Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

28 Mar

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  • Greatly improved the performance of the terrain system by rewriting shaders, achieving a gain of at least 10 FPS for most zones in our testing.
    • This testing was done on Windows 10 with a Ryzen 5 1600 and RX 480 8GB. The game was ran at 1080p borderless window and Medium quality settings.
  • Greatly improved garbage collection, which is a major source of frame rate stutter. Garbage collection is when unneeded data is cleared from memory. This is now required less often, and the process itself has less performance impact.
  • You can now limit the game’s framerate to a value you specify to reduce how many resources the game takes, particularly when streaming.
  • The framerate of the game can now be limited while it’s in the background (tabbing out).
  • Load times have been improved, particularly in zones with many NPCs.
  • Death visuals for enemies are now pooled. This improves frame...
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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

PATCH 0.7.7778×105 76.8 KB

Patch 0.7.7 Is Now Available!

Patch 0.7.7 is now available for Windows and macOS! Due to a technical issue, we are still working on making this update available for Linux. We anticipate this happening next month.


Table of Contents
1. ...
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24 Mar

04 Mar

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Patch 0.7.7 we’re replacing the portal used to return to town!

The town portal in Patch 0.7.6c.

Sam from the Art Team has created a new portal which includes a visual effect for the portal opening, particles being pulled inside, and a new slimmer and more vibrant design.

Want more Last Epoch news? Make sure to pay us a visit tomorrow!

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Patch 0.7.7 we will be implementing graphical improvements for many zones. Additionally, we will also be introducing new ambient sounds to help the world of Eterra feel more alive!


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03 Mar

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are currently performing a pass over zones in Last Epoch to improve their lighting, replace some lower quality assets, and address some feedback that Chapter 1 feels a bit too ‘idyllic’.

Below we’ve gathered a dozen screenshots; half taken in Patch 0.7.6c, and the other half taken in an internal build which has some of the changes that Patch 0.7.7 will be bringing.

Before After
1 A.png1278×720 1.49 MB
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03 Feb



  • Made generic idol affixes much rarer on class specific idols. Having generic affixes is important so players don’t get unlucky and have no idols that benefit them, but they were too common compared to class specific affixes.
  • Rebalanced many idol affixes
    • Many class specific affixes have been buffed.
    • Class specific leech affixes have been nerfed.
    • Less damage taken affixes have been nerfed (and no longer actually granted reduced damage taken).
    • Generic health and protection suffixes have been nerfed.
  • Fixed an oversight where shared damage affixes (e.g. increased lightning damage + increased minion lightning damage) did not roll on class specific idols.
  • Fixed an oversight where Adorned Immortal Idols could have a ward retention prefix and a ward retention suffix.
  • Fixed the descriptions of a lot of idol affixes (including cases of “increased increased”).
  • Fixed cases where idol...
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02 Feb



  • Slightly reduced the drop rate of Idols.
  • Slightly improved performance in the Gates of Solarum.
  • Improved the performance of magic/rare enemies, especially those with Rampancy.
  • Improved the appearance of skill/passive node dropshadows.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where items that used to have old glancing blow affixes could get stuck in the crafting panel and prevent that character from being loaded. Characters affected by this bug can now be loaded.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some stash items to disappear when opening 0.7.6 for the first time. Unfortunately this won’t help players already affected.
  • Fixed a bug where animations would not play and class info would not update when creating the first character on a fresh install of the game.
  • Fixed a bug where minions could count towards your companion limit and prevent summoning additional companions. This was most noticeable with Wolves and...
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31 Jan

24 Dec




These changes are to compensate for the loss of a guaranteed stun on the Entangling Roots tree in 0.7.5, and make some balance adjustments.

  • Mana cost reduced to 55 (from 70).
  • Added damage effectiveness increased to 250% (from 200%).
  • Added a new node that adds a guaranteed stun and a cooldown.
  • Added a new node that increases stun duration and cooldown duration.
  • Small changes have also been made to the requirements of some nodes.

Erasing Strike

  • Added damage effectiveness increased to 200% (from 170%)
  • Strength scaling changed to 5% increased melee damage (from 4% increased melee damage).

Forge Strike

  • Characters with Forge Strike specialized will receive a free respec for its tree
  • Added a new node behind Put to the Sword that increases bleed effectiveness.
  • Forged by Fire can ...
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20 Dec



  • Optimized the visuals for Abyssal Echoes, Bone Slam (Bone Golem), Blood Splatter, Detonate Corpse, and Glacier.

Enemy Balance

  • Reduced the damage of Flame Paladins, Ice Weavers, Osprix Vanguards, and Rime Giants.
  • Increased the damage of Yrun.

Item System

  • You can now right click on the modifier or support item slot in the crafting window to empty it.
  • You can now swap out modifier and support items for a different type by right clicking.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Runes and Glyphs besides Rune of Removal and Glyph of Stability not appearing in the Crafting Items tab. The items themselves were not deleted, so you will have the correct amount of each type after updating to this patch.
  • Fixed being unable to view comparison info and other data for items on the ground using modifier keys (alt and ctrl).
  • Fixed Runes being deleted if they are in the crafti...
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19 Dec




  • Now unlocks at Shaman level 10 (down from 15).

Ice Thorns

  • Improved targeting on slopes.

Reaper Form

  • Damage that brings you out of Reaper Form now bleeds through to your regular health. If you have 500 max health, and 100 remaining health in Reaper Form, taking a 200 damage hit will leave you on 400 health, not 500).

Sigils of Hope

  • The Decree of Flame node can now have a maximum of 3 points allocated (down from 5). Characters with more than 3 points in this node will have the extra points respecced for free.


  • Increased the gold value of staves and catalysts.


  • Updated the appearance of bees summoned by the Keeper’s Gloves.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error with loading certain types of shards which prevented so...
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18 Dec