, not aggressively stated? I think we'd be watchful for repeats, but not react directly and immediately on that single word use.
After all, we're trying for reasonable and fair, in addition to pleasant for everyone. :D