Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

18 Nov


Originally posted by SirFreckle

Are there other actions you can share that force a save?

I also play exclusively offline for a couple reasons. I've transferred an item from my character inventory to the stash, exited quickly and upon next login the item(s) is still in the character inventory. Not a huge issue since nothing gets lost, but your answer makes me more curious.

So many things, it's really not an important step in the instructions because of how often it happens. Basically anything that would mean a save is in order. It does have a limit to how frequently but it's like a 5 second timer or something.

  • Allocating a skill or passive point
  • Changing your equipment in any way
  • Selecting a mastery
  • Changing idols
  • Picking a blessing
  • Completing any step of a quest
  • Moving an item in your inventory
  • Dropping or picking up an item
  • Any crafting
  • Achieving a new arena record
  • Abandoning a challenge mode
  • Moving, placing or removing items in your stash
  • Exiting the game
  • Probably something else I've forgotten

17 Nov


I'm pretty sure that one just doesn't have a stat line in your character sheet that is the same stat.


Backup your save files.

Disable steam sync.

Move an item in your inventory. (This forces a save)

Open the save game folder and check that the file date has updated.

Close game.

13 Nov


Originally posted by bitterbalhoofd

Why can't you lol? You clearly a dev that knows of the problem now but now rely on a end user to do what you want to be fixed as a developer.

It's a valid question and I understand why it seems like I'm just being lazy. I will sometimes just make the bug report myself. Here is why I normally just request that players do it themselves in no particular order.

  1. Lots of players don't know how easy it is to report in game and once they do it once, they will do it next time they have an issue and we then get more reports.
  2. The fastest way for me to report the issue is to boot up the game and submit it the same way. People will often already have the game up and it's faster for them to do it.
  3. If there is a follow up on the report that we need more information on, a report submitted by the person experiencing it is linked to their account so we can message them and ask for more information.
  4. When they make the report, it collects game and server log information so we can get some very useful data from that which is lost if I do it.
  5. I'm on vacation right now and I just don't feel lik...
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Originally posted by warmachine237

Thanks a lot for the response. You were right, the animation for the blackhole ends much sooner than the actual duration. Tested this out on the dummys at the arena, they got damaged even after the animation ended.

Nice, well at least it's only visual. Please do still make that in game bug report though.


I just looked at the code for it and it's nothing fancy. Happens the same way as every other duration node. Check to make sure that it's not just the visuals that are ending early and submit an in game bug report and we'll look into it.


There was an issue that was going around not too long ago so you might still be encountering it. If your system is very powerful, the frame rate can start to creep up and actually cause problems. If you cap your fps at various levels, you might have a more smooth play experience. Start with 60 and see how it does. On high end systems, changing the graphics quality settings often has little to no effect on performance.


Originally posted by tadrinth

I didn't go through all uniques, just hats, body armor, 2h axes, wands, and relics. 

I think it's fair to say that most of the uniques that require T4 are things that define a build variant, not a build.

Harvest Lich is the build. Harvest Lich with damage to mana is a variant.

But the legendary versions of those items are not so they don't count.


Originally posted by tadrinth

I like the consumable idea a lot, I'm hesitant to run TS unless I have a slam I am absolutely confident in.

Another idea for solving problems with itemization would be to have slams generate an item which can eventually be used to force a slam to apply the desired affix.  Right now if I slam a 1 LP unique and I get the wrong affix, the next slam is just as likely to fail.   I would prefer if each failed slam somehow gave progress towards getting the affix I wanted. If I knew that after ten or twenty slams that I would get the item I want, guaranteed, I think I'd be more willing to slam things.  This would possibly be really complicated, it would almost have to be a crafting item which specifies the unique item and the affix which failed to apply, and that would be a pain to store from a DB perspective. 

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We explored a cumulative approach to it but it encourages a really degenerate burden of optimal play. With that system, now you're just slamming useless uniques and whatever exalteds until you build up enough "luck item resource" then you funnel it all into the one you actually care about. Now suddenly the optimal way to do a slam is to get a dozen keys, run Julra a dozen times and then do 1 more with the "real" item.

I do like the idea of having ways to put resources into improving your odds. I don't think having it guarantee 1 specific mod is necessarily ideal but maybe being able to force it to pick at least 1 prefix by handing in a rare drop modifier item or something might be an option.


Originally posted by tadrinth

Twisted Heart requires level 80 and therefore T4, and is a fairly popular item, at least for Warlocks.  I don't think any builds require it, but it is a huge defensive upgrade for hybrid life+ward builds that have leech.  

I am fairly casual. I have had exactly one drop. I used Nemesis to upgrade it, and it gained a legendary potential.  I'd almost rather have had it get an affix, I'm probably never going to get around to slamming it.  If I ever do slam it, it'll be better, but if I never do, the LP is useless. The fact that dying to Julra wastes the key, and my desire to get the perfect item to slam with, together make me not at all inclined to try.  There's just too much opportunity cost involved.

Other uniques that require level 80:

Vessel of Strife: I would argue this is build defining.

Seed of Ekkidrasil, defensive item but eventually mandatory for Harvest Lich. Arguably build ...

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I would push back on all of those by suggesting that each of those builds is online and functional long before a legendary version of any of those items is necessary and the normal unique version is plenty to make the build function if any of them are build enabling.

Your feelings towards the system in general are well heard though.


Originally posted by apalacrypto

I posted as a main reply, but didn't see your reply. Going to add my thoughts here too..

I’m just thinking out loud here, but I’ve been seeing a lot of these discussions and here would be my recommendation. Flavor included! A new inventor has just re-created an “instant eternity cache” and brought it to the end of time. The problem is, he has no way to power it, and it requires “temporal essence” to power.

  • 1LP Slam – Requires 10 Essence
  • 2LP Slam – Requires 25 Essence
  • 3LP Slam – Requires 50 Essence
  • 4LP Slam – Requires 100 Essence

Maybe Have Julra Drop 10, 25, 50, and 100 Essence per Tier. Someone could run a T3 to get 50 essence, and be able to slam 5x1LP’s, 2x2LP’s, or 1x3LP. Maybe they aren’t strong enough yet to take down T4 Julra, but they could run 2 T3’s to farm enough essence for the slam. Maybe there could be some tweaks to the costs and drops, but this seems fair while also providing incentive to run the dungeo...

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It's a good thought in general. I think the issue comes from higher tier dungeons restricting the level of unique that can be used, not the LP amount.

12 Nov


I really like this idea. I think each tier would probably want to drop a key like item and not have it be limited to T4. I don't know if we've ever debated this idea before or not. I'm generally a fan of itemizing stuff like this. I think it makes the reward more tangible and let's you build up a few all at once. One downside might be that it allows for a stronger compromised opinion of the statistics to be formed through a very rapid small sample size. While missing three 3LP slams in a row is extremely rare, with enough people doing it, eventually it will happen to someone. Probably not a strong enough reason to not do it though.

Kinda just thinking out loud here and I like it. I'm out of the office this week but I'll suggest it. I would like to suggest that the amount of fun that the dungeon is to actually do plays a huge role in the issue. We are in the process of a very significant fun upgrade in the dungeons. We never wanted the "fixed grid with random blockers" syst...

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08 Nov


Originally posted by Pandarandr1st

I wish I understood what this sentence meant

I think I can translate.

Dear EHG,

I would really like to be able to change my masteries. I have noticed other people asking for the same feature and I think it would be good for the game.

Thank you for your consideration,


07 Nov


Originally posted by SunBom

You might be right but when I first play this game I use to smash the up button and the majority of the time I keep losing the item I want to up meaning I come out with less potential to finish the item but after I use the dummy item my success rate of getting my item complete seem to be higher.

Yea, that's something called Confirmation Bias. Because you're hoping for a specific outcome, your brain prioritizes results that align with that outcome in your memory. Everyone does this and it's not necessarily a bad thing. If you're really interested in testing this properly then you'll need to start recording all the data from every crafting event.

I have run tests on the system with artificial sample sizes in the trillions to make sure that things like this don't happen and that the randomization is as fair as it can be. So I am quite confident when I say that sacrificing materials to dummy items is a waste of crafting materials and time.

However, if you enjoy doing it, then keep doing it. I don't want to tell you how to play the game. Just trying to have accurate information available to people who might stumble upon this in the future.


Originally posted by SunBom

 With that video you link ok. Let say if I roll 100 coins and 99 of 99 of them have 50 head and 49 tail what is my chance of rolling a tail at 100 coins is it 50/50 chance still?

Edit: let say if I flip a coin 5 time and they are land on head and when I flip the 6th coin is it still 50/50 on landing head or tail?

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Yea, the chance of any individual (fair) coin flip is always 50/50 regardless of what has happened before.

Edit for second question in the edit: Yup, the chance of any individual (fair) coin flip is always 50/50 regardless of what has happened before.


Originally posted by SunBom

The outcome of you getting lower potential or higher potential on an item?  Meaning I do couple dummy item and if I roll a high potential once or twice my next roll will not have a higher  chance of lower potential?

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That's right. Your next roll will not have a higher chance of lower potential.

Every roll is an isolated event that has no impact on the rolls that come afterwards and are not affected by the rolls that came before.


Originally posted by SunBom

Why you trying to convince me that it doesn’t work? You type an essay telling me that it doesn’t work.  Blah blah blah blah.  I bet you are one of those people that find an item you want and go in there and smash that up button and screw up your item huh.

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I literally wrote the code you are talking about. I know how it functions. If you want to keep doing this, that's fine. I just don't want someone else to come across this and think they should do it too.

This method has no impact on the outcome of crafting.


Originally posted by SunBom

What I do when it come to craft is this once I find an item I want to keep and need to remove any affix or use any rune on it. I will go hunt for 5-10 dummy item usually exalted. I am pretty sure everyone goal here is to remove the right slot and keep the item potential as high as possible so you can do something else with the item.

  1. Let I want to upgrade a slot so what I do is first use the dummy item and upgrade it to see how much potential lost once I see a big number pop up once or twice I than swap it with my main item and upgrade it because usually having lost high potential on an item 2-3 time in a roll is very rare. 

You can do that with all glyph or rune. You use that strategy with rune and glyphs aka rune of removal to have more chance of remove a slot you want.  Rune of removal you can do slot removal there is a way you have less chance of removal the a lot that you don’t want to remove.

Con for this strategy is it will take a lot of r...

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I'm sorry to say that this strategy has no effect whatsoever on the outcome of crafting. There is no artificial luck smoothing system with any rolls in the game. The success chance is exactly the same if you've just hit a very lucky or very unlucky streak. This is just how math works in general.

If you are flipping a coin a million times, you would reasonably expect to get approximately 500,000 heads and 500,000 tails. Now, let's say that you're 200,000 flips into the experiment and you have 150,000 heads and only 50,000 tails. You're somehow flipping heads at a 3:1 rate and you're surely due for some tails right? Well, even in this extreme example, with the remaining 800,000 flips, you can reasonably expect them to still end up at 1:1 and get 400,000 of each from that point on. just because you're down 100,000 tails flips at that point, it doesn't change the odds from 50% from that point onward. It's just one possible outcome of the set of flips up to that point.


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04 Nov

31 Oct


Originally posted by Jtmoor

Anyone have an idea what this refers to?

“And now for an Osprix eye view of things happening in Eterra. Over in the Felled woods, our weather team has noticed an anomaly involving thick fog and an ethereal floor causing a bit of a stir. Traveler’s are encouraged to… Wait… I’m getting word that the fog is clearing and the ground has returned to its original solid state. Well Traveler, feel free to explore to your heart’s content. We apologize for the false alarm. On to more pressing news.”

This is referring to a bug that appeared for a short time in which Felled Wood was missing textures, looking almost like a heavy fog. This resulted in a "nameless king" joke (which was hotfixed)-