Hi everyone! We're going to be performing another 15 minutes maintenance soon.
Downtime estimated at 15 minutes.
All done!
Hi everyone! We're going to be performing another 15 minutes maintenance soon.
Downtime estimated at 15 minutes.
All done!
On Discord Sandro mentioned: "We’ll be releasing Patch 0.7.2 during the first half of this month. The exact time & date will be determined by QA".
It's 'Sarno'. :)
Our plan is for the patch to be released at 10:00 AM CST this Friday.
In it's current state no. I regret buying it. I realize it still very much in development, but I can already tell it's a disappointment for me. I look at the characters and think it would be really cool to play this build or that build. Unfortunately as with most arpg's though only a few builds are remotely viable to reach top tier. Everything else is weak and clunky. There isn't really an in between. I feel like the dev's want you to play each character a certain way and all the other builds are just there to make it hard to figure out how you are supposed to play. Most skill options are useless or just lead to what you really need so you have to spec them.
I'm sorry to hear that you have been disappointed when playing the game.
Though I would ask whether it's possible your balance expectations may be unrealistic for a beta? It is absolutely not our intention to have a small number of 'correct' ways to play a class or skill - however properly balancing a game takes a long time, and it would delay the game's release if we felt obligated to do a large balance pass each time we release a patch. Last Epoch is scheduled to be officially launched in April 2020, and balance will be much improved at release and beyond. :)
I mean all im sayin is that maybe stats fixing should be you guys priority, just an idea tho :) and im happy to see you at least realize in fact there is a broken thing that needs fixing since you agree the devs on my post...
They didn't say that it's broken.
They said the stat granted by your weapon isn't currently shown on the character sheet.
I agree with the responses from the team in that thread.
I opened a thread about some time ago. Basically when i equip my legendary item The Last Laugh, items critical multiplier stat not reflect on my characters stat UI.
So i dont even know my item works or not.
That unique item only affects Melee Critical Strike Multiplier.
It sounds like you're looking at the global Critical Strike Multiplier stat, in which case there is nothing to fix as nothing is broken.
Please fix stats UI.
Could you be more specific?
Unfortunately