Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

09 Aug



  • Added an augment tree for Avalanche.
  • Added an augment tree for Rive.
  • Added an augment tree for Reaper Form.
  • Added an augment tree for Shatter Strike.
  • Added an augment tree for Shield Throw.
  • Added an augment tree for Transplant.
  • Added an augment tree for Werebear Form.
  • Thorn Burst is now Ice Thorns
    • Deals cold damage instead of physical
    • Fires less projectiles, but heat seeks towards enemies
    • Re-worked much of the augment tree.
  • Added a new Primalist skill, Tempest Strike, which is a short range melee attack that has a 20% chance to trigger lightning bolts, northern winds, and earth spikes.
  • Removed Summon Vale Spirit. It will be reworked into other skills/passives in the future.
  • Adjusted minion scaling and defences
    • Minions now have half as much health as before, but take half as much damage from all sources. This will make the eff...
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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

'fraid not - while they’re coming, they won’t be in 0.7.2.

The Acolyte be a harvester of bones, mon.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re 12 hours away from Patch 0.7.2 being released - what better way to celebrate, than with 12 screenshots? These images were chosen to provide a variety of different landscapes and zoom levels. We’re super excited to share Patch 0.7.2 and the patch notes with you tomorrow!
1 / 12

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08 Aug

27 Jul

25 Jul

19 Jun



  • Added a small wave fight to the Soul Warden’s Road.

User Interface

  • Further tweaked the item tooltip UI.
  • Changed the 2d art for Turquoise rings.


  • Increased the damage of Possess (the ailment inflicted by Hungering Souls and Skeleton Mages’ default spell) by 14%.


  • Improved the blending between attack animations for the Sentinel.
  • Improved the Acolyte’s posture in animations to appear more natural.


  • Improved the performance of grass shadows.
  • Improved the performance of screen space reflections.
  • Fixed time travel effects being loaded even if you haven’t time traveled, which consumed some resources.


  • Rare Highland Bears now use a roar that grants Frenzy to nearby al...
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14 Jun

13 Jun

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Last Epoch entered the beta stage of development at the end of April, and this was marked by the huge update Patch 0.7. Our upcoming release, ...

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07 Jun

05 Jun

17 May



  • Improved fading behavior for individual messages and when the chat loses focus.
  • The chat window now fades away when you click outside of it.
  • Replaced the “Press enter to open…” text with a small chat button
  • Fixed input being blocked by the chat window when it is closed.
  • Fixed some visual issues of the chat window ui.
  • Fixed a minor performance issue with automatic scrolling.


  • Added a new higher tier of mage armour models
  • Updated on-ground item glow effects


  • Added a node to the wandering spirits tree that causes wandering spirits to be revealed around the target location rather than around you
  • Updated the portraits for Bone Golem variants


  • Void mauls and The Effigy of Oblivion no longer spawn in the arena as some of their skill effects would clip with the ground and become difficult to see.
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15 May



  • Increased base player movement speed by 5%.
    • Note that this change is multiplicative with sources of Increased Movement Speed.
  • When you are stunned, you now become immune to stuns for 1 second after the stun ends.
  • You no longer have to attack the door in the Welryn College.
  • Capped the max respec cost per point at 5000 gold temporarily so that people don’t get left with impossible to respec characters.


  • Teleport
    • Flat ward node grants 8 ward per point (down from 10).
    • The intelligence scaling ward node requires 4 points in the flat ward node (up from 3).
    • The health to ward node now converts 4% of current health per point (down from 10%).


  • Glancing Blow affix changes
    • "Glancing Blow and Armour" can no longer spawn on amulets or relics.
    • "Glancing Blow and Armour" can now have up to 15% glancing...
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13 May

08 May



  • Dying in the Arena now ends a Hardcore character and removes the Deathless tag, as it does on the outside.
  • The start next wave panel now has an option for leaving the arena and claiming rewards.
  • Selecting this option takes you to a small zone containing a reward chest and a portal back to The End of Time.
  • If you die in the Arena instead of choosing to exit then you cannot claim these rewards.
  • Made Arena Key drops more consistent
    • Can no longer drop from the arena chest with less than 5 timelines conquered
    • Guaranteed drop when timelines conquered is a multiple of 5
    • 5% drop chance when timelines conquered is greater than 5, but not a multiple of 5


  • Increased the density of enemies in the monolith (by around 15%, varying from zone to zone)


  • Fixed an issue with the outline system (glowing effect around enemies and all...
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02 May