
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

18 Nov


Hey, thanks for the report. The team is looking into it now.


Hey all, we wanted to let you know about some of the issues we’re tracking in 21.8:

  • We rolled out a hotfix today for players who disconnected on the “Choose a Faction” screen and were, as a result, were unable to choose a faction.
  • Cram Session shows the correct Spell Damage modifier, but then does not draw the correct amount of cards with some Spell Damage modifiers (such as Talented Arcanist). The fix for this bug has been entered into a future patch.
  • The Vanndar Hero Skin (from the Fractured in Alterac Valley pre-purchase) and Steel Guardian Malfurion (the new mecha-themed skin) are using the wrong hero power animations. The fix for these has been added into a future patch.
  • We have run a heal-up for players who were not fully fixed when the Vol’jin Mercenaries tasks were corrected last patch.
  • The Search function when building a deck using the Wild card pool on mobile can become locked into only showing all Wild cards, and not allowi...
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17 Nov


We have started rolling out a fix for the small percentage of players who were not properly fixed in the original Vol’jin fix.

11 Nov



Can you provide some more details? What was the board state before encountering the issue? What was the order of cards played before encountering the issue? Were you on mobile or desktop?

Happy Gaming



Can you provide some more details? What was the board state before encountering the issue? What was the order of cards played before encountering the issue? Were you on mobile or desktop?

Happy Gaming


It looks like a subsection of the people who were fixed during last week’s Vol’jin fix ran into another issue following the fix. The team is looking into it now.


Yes, that is intended. The normal rule is that cards lose enchantments when they go back into the deck. The Tradeable keyword is the exception to that normal rule, but the exception is when trading, not just any time the card gets thrown back.

09 Nov


Hello all,

We will be making some card changes in a patch going out early next week that we wanted to let you know about, to give players time to prepare for Masters Tour: Undercity, taking place from November 19-21. These are the cards that will be changing:

Razormane Battleguard

  • Old: 2 Attack, 3 Health New: 2 Attack, 2 Health

Arcanist Dawngrasp (Mage Questline final reward)

  • Old: Battlecry: For the rest of the game, you have Spell Damage +3. New: For the rest of the game, you have Spell Damage +2.


  • Old: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. Shuffle 3 Bleeds into your deck that deal 2 more when drawn. New: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. Shuffle 2 Bleeds into your deck that deal 2 more when drawn.


  • Old: [Costs 2] New: [Costs 1]...
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06 Nov



Are you able to log in on a PC or Mac and try deleting the decks?

Happy Gaming



Can you give provide some more details? What OS or device are you on when encountering this?

Happy Gaming



Can you give provide some more details? Which mercenaries were in your party and what ability were used to get the deathblow?

Happy Gaming

05 Nov



Can you provide some more details, what OS or device were you on and which mode were you playing in?

Happy Gaming



Can you give us some more context? How did you get Sylvanas skin and which skins are you missing?

Happy Gaming


Thank you Cece. I’ll have our team look at it.

Happy gaming



Can you give any more context of which cards were played or screenshots?

Happy Gaming

03 Nov


The hotfix is still rolling out. The fix will be live once the hotfix is live in your region.


Just updated the post to confirm: Vol’jin has been temporarily blocked from visiting the Village while the team investigates what was preventing his tasks from being completed and works on a solution.

02 Nov



If you are having issues with your Duels session and not able to end or start a new run, please head over to our support page and get in touch with our support group to see if they can be of assistance.


Happy Gaming


Hey, sorry about that. This is an extremely rare issue, but the team is aware of it and looking into individually fixing each account that was affected by it.


Meant “Devouring Attack”–will update now.