
Icarus Dev Tracker

10 Jan

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Week 162.

This week we go over a multiplayer weapon fix that has now been tested, and the performance improvements that come along with it.

We also feature the new Coconut Seeds, which will drop from wild coconuts and can be planted to grow your own crop back at your base. These can also be brought down from the Orbital Workshop.

We’ve also got a look ahead at what to expect next week.

Jump in and have a read.

This Week: Weapon Fix & Performance Improvement
As mentioned previously we have had an experimental build up over the holiday period testing a fix for players connecting to a multiplayer game and being unable to fire weapons in some circumstances, particularly in older prospects.

Guns, bows and crossbows were unable to be fired by players in older prospects unless they were the server... Read more

02 Jan

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Week 161.

This week, we’re adding the new Platinum Shield, a Tier 4 option with a large blocking radius and unique design.

We’ve also got a sneak peek at next week's update and some new recipes coming with it.

Hop in and have a read.

Originally posted by author: Known Issue - Clients Unable to Fire Weapons We have discovered an issue to do with ranged weapons not firing for clients when players are connecting to a friend who is hosting or a dedicated server. This only seems to be occurring on older prospects with existing weapons, crafting new weapons works until you rejoin the session. As we cannot completely test this as it is during out holiday period we have set up a build on the Experimental Branch with a potential fix.

Warning this is not fully tested and will includes some content which will be released in future weeks.

... Read more

26 Dec

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Happy New Year gamers!

This week, we converted more of the Olympus missions over to operations so they can be played in Open World.

This continues the Olympus Operations project, with more applicable missions converted over.

Hop in and have a read.

Originally posted by author: Known Issue - Clients Unable to Fire Weapons We have discovered an issue to do with ranged weapons not firing for clients when players are connecting to a friend who is hosting or a dedicated server. This only seems to be occurring on older prospects with existing weapons, crafting new weapons works until you rejoin the session. As we cannot completely test this as it is during out holiday period we have set up a build on the Experimental Branch with a potential fix.

Warning this is not fully tested and will includes some content which will be released in future weeks.

... Read more

19 Dec

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jake Dodunski: Holiday Period As it is the holiday period, our next few updates may seem smaller than usual and missing the usual bug fixes. This is due to most of our staff being on holiday, but don’t worry; we still have weekly patches planned that will continue through this period. Their changelogs will just be a bit shorter than usual.
This week, we’re introducing the new ‘C0NT4CT Radio’, which allows you to launch SMPL3 missions and Operations remotely. This should be a large QoL improvement, removing the need to trek back to base between different steps on narrative quest lines.

We also have a small preview of the next batch of Olympus operations, which are planned to be released next week.

Originally posted by author: Known Issue - Clients Unable to Fire Weapons We have discovered an issue to do with ranged weapons n...
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12 Dec

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
This week we are introducing a new Tier 4 pistol with an 8-round magazine to complete the basic sidearm set. This is also modifiable at the alterations bench, making it competitive with the Orbital Workshop pistol that, up until now, has been head and shoulders above the rest.

We also look at next week's patch, the C0NT4CT Radio, which will allow missions to be accepted and kicked off on the go.

Notable Improvements:
  • Increase all Mount swim speed while sprinting by 25%, this means when you sprint while swimming on a mount it moves faster through the water while using stamina.
  • Add 'Show Only My Damage Numbers' setting to Gameplay options, disabled by default, so players can hide damage numbers from other players
  • Removing '.' from between acroymns on for item names, adjust account flag text to also reflect this change
  • Quest classes are now blocking loaded instead of async loaded to reduce instance...
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06 Dec

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to week 157.

This week, we are introducing a new juvenile variant of the Wooly Zebra that can be raised and nurtured into a new mount with Arctic specialties.

We also add some improvements to the AI in Icarus perception so they will be far less likely to detect players in various situations.

We’ve also got some news on next week's update, with even more firearms coming to your armory.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Fixed the Biofuel Powered Drills and Extractors not turning themselves back on after reloading a prospect
  • Fixed a PhysX-related building replication crash that was occurring on larger prospects when join multiplayer games
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when supply pods take off if they are near buildings or deployables
  • Shifting Mission in Layout and Starting Position so that when you open the mission screen you are presented with t...
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28 Nov

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
This week, we’re celebrating Icarus' third anniversary.

Now a toddler, Icarus has grown a lot over the last 156 weeks. We thought we’d do a quick look back and then celebrate with some cake and a full-day livestream and a bunch of giveaways.

