Hyper Scape

Hyper Scape Dev Tracker

04 Sep


Originally posted by CertifiedDxD

Are you guys planning to kbm access to console? And I would like yo see a ranked feature added where there are tiers on the ranks and there are seasonal awards such as skins and bitcrowns so people have a reason to play ranked... and it would help thr casual side of the game a lot because I know a lot of people who quit the game because it was too hard so adding a ranked feature will give those players a more enjoyable experience

"Currently, we have no plans to support Mouse and Keyboard on Console." - Graeme


Originally posted by N4rCyx

When is duos coming? And will you add some new game modes like tdm, capture the flag ecc.? Will there be permanent game modes (like solo and squads)?

"Duos are coming in Season 2 and we're looking at other game modes now." - Graeme


Originally posted by Believer2312

Do you guys plan on doing any physical merch or collectible releases? I'm super into that stuff and this game seems ripe for that kind of stuff! Also, thank you guys for making an awesome game.

"Yes we currently have some Hyper Scape merch available on the Ubi Store with more planned for the future." - Eric Pope


Originally posted by Asssssssssface

Any news on floor is lava?

"Sounds like a great idea! I'd totally play that mode." - Graeme


Originally posted by HyperScape_Devs

//Prisma Dimensions Anti-Leak Has Removed This Message

"You can be assured the Hyper Scape and B-Link are perfectly safe and we are actively investigating the false reports being spread in media like this about viruses affecting our technology." - Dr. Ivy Tan

"Answers will come at the end of the season!" - JC


Originally posted by SoullessCentaur

I've noticed that the red things, those viruses are spreading throughout Neo Arcadia. Any information on what those may be? Are they an upcoming feature, or... An error within the Hyper Scape?!

//Prisma Dimensions Anti-Leak Has Removed This Message

"You can be assured the Hyper Scape and B-Link are perfectly safe and we are actively investigating the false reports being spread in media like this about viruses affecting our technology." - Dr. Ivy Tan


Originally posted by Flamingofuzz

Will there be changes to the map consistently?

"Yes we plan to change the map consistently across seasons, but with the first big change coming with Season 2." - JC


Originally posted by reddit_scrapping

Hello guys,

Love the game , surprisingly this new patch giving us APAC people good lobbies.

I wanted to ask few questions !
1. Can we have actual ping/loss information while playing ?

  1. Is there any chance we get zone disappear mechanism based on player count instead of time in later stage , late night games become witch hunt where we have to hunt 1 guys/1 squad in almost 30% of whole map.

  2. Is it possible to get rid of kill confirmed skull indicator after killing an enemy , it almost blocks off the center of the screen (crosshair area) , it was/is super annoying while playing faction war/squad games

Thanks in advance

"Yes we are looking into adding Ping information in the game, we agree this is important feedback for our players to have while they play. Also we're happy to say the skull indicator will be moved down out of the crosshair area in Season 2." - Thomas


Originally posted by leosayfi

There will be crossplay in hyper scape?

"Yes. Crossplay is being worked on and will release this year." - Graeme


Originally posted by Komacameron

Can you share any plans on future content because in the games current state there's not much to do besides level up the battle pass. Keep up the great work!

"Player Ranking is coming in Season 2 and should give you new incentives to play and perform while in matches, more news coming on that soon." - Thomas


Originally posted by mr3LiON

It’s hard to ignore that Unreal Tournament and Quake 3: Arena influenced the game design a lot. High velocity and vertical dynamic make this game unique. In this regard, I have the question:

Don’t you guys think that we need a mode in which players will have more than one life? A player respawns and gets back to action multiple (limited or not) times just like in UT and Q3. This will enrich the early stages of each match and will make finales truly spectacular. While it's true that Arena Shooter genre is as extinct as dinosaurs, do you think it's possible to see the next step of evolution of these ideas in Hyper Scape. I mean, HS is not a common Battle Royale. How do you plan to skew this impression even more for us?

"Yes absolutely agreed we need and want a mode with more than one life. In fact we're already working on this (not in S2)." - Thomas


Originally posted by FreezingPyro36

What are your guy's favorite guns?

Graeme = Mammoth

JC = Protocol V

Thomas = Atrax


Originally posted by joelecamtar

Alright, I hate having to post that question but here it is :

It's no secret that the player/viewer count is not meeting your expectations and I'm pretty sure having such a small playerbase is not sustainable for a game as a service in the long term.

What are your interpretations on why the playerbase is very low right now, and what is your strategy to bring in new players, and keep them from playing the game.

As a 15+ years player of FPS, this game is just amazing mechanically and gunplay wise, but I'm not sure newcomers have that much experience and are willing to learn this in a BR format, which is very punitive for them because of the high skill gap and quite long lobby wait times. Apex and Fortnite are not that punitive since half the game is spent looting and gearing up, which probably feels more like a survival and keeps beginners in the game, just because of that survival aspect.

PS: I dont feel safe asking questions to Bane...

Read more

"We feel that the game can be too hard to pick up and punishing for new players, and we also know the gameplay is very different from what people are used to and takes time to adapt to it. This creates friction for new players coming in but as we've always said we are committed to improving the game progressively for all our players and want to ensure they all feel at home in Hyper Scape." - JC


Originally posted by Jjeffx

Any news on: Autorun & rebidding controller buttons

"Auto-run will arrive at the beginning of Season 2, which starts early October. We are looking into a permanent solution for controller rebinding, but in the meantime we'd like to know if there are any specific layout presets you would like to see added in the short term, we'd like to hear your ideas!" - Thomas


Originally posted by illustriousFox

Can we have Faction War as a permenant mode?

"We like the idea of having it remain permanently and we are considering it. But, we need to balance the number of modes available at a given time to properly manage the server population. If we made it permanent right now, we'd need to remove something else, like Solo Crown Rush for example." - Thomas


Originally posted by Dernima11

Hey guys, when can we expect another mode like faction war with large squads? Thank you!

"Faction War will return in Season 2 with some improvements based on the feedback we've received from you all these past few weeks. We're exploring additional modes with large squad sizes for the future as well." - JC


Originally posted by ZIPPLAYZ

FOV Slider For Console Soon?

"We know FOV slider is a big ask from a lot of our console players. We've started working on it, but as changing FOV on console can have a large impact on performance, we're evaluating what extra work we need to do and when we release it. Note, it's a top priority for the team." - Graeme