Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

02 May


Our first patch to Beta is live! To update on Standalone, close the game and run the Launcher. For Steam, you may have to close Steam (by right clicking on the taskbar and selecting “exit steam”) before the update is visible.


  • Approximately doubled arena scaling speed. The goal is that you will die, rather than just log out.


  • Bone Golem
    • Bone Growth node grants +7 health per point (up from 5) and requires 3 points in Amalgam of Mages (up from 2)
    • Amalgam of Rogues now grants melee attack speed and movement speed per point, but only 7% of each (from 8% melee attack speed) and has a max of 5 points (up from 4).
    • Twinned Golems’ health modifier is now 35% less (from 45% less) and it requires 4 points in Amalgam of Rogues.
    • Unnatural Speed now grants 4% increased movement speed per point (from from 10%) and also grants 4% increased movement speed to all nearby minions. Has a max of 4 points (do...
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29 Apr


The wait is almost over! Beta will be live at 2019-04-30T16:00:00Z. The website and login will be down for up to an hour beforehand.

Here are the patch notes!


  • Implemented a new prologue chapter to better introduce the player to the game world.
    • Set in the Divine Era
    • 7 short zones with NPCs and quests
    • Includes basic tutorials and new story details
  • Added the rest of Chapter 3
  • Added Chapter 4
  • Added a crafting tutorial quest to the Outcast Camp.
  • Added a quest to introduce the player to the Monolith and Arena.
  • Moved the entrance to The Smelting Halls to near the end of the Armoury. This should improve navigation of the area.
  • Polished the events in the Lower District.
  • Increased the xp requirements for skill and character levels to better suit the amount of content in the Beta.

The Monolith of Fat...

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