Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

31 Oct

28 Oct


Originally posted by bad3ip420

By engine upgrade, do you mean the graphical fidelity will be improved and item textures will reflect what they actually look like?

The thing that irks me the most is that I will get these cool looking gears but doesnt look like it once you equip it.

Those are 2 different things really but neither are completely changing in 1.2. The engine upgrade is a new version of unity that for example will, amung other things, let us leverage some more modern technologies like DLSS and FSR. This will eventually increase the graphical fidelity of the game for anyone using a video card that can use these (pretty common at this point).

As for the 3D models of unique body armour being representative of 2D artwork, we add new 3D unique models every patch but we can make new unique items faster than we make the models so it's a very slow battle. We are working on some new tech to make the process of skinning unique armour models to various character body types faster and better. Still a ways out though.


Originally posted by ilusm1337

For OP instance, only 5 mana is gain as ward?

If you are at 100 mana and then you use an ability and your mana goes down to 90, you have just spent 10 mana. The mana efficiency number has nothing to do with it.

Edit: I guess if you're trying to pre-calculate the amount, the mana efficiency value does mean you spend less mana than the mana cost on the tooltip says you will so it kinda affects it in a round about way.


Mana spent is the amount your mana went down when you spent mana.

Mana efficiency means that mana does more.

27 Oct


Originally posted by Reasonable-Public659

It’s so f**kin cool that y’all answer questions here

I'm not addicted to reddit I swear. I can stop whenever I want.




I’ll raise it up with the balance crew and see what they think!

26 Oct


Originally posted by Puppetii

Thanks for the answer! I was trying to find builds with sinergy to play with a friend. I didnt want to do that “support” kind of character and was trying to find just mechanics that compliment each other ^

And poison is good for that because the negative poison res debuff is shared


It's actually doing 500 instances of damage and doing individual math for each one. Each of your stacks might not all be the same and each of their stacks might not all be the same. It does track who applied each stack also because if you have an ailment reaping mechanic, it only can clear off the ones you applied so you can't grief your friends.


Originally posted by salohcinzero

Follow up question: what happens with dots like spreading flames that can only get 1 stack? Whose damage applies that? Or does it keep swapping to the latest application?

most recent application always wins

24 Oct


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Too bad then. Would've been cool to utilize the same skill in multiple ways, but if you're too commited to the current way it works there's not much you can do :/.

It's one of those things where if we had decided to do it 5 years ago it wouldn't have been too bad and we could have worked with it this whole time. However, it adds a significant layer of complexity to the system under the hood and we didn't have the capacity to support it at the time and it's too big to go back and change it now.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

I can't really follow. What do you mean with refactoring? Like coding it all to work properly in every case or what do you mean?

Yea, the underlying way all skills get their modifiers would have to be redone. Each ability has a mutator that controls how it is modified on the fly based on currently active buffs, effects, nodes, items or anything else. The way that underlying system works would have be remade and every mutator would have to be redone in the new style.


Originally posted by xDaveedx

100%, I'd love to use the same skill twice, one specced for clearing and the other for single target. I also don't see what could be broken or op about this. The only hurdle would probably be the coding side of things to make this work.

Yea, it will be cool but just to put it in perspective, refactoring the underlying way that all skills get their modifiers to this extent would take longer than adding a dozen new skills. And I'm saying that confidently because we've looked into this.


Originally posted by lzz30

Can you share your build, please?

It's 99% the same as the Maxroll harvest lich. Any deviations have probably made it worse.

22 Oct


Cool idea and you're definitely thinking in a similar-ish space to us!

End game variety and meta progression is somethign we're looking to add a lot to for 1.2 (Season 2 as we'll now be calling it). Stay tuned!


Originally posted by Dasterr

Black Hole

its so freaking cool, but dos f**k all

One day black hole will be great, but it is not this day.

21 Oct


Originally posted by StudentOfMind

So let me ask this since I'm still vaguely confused. PoE has league content, core game content updates and balance passes. Everything gets captured in a patch. League content is specific to the league, but core game content and balance passes impact both the league and standard play.

In that context, what would a "cycle" be considered and what would a "Season" be considered? Would "Patch" be retired?

"Cycle" is the game mode. When we use the term "Cycle", we're specifically referring to the fresh start environment.

"Season" is the event of releasing a major content addition to the game, as well as the duration for which that specific new content is the latest major content, before the next Major Content patch is released.

"Patch" is the set of file changes, or changelog being released to the game. In reference to a Season, this would be a Major Content Patch. In addition to Major Content Patches, there are also regular patches (the ones we release weekly following the start of a Season), and Hotfix patches.


Originally posted by TheGingr

Do we have any timeline for season 2 starting?

Season 2 is slated for Q1 2025


Originally posted by StudentOfMind

Why did you end up going with the term "Season" instead of "Cycle"? The game is about Time, I thought "Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4..." had a nice thematic ring to it, and would actually fit into the lore of the End of Time. I imagine because Season is more generic and easily identifiable?

Also, further feedback, it's not a big deal since the event was so short and it seems a lot of the modifiers are rolling into the base game somewhat, but please don't run temporary loot/drop buffs during seasons. If I wasn't able to play during Imperial Uprising, but wanted to play in 1.1.7 now (say I didnt hear about Imperial Uprising until it was too late, or i was busy IRL), it would feel really bad knowing that not only did I miss out on the buff, but that the entire economy has been impacted by those buffs. I'd already be behind as is from starting late, but it'd be even worse since I never got to fight those loyalist packs.

I propose to follow PoE and run these sort of temporar...

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Why did you end up going with the term "Season" instead of "Cycle"? The game is about Time, I thought "Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4..." had a nice thematic ring to it, and would actually fit into the lore of the End of Time. I imagine because Season is more generic and easily identifiable?

Because our content is released to both Legacy and Cycle, Online and Offline, there is a distinction between the "Cycle" game mode, which is a fresh start typically coinciding with the release of a major content addition, and the Season, which is (now) the term for the new major content release. This separation would make less sense if new content was exclusive to the fresh start environment, as it is in some other games.


Originally posted by Throwaway7646y5yg

Fair but leaving nothing in between will drown the player base till next ‘event’. If you put it to a player vote I’m sure most would want it extended. Hopefully the team listens as they did in past. Cheers :)

We already started discussions during the event of how we can incorporate content similar to Loyalists within the game as a standard feature. The Loyalist Undead weren't designed to be a core part of the game as is (to every echo, in the quantity that they were). As a limited time event feature, they offered a lot of power, and were outside of the standard game balance for difficulty to be extra exciting, however that doesn't make as much sense in standard game balance. Keeping extensive power creep for longer makes it that much harder to eventually pull.

We already have some plans for something similar to return, which we'll be talking about with other Season 2 news once we start diving into details.