Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

09 Dec


Originally posted by Rain1058

In this vein, I don't see the original 1.2 stuff. Like the new endgame primal hunt, primordial uniques, or the ancient era story chapter.

Any update on those?

Those features will be coming in later Seasons, as we decided to prioritize the Woven Echoes system to better address endgame feedback than the Primal Hunt system. While I can't talk details about Primal Hunts, under their current design, they didn't add as much endgame depth as Woven Echoes do.


Originally posted by Aggravating-Dot132

April 2025. Oh well, 5 months to go.

And was hoping for shaman rework :(

The Sentinel rework started with the rework to Volatile Reversal. This skill was in a fairly unhealthy gamespace, as due to the power it provided it felt "mandatory" on pretty much every build. In addition to that, the mechanics of how the skill worked by moving the player back in time was generally an undesired side-effect of using the skill for its buffing power. So it was both a mandatory skill to use, and an unfun skill to use. Because of this, we've been planning and in the background working on Volatile Reversal for some time.

However, because Volatile Reversal offered so much global power, in reworking Volatile Reversal we needed to address the rest of the class to give power back where it was now missing. So we have also taken this opportunity to provide a bit more to Sentinel with these changes in skill nodes, many passive nodes, and some new interactions such as Forge Guard now being able to wield both a two-handed weapon, and a shield.

For Shaman specific...

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Originally posted by Slotega

I have enjoyed Last Epoch and got more than my money's worth, but... what is the point of roadmaps and dates if they constantly keep changing? Cycle 2 Dec.... then February. Now April? I appreciate the hard work and improvements, but it is hard to get excited about the future of LE when it is in flux so much and you never really know what content is coming.

What happened to the primal stuff? The next chapter? Is that all delayed now?

Back in our 1.2 timeline update post ( we talked about how we were changing our plans for Season 2 content (previously labeled "1.2") in order to directly address feedback, specifically regarding endgame.

We felt our previous plans for 1.2 would not be sufficient to satisfy the main topics of feedback, so we re-prioritized which features would come sooner in order to specifically targe...

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Originally posted by chinchenping

volatile zombies are limited to 6

well that's embarrassing as I'm probably the person who implemented that


Some minions have no limit at all, things like Volatile Zombies bees on Necromancer from idols have a limited lifespan so they have no summon limit at all.

Some minions have an individual limit, things like Skeleton Warriors have a limit for 3 to start but don't affect your summon count of other minions.

Most minions on Primalist are a special type called Companions. You can have a maximum total number of companions summoned at once. This limit can be increased or decreased through unique items and passive nodes. Companions also have an individual limit. For example, you can have multiple wolves at a time but only 1 bear and if you have a bear, you can have 1 fewer wolves at a time because they share "companion slots".

08 Dec


We aim to make it easy to get into. If you have any challenges in understanding the community is extremely helpful to new players and we’d love to hear your feedback. We’re continuing to iterate and improve on the new player experience.

Welcome to the community and game! - Judd (Mox) | Founder of EHG


The class mastery skill isn't required to make a successful build. Runemaster and falconer are the most linked to their mastery abilities. I would say most builds of those two masteries use their mastery ability. Most others are far less represented.


Timing is very important. I think quality content is more important. 1.2 isn't ready yet and releasing it now would be a mistake.

On a personal note, hyper casual dad mode Mike is really enjoying PoE2 so far.


Originally posted by AceWissle

What does that mean, do char names have to be realm-wide unique in PoE2?

I'm pretty sure they do


Originally posted by xDaveedx

I really hope you're one of the people who took all the good Avatar series-related names right away >:)

Nah, I don't tend to pick very popular names.

07 Dec


I was going to do it but I had the day booked off and didn't tell the people who work on it with me so nobody was prepared to do the stream.

And it was booked off to get some unrelated stuff done....but I did manage to get some PoE2 in. Hot level 5 on each class. I think I'm going to go forward with monk.

06 Dec


Hi Judd!

I love the wall of minions feeling. Being able to hide behind an army you've toiled to raise while spreading mayhem in front of them is just fun.

Being able to power up minions in creative and meaningful ways is also key. Unique item and skill interactions (which are already abundant in LE) make it even more enjoyable.

Last but not least. Minions that look cool and have variety is also key for the fantasy.


05 Dec


It is extremely bad luck. It is however, not unexpected to happen to someone. Here is a very quick video that explains it:


Originally posted by Abominati0n

“Just more convenient” <— that’s what I would call better. Players would no longer be confused and threads like these would not exist. I don’t see the concern with “scope creep”, you just give the player the ability to control this skill point logic…. How is that a bad thing?

Because it creates a secret layer of complexity in making a build. Now you make micro adjustments before entering any activity. As the number of activities increases (which it is about to), this burden of optional play becomes a tedious part of the process. Build guides also suffer from the added complexity of the node recommendations for each of those activities.

There are things to consider that might not be obvious. This requires us to save new information in a new format. Now the saving and loading process has to be adjusted. It makes adjustments to that more complex in the future too. The UI needs to be created for it, that UI needs localization done for it. The game guide needs updating to explain it.

Each department that touches the system has all of their other projects affected for time too. I know it seems like a super easy, obvious win but a lot goes into things like this that are very hidden. We have to weigh the value of it against all those dev hours.

... Read more

Originally posted by Abominati0n

A better solution in my opinion would be to have a setting where the player can select a specific node in each skill tree that will allow us to specify which points get respec’d first. Essentially that would allow us to select the exact skill points we want to have removed when changing gear. All points closest to the node specified by the player could be the highest priority to remove when reducing the player’s allocated skill points. This allows the player to determine the outcome and should simply be a matter of giving the player a drop down menu selection in each skill tree with all the node names as available options. It could just be labeled: “skills to respec first:” or something like that.

That's the same problem as with first-in-first-out just more convenient and with a side of scope creep.


Originally posted by mfdoombolt

Or, and just hear me out, make the red circle permanent until the points are reallocated.

My favourite answer that I've seen is to output to the chat window so you can reference which nodes if you close and open the panel.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

I'm pretty sure a dev once explained the logic behind how the game chooses then node as it's not random.

I think it's the node that's closest to the center where you can remove a point without breaking any related point thresholds.

Very close, it starts by disqualifying all nodes which removing a point would cause the tree to be illegal due to point requirements for nodes selected behind. Then it looks at the nodes with the most points allocated. Then it breaks the tie by looking at the order that the nodes sit in the hierarchy in the editor window. There is no way to know what this order is without looking at it in the editor so the tie break is arbitrary but consistent.


Originally posted by tadrinth

First-in-first-out sets up some very frustrating gameplay patterns of reallocating points pre and post boss fights. 

Y'all should put this in a loading screen tip.  Make it only show up if you've played X hours if need be.

I'm usually pretty good at guessing why things are like that, but this one went completely over my head.

I would also like to put it in the game guide too.


Originally posted by TK421didnothingwrong

I want to blow up minions. I want them to explode with great violence. I don't want to stop blowing up minions because I have no more minions. I want blowing up minions to also create more minions. I want to build a road to glory from the shattered corpses of my allies.