Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

05 Dec


Originally posted by Humans_r_evil

you'd think they would use the first-in-first-out method. but it's f**king random. and it's different every f**king time.

It's not random, it's not different every time. It is deterministic. Test it by taking a screenshot of your tree, take the +skill item off and put it back on. Re-allocate the points and do the off/on again. You'll have the same missing points.

First-in-first-out sets up some very frustrating gameplay patterns of reallocating points pre and post boss fights.

I do agree that it should be much more clear as to where the points were removed from.

04 Dec


Hey Travelers,

I want to ask the community what makes you minion build enjoyers personally enjoy minion classes/builds. As you guys know, the EHG team loves minion classes ranging from “lazy Pokémon builds” to our latest more-active Falconer class.

What makes you excited about a minion build? For those that like to engage more while playing a minion build, what makes the combat enjoyable for you? What would you like to see in an ARPG to push the minion play-style further?

Hope you all are gearing up and having a great Holiday season!

-Judd, CEO EHG

Edit: Looks like I have some evening reading to do! Thanks for all your thoughtful responses. It will help influence class developments going forward. I'll come back over the next few days to read new comments as well

External link →

Originally posted by AbbreviationsOk7512

Thanks, so it's just safe to move on and forget about it. Much appreciated 👏

Listening to timeline speculation can be dangerous...

02 Dec

01 Dec


Originally posted by Pandarandr1st

This doesn't say that they won't have them until console release, just that they won't have them until they start looking at consoles. obviously not the same.

Yay! Thank you for reading the post.


Originally posted by Powerful_Classroom_5

I´ve read through a few entries since I´m having the described error since my hardware and windows 11 update. Could this error be related about (windows 11 with) discord and brotato running all together?

It's possible. I don't really have any more info on it. I know the engineering team has been working on it though.

30 Nov

27 Nov


What a time to be alive for ARPG players =D

Next year will be a great year for LE fans too. 1.2 (or as we're calling it now, Season 2) is coming along very nicely

25 Nov


Originally posted by tavukkoparan

Yo are you aware of sentinel shield rush sometimes goes out of map?

I played 1.0 and 1.1 this wasnt an issue. I think its a new little bug :)

No but I don't know all the bugs. If you'd like us to check it out, please use the in game bug reporting tool.

24 Nov


Just timed it, 23 seconds for me. I have a good but not amazing computer from 2 years ago.


Originally posted by flesyMeM

Any chance of it happening for 1.2?

I'm not sure what the status of it is off the top of my head so I don't want to give you too much hope but I'm hopeful.


There is a bug that has prevented it from working. It shows up on our internal development environment and we are working to get it for everyone.


Originally posted by DantyKSA

I didn't play arpgs in 2019 so i just went and watched the synthesis trailer and damn you are right, now i wonder did EHG build the monolith system based on synthesis ..

Having another game release content that is very similar to what you are already working on and have to change things so people don't say this is a right of passage of every game dev.

There is more stuff they just unveiled for PoE 2 that we are also working on. Given the timing of some things they have released for PoE1, I have no doubt that it's happened to them too. We are both trying to solve the same problems in the same genre. There is bound to be overlap in approaches from time to time.


Originally posted by Sweet_dl

Nice sounds dope.

I saw that it takes a while to max a character Do u recommend starting now or when the new season starts/ when 1.2 launches cause i dont think i wil be able to max a character in 1 month

I'm just about as biased of an opinion as you can get, just to put it all in context. I'm one of the devs. Sooooo, I recommend starting now.

It's not really designed to hit 100 to "finish" a character. The power progression curve from leveling starts to fall off around 90 and the last 5 levels give so little that hitting 100 is more of an achievement hunt type thing.

1.2 launch window is between Jan1 and Mar31 so we've got a bit more than a month at minimum and a bit more than 4 months at max. We will have a more specific launch date as we get a little closer.


Controller support is pretty good at this point. Some of the abilities don't target "smart" enough in complex situations. We are currently going through every skill and every variant and making custom targeting system for controller so you can properly orb walk and use more complex setups with controller. Right now some select builds are possibly actually better on controller but most are better on keyboard and mouse. 1.2 will have the update next season in Q1 2025.

We do have seasons (previously known as cycles). 1.1 did last a lot longer than we initially intended.

Fixing build mistakes is very straight forward. We added some new ways to do it even easier in 1.1 and it's getting easier again in 1.2.

All the dlc and extra editions have is cosmetics. You can always upgrade for the price difference later if you want too.

One of our main strengths is build variety. As you get into the post-late-endgame, there are a few builds which do pull away from t...

Read more

18 Nov


Originally posted by elrealprosti

Then I love it already it's going to be a great QoL change. I had accepted that the trade off for relaxing with my controller was a bit less precision on some spells and given up on always hitting those since I don't always feel safe enough to stop and rotate my character towards the boss. But if I can have both that's even better.

Yea, every skill is going to have context specific targeting methods for controller that will help it aim a lot better. For lots of abilities it won't change much really but this is the prime example of where it's just way better.


You are going to love the controller changes we have coming. These exact same inputs will have your fireballs casting at the boss every time in 1.2.


Originally posted by SirFreckle

Thanks! This certainly helps put into context for myself how to avoid the situation for offline characters.

Just for the record, I think it's steam sync causing the problem.

The only scenario where it is the game working as intended that you have to play around is if you change a ton of stuff really fast and unplug your computer really fast.

Edit: or the save folder is being compressed by Windows or it's getting a file lock from a 3rd party sync program like one drive or Google drive.


Originally posted by SirFreckle

Are there other actions you can share that force a save?

I also play exclusively offline for a couple reasons. I've transferred an item from my character inventory to the stash, exited quickly and upon next login the item(s) is still in the character inventory. Not a huge issue since nothing gets lost, but your answer makes me more curious.

So many things, it's really not an important step in the instructions because of how often it happens. Basically anything that would mean a save is in order. It does have a limit to how frequently but it's like a 5 second timer or something.

  • Allocating a skill or passive point
  • Changing your equipment in any way
  • Selecting a mastery
  • Changing idols
  • Picking a blessing
  • Completing any step of a quest
  • Moving an item in your inventory
  • Dropping or picking up an item
  • Any crafting
  • Achieving a new arena record
  • Abandoning a challenge mode
  • Moving, placing or removing items in your stash
  • Exiting the game
  • Probably something else I've forgotten