
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

29 Jan


We’re aware that some players are stuck on the Duels rewards screen after a Heroic run. We’ve identified both the cause of the issue and a solution to the problem, which will be included in our next major patch (22.4). We’ve also identified a workaround that can be used to circumvent the issue in the meantime:

  • Log into Hearthstone on a mobile device.
  • Navigate to the Duels mode.
  • Tap on the part of the screen where the button to collect rewards would normally be if it weren’t missing (the handle of the Duels wins lockbox). This will allow you to collect your rewards and start a new run.

To avoid this issue going forward, do not close your Hearthstone client during the last game of a Heroic Duels run. Either use the in-game concede function or allow the game to reach its conclusion, and then collect your rewards for that run, before closing the Hearthstone client.

28 Jan


It just started rolling out when the post was updated (a few minutes ago). It can take a few hours to finish rolling out to all regions.

27 Jan


Seeing several people here reporting that dust refunds are not working. Thanks for the reports; that was already added to the list of known issues earlier today. As noted in the main post, the team is working to get a hotfix out to restart the dust refund period.


I don’t think you’re describing a bug. That sounds like the change to Ysera that was noted in the patch notes:

" Ysera

  • Bob’s Tavern no longer counts as being Refreshed at the start of turn if no new minions are added."

25 Jan


Hello all, follow this post for information and updates about Known Issues with the 22.2 patch.

  • If Google Play users cannot see the update when it becomes available on other mobile devices (expected to be around 1 p.m. PT today), we recommend the same workaround as with the prior updates that did not immediately appear on Google Play: open your profile icon in the top right → open “Manage apps & device” → select “Updates available” → select “Update All.” That should cause the update to appear on your devices once available.
  • Players who have not yet updated to the 22.2 Patch will not be able to see this week’s new Tavern Brawl until after they update to Patch 22.2.
  • As ...
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22 Jan


This afternoon, some players received a notification that they received a Card Back that they already had.

That notification was from us sending players the Winter Veil Treat Card Back if they met the conditions mentioned in the Winter Veil blog, but didn’t receive the Card Back at the time.

After we sent the Card Back, we discovered that there is a bug in our Card Back notification code where instead of showing the Card Back that was granted, the notification showed the player’s favorited Card Back. We’ll be looking into that and fixing that bug in a later update.

Another issue we noticed during this process is that instead of sending the Winter Veil Tr...

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19 Jan


Hey all,

We’re working to fix a few ongoing issues right now that we wanted to give you all more information about.

Last night (Pacific time), we started a heal-up that awarded many players some Arcane Dust (starting in the Americas region). That Dust was to compensate those players for a bug that allowed those players to get extra copies of uncraftable Golden cards from various sources, like monthly awards, Arena awards, and some products (but not Packs).

Those uncraftable Golden cards included cards from the Rewards Track and the Battle for Alterac Valley event. The heal-up was supposed to delete the extra copies of those uncraftable cards and award the affected players with Dust equal to the value of those cards. That’s why different players got different amounts of Dust—it depended on how many of those extra copies you had, and what rarities they were.

Unfortunately, as some of you have noticed, there were some issues with the heal-up. One issue was t...

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15 Jan


Yes, that should be fixed in this patch.

14 Jan


There will be both bug fixes and balance changes in the upcoming patch. Full patch notes will be posted on the 20th with more details.


Battlegrounds Reveals Next Week, and Duels!

The next major Hearthstone patch includes a HUGE, free Battlegrounds update! To celebrate, we’re kicking off our first ever Battlegrounds reveal week. Join our Hearthstone creators next week, starting on January 18, as they unveil an all-new mechanic and tons of new content that will change the game for every single Hero!

January 18

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04 Jan


I was actually just coming here to update. That bug will be fixed in the next major update (Patch 22.2). The date of that patch has not yet been announced–it’s soon, but not right around the corner like some people think. There will be some stuff leading up to it, so you will see it coming.

24 Dec


Yes, that was done in the 12/10 patch.

21 Dec


It was on the 21.8 Known Issues post, along with a workaround. We don’t repeat known issues that have already been documented in prior Known Issues posts.

13 Dec


The first one is not a bug–Trogg’s effect triggers after a spell, so it is specifically intended that it is killable by a spell.

The second one probably needs some more information or reports.

09 Dec


Yes, we are looking into your report that the product showed the wrong product description.

08 Dec


These are two different but related products with two different product descriptions.


To be clear, this is referring to in the Fighting Pit, when you hit the various benchmark ratings (1000, 2000, 3000, et.) and receive some rewards for getting to that benchmark. If you think you hit those benchmarks and didn’t get those rating rewards, then I suggest you make a new thread reporting that bug and someone will look into it.

06 Dec


Which language shop did you get this in?


In Mercenaries you earn the season rewards as you go, not all at once at the end of the season.

02 Dec


Thanks, the team is aware and looking into it.