
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

20 Jan


Hello everyone,

Yesterday, we disabled Heroic Duels to prevent malicious users from using third party software to break deckbuilding restrictions. This is a violation of our Terms of Service, and the offending accounts have been banned.

We are currently testing a fix to close the vulnerability as soon as possible. Once confirmed, this will be added in a server-side hotfix and the Heroic Duels queue will be reenabled.

Additionally, players who had lost Heroic Duels games to illegal decks will receive 10 Tavern Tickets–these will be granted to impacted player accounts at a later date.

Thank you for your patience.

Edit: Tavern Ticket grants to affected players have now been distributed.

Edit 2: It looks like we missed one category of cheaters, so we’re opening this back up to finish the job.

18 Jan


Patch 28.4 is now live, bringing with it the Delve Into Deepholm Mini-Set, with new dual-class cards, more Excavate Treasures, old friends, and more!

Follow this post for more information about known issues that we’re tracking in this patch, including the following:

  • [Resolved Jan 19 - Hearthstone] Velarok Windblade was unintentionally reverted to its prior transformation requirement (3 cards from another class).
  • [Resolved Jan 19 - Hearthstone] We’ve temporarily banned Jotun the Eternal due to a bug with its effect. It will be unbanned once we’ve resolved the issue.
  • [Resolved Jan 29 - Hearthstone] Lightshow was unintentionally changed.
  • [Resolved Feb 1 - Hearthstone] Tickatus’s effect isn’t working as intended.
  • [Hearthstone] Raid Boss Onyxia continues to deny that Starlight Whelp is a whelp.
  • [Resolved Feb 2 - Duels] We’re temporarily tur...
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17 Jan

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Patch 28.4, launching tomorrow, digs up the new Mini-Set, Delve into Deepholm, plus updates to Arena and Twist, and a new seasonal event!

Delve into Deepholm

The Bloodrock Mining Co. dug deeper and deeper until they found something amazing: a whole new world beneath the surface! Teeming with elemental energy, this new land brings dual-class cards, new Excavated Treasures, new singleton payoffs, and more!

The Delve into Deepholm Mini-Set has 38 all-new cards. Get them in Showdown in the Badlands packs or as a complete 72-card* Mini-Set. Get the norm...

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Bacon was the codename for Battlegrounds during initial development.

15 Jan


Originally posted by SoAndSo_TheUglyOne

Looks like it's all the same Vowels that are in Leokk, Huffer, and Misha, just shifted around lol.

ive been found out

14 Jan


Love to see it, ive been playing a similar list in Legend

Btw grats on Legend :)

11 Jan

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Our noble outlaws tried to warn them, but the Bloodrock Mining Co. dug too deep and unearthed a portal to Deepholm in the Elemental Plane. As Therazane fights for her domain, new friends and unlikely allies fight for their lives! Get ready to dig in, this is the Delve into Deepholm!

Delve into Deepholm, launching on January 18, consists of 38 new cards: 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 17 Rare cards, and 16 Common cards. Those cards can either be opened in Showdown in the Badlands packs or purchased as a complete 72-card set.* Normal versions of the Mini-Set can be purchased for $14.99 or 2000 Gold. The all-Golden version of the Mini-Set can be purchased for $69.99 or 10,000 Gold. The Golden Mini-Set o...

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10 Jan

09 Jan

08 Jan

04 Jan

As we think about the future of Hearthstone and where the team can best focus their efforts, we’ve made the difficult decision to discontinue support for the Duels Mode. We do not have plans for any further scheduled updates for Duels, and the Mode itself is scheduled to be removed from the Hearthstone client in April 2024.

This change will allow us to shift our resources to where we feel they will have the most impact, including Traditional Hearthstone, Battlegrounds, and more. To that end, Battlegrounds Duos is scheduled for an upcoming Battlegrounds patch, and we’re trying out some Duels Treasures in our next Arena season—more details soon.

We want to thank all our passionate Duels fans for every pile of loot, treasure, and hard-fought victory you’ve collected along the way. It’s been a heroic run, and we couldn’t have done it without you.


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