Hop in, have a read, and then get baking.

Originally posted by Jake Dondunski, Project Lead: Thank you for all of your support over the last few years as we have endeavored to shape Icarus into the game we know it can be. A truly immersive survival game. We want to keep working on it, making it better, fixing bugs, improving performance and adding new content. As long as people are playing we will keep developing.

Leave a review to show your support, it really helps us out.

Jake Dodunski - Project Lead
Notable Improvements:
  • Improved Weather Culling inside buildings after improvements from a few w...
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22 Nov

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Week 155.

This week is all things firepower as we add the first automatic weapon to Icarus, the Light Automatic Carbine.

This packs a punch with a 20-round magazine, using small caliber (pistol) ammo.

We’ve also got some details about our 3-year anniversary celebrations next week and how you can share some virtual cake with us.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Allow basic fertilizer to be crafted on the chemistry bench
  • Updated Ashlands sidequests so the NPCs and Trucks will attempt to spawn on reload if they've accidentally been removed as part of the quest cleanup steps
  • Doubled the range at which chickens look for a nearby coop to automatically place eggs after laying (from 10m -> 20m)
  • Removed Ice Mammoth Great Hunt Arena Entrance from Prometheus (Congrats to those who found it)
... Read more

15 Nov

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
`Welcome to Week 154.

Cows, Milk, and Dairy products have arrived on Icarus, opening up new recipes and farming systems to use.

With new animals also come new trophies that can be crafted and placed in your base.

Lastly, we’ve got a preview of a new weapon type that is coming to Icarus next week.

Originally posted by Exctoris: If you are using an NVIDA GPU and have updated your drivers recently to NVIDIA Driver 565.90 or newer you may be experiencing more frequent crashes with Icarus and other games. We have contacted NVIDIA and let them know. In the meantime we suggest reverting to 561.09.

Notable Improvements:
  • Deep Wood Veins will now appear in the Null Sector Zones in Prometheus. This fixes an issue last week where they would not appear...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

08 Nov


ICARUS FREE Weekend! So grab some friends and jump into the game!

Double XP Event This will last the duration of the free weekend!

50% Base Game Sale & Special Discounted Bundle The Icarus Game is on sale at 50% off and we have put together a special bundle including all our current expansions and decorations at a discounted price!


... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

07 Nov

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Originally posted by author: FREE WEEKEND & DOUBLE XP NOW ON For this weekend the base game of Icarus is available to play for free! All with a Double XP event for everyone. The Double XP Event will run until Monday NZ Time. We have also included a special bundle for this weekend so if people are enjoying the game you can get the game and its expansions with a big discount.

Welcome to Week 153.

This ... Read more

01 Nov

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Week 152.

This week, we’re completing the Tier 3 tech tree project of having a T3 upgrade for every available T2 bench, with the addition of the Windmill.

This sits between the Tier 2 Mortar & Pestle and the Tier 4 Material Processor.

We’ve also got some hot news on next week’s new item and what it means for some upcoming additions in the weapon and creature categories.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements
  • Added missing meshes for the remaining canteens and oxygen tanks, so all versions are now held in hand correctly
  • Fixed Shadows in the final Nullsector cave as there was some strange ‘artefacting’ going on
  • Bats no longer collide with players and other NPCs. Improved targeting behavior of bats means they should miss the player less often when attacking. Increased chance for bats to break out of their idle flight loop to attack nearby target
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

26 Oct

Contains the Following Fixes:
  • Fixed snap actors not loading on SMPL3 quests and Styx expeditions, this prevented deployments of radars and some other quest objects not allowing the missions to progress.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

25 Oct

    Shamm on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome to Week 151.

This week, we’re giving Reinforced Wood a makeover and a new name - Beeswax Wood. This will have the same stats, but a new look and design.

We’ve also added static boss health bars, something we discussed a while back and was important in preparation for some exciting, upcoming content.

Jump in and have a read.

Notable Improvements:
  • Fixed a timeout issue when hosting prospects if the loading took over 60 seconds
  • Fixed an issue that was causing long loading times due to array copying. This was causing unnaturally long load times when hosting or joining games
  • Removed the 180s session timeout that sends players back to the main menu if they took too long to load (was possible to see this on hosts / singleplayer)
  • Fixed a bug where the shield would block poison/miasma damage. Shield now specifically only blocks 'melee' and 'projectile' damage
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.