Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

14 Dec


Originally posted by Patient_Cancel1161

I’m not a developer, so this might be a silly suggestion, but couldn’t you just do leg animations instead of torso animations? I have to imagine those are much more similar, then you just have the torso animations face forward and the leg animations for sidestepping/backstepping etc. That would also help with the tech debt, since most skills probably wouldn’t need additional leg animations.

I'm not an animator so I'm kinda just parroting what they told me on it but yes, some parts can be mostly reused. It is however not so simple as just doing half of it because you still have to split, setup and adjust the other half of each. This is one of those things that most of us just don't know that we don't know.


Originally posted by No_Bad_4482

No, it doesn't, animation wise it can act exactly like controller version, no one will complain, this is not DIV, you don't need perfect animation, you need functional control scheme. Like seriously, just change character's orientation on cast for duration of cast, don't go overboard with animation blend system, really no one will complain.

Unless, ofc, if you want casting while moving. Which would be amazing, awesome, gamechanging and completely kill ppl using mouse for movement (which I would applaud, archaic outdated control that needs to go from aRPGs)

I love the saying don't let perfect be the enemy of good as much as the next guy. The quick and dirty version doesn't look even close to good. We aren't interested in adding janky junk to the game.

13 Dec


Originally posted by ItzGottii

Speaking of which. Does LE have good controller support????

it's good, not great. Big update to the skill targeting system for controllers coming in 1.2


Originally posted by zgh17

Making video games is hard lol. Thanks for the response!

haha yea, it's all a balancing act of cost/benefit. I hope that we can get to WASD soon and I expect that PoE2 and D4 having it will get people more interested in it and we will see the potential benefit rise.


Originally posted by raptir1

I don't understand how that makes sense since it has controller support. 

I also didn't understand why when we started looking into it. The way that our character animations are set up, the torso and legs are one section. They are always acting in the same direction. If you add WASD support, the torso needs to be able to act forwards while the character walks backwards. I know this seems like a little thing but it's a unique animation for each weapon combination for each class and each transformation multiplied by each ability and modification of those abilities which change animation in the skill trees or from items. So the bulk of it is animations but also dev, design, testing and sound need to make changes too. This is a very major feature implementation which also adds a significant amount of tech debt that needs to be paid every time we add a new skill, weapon or class. I hope that clears it up some.

Source: am the person who answered the question on stream.

edit: please don't downvote people for asking questions like the one above. ...

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12 Dec


Originally posted by salohcinzero

As a software dev on websites, I feel this response in my bones. Nothing is ever a 1 minute fix. When I started at Amazon, I wrote my director the 23 steps it took me to make my first 1 line big fix. Good times!

Love it when the paperwork takes longer than the bug fix itself.


Originally posted by Rain1058

Just cuz you were here in this thread.

Is this idea staying around in the long run, like years from now does EHG see a refined version of this shield on bosses? Or is this a test in a longer list of ideas that will be tried?

Just curious.

We don't have plans to remove it but we won't keep it just because that's the way it is. I really like having the shorter boss fights that it brings, especially on characters that might be struggling a bit.


Apology accepted, Brau. Lol ;)

We’re lucky to be a part of a genre where some of the biggest titles are made by studios, like EHG and GGG, who were driven to create them because of a deep love for this type of game themselves. LE will continue to improve and evolve while we listen to our fellow ARPG players who are passionate about the experience. I have no doubt this will be the case for GGG and their new title as well. We have a huge amount of respect for their team and what they’ve achieved - genuinely nice people, smart, passionate people that we’ve had the pleasure of chatting with on numerous occasions.

What I love is that we’re pushing each other, finding what makes these experiences the best they can be, and passionate about our creations and fans.

Also, we have improvements coming for a number of things on your list. Long live ARPGs!

11 Dec


Next reset is April


Originally posted by wesleygalles

Well that's nice to hear. Are all of these changes coming with the season 2 launch in April?



Originally posted by wesleygalles

Cool, I appreciate the info.

Overall I've had such a great time with this game and I can't off the top of my head think of many other mechanics that I really don't like. Maybe being one shot by dungeon bosses, that sucks, but hey, what can you do. Get good is what I am told, haha.

Well, more good news there, lots of dungeon improvements coming that will make "getting good" a lot less frustrating.


Originally posted by wesleygalles

Ahhh, maybe I just didn't see. Out of my 400 hours, I have probably spent 95% of that on the Steam Deck and it's rather small.

Thanks for educating me.

Yea, the UI still isn't quite optimal on steam deck yet but it's getting better.


Originally posted by wesleygalles

Well, maybe not locking you into something universal. I don't pretend to know great game design, obviously you're way better at it than me.

As someone who is a more casual player, it just doesn't seem telegraphed very well. Just kind of a guess on which boss is going to be beefier because of a factor that cannot be known to me. Or is it listed somewhere and I'm just complaining because I haven't looked properly?

It's displayed on the health bar as an up arrow type ornament pointing at the spot where it will happen.


Originally posted by wesleygalles

Ahh, that makes sense and no sense at all.

Why would locking us into one universal pattern be ideal?


Originally posted by wesleygalles

Is it just 1/3's right now?

It's variable based on the boss.


Originally posted by wesleygalles

Is there still going to be a shield pop up at every 25% chunk of health?

No and there isn't now anyways.


It's getting removed from most places. Will only show up on major bosses and the decay rate increase speed is being increased so it will not last as long.


Originally posted by Techie4evr

I can't begin to imagine your environment and how you've implemented unity in it, but I know on a basic level, Unity does allow you to have more than 1 version installed and working and that Unity Hub is where you go to create new projects and load existingproject. It also lists what version of Unity the project is created from.

That being said, backups are a great thing and you should have them. If you were wise, once the conversion is done, make a backup of the 2019 project.

Now, the way I have unity setup, I could load the 2022 version of the project, go to folder that contains an asset I need and look at the thumbnails and whatever asset is Pink is the asset I need so then I would load the 2019 version and go to the same location to ensure that asset was not pink, right click and select "open location" which would bring up file explorer opened to that location. Close the 2019 project and bring up the 2022 project. In file explorer copy the asset (right c...

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There are people with two installed. The version of the project they have in 2019 is the version just before the engine update so it has a ton of changes that aren't on live. So they still have to do a massive import which is where the big time investment is.

It's all going through asset bundles so those have to be rebuilt. It might not even have anything wrong though. Actually fixing the issue is the fastest part. Most of that 10 mins is actually just waiting for it to compile and load in to test. It might have just been a git issue on the build machine. It's possible that nothing actually has to be done other than rebuild.

The biggest part of the time required is still the testing of the entire build before it's able to be released.

Also the size on disk of the project files makes it extremely cumbersome to have two versions of the project. Not impossible, I sometimes have two versions going.


Originally posted by Techie4evr

Why don't you just post the texture for us to download and tell us where to put it? Unless of course you pack it into a file of which case make that file available to download and tell us where to stick it. Or flag that file as a hotfix and kick off an update event that just replaces the file. 1 minute fix to make thousands happy. profit?

TL:DR Can't do it that way and it's a way bigger total time investment to fix than it seems.

Oh if it were only so. This isn't something that can be sent out individually for people to manually add to their files and have it work. So a hotfix would be required.

Let's do a deep dive into what goes into the 1 minute fix that this seems to be. The live build is currently made using Unity 2019. Our entire development team has moved over to Unity 2021. In order to replace the file, we first have to get someone to revert their project back to the 2019 state. This is a 6+ hour process. So we're over the 1 min mark by several hours and we haven't actually made the change yet. The build machine also has to be reverted along with the staging servers. This can happen simultaneously but it does require someone to actually do it and it takes each of the dev, dev machine, build machine and server out of the normal development pipeline so we're slowing down 1.2 at the same time.

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10 Dec


Yea, the texture for the smoke used in the particle effect animation is missing from the current live build. It'll be fixed in the engine update patch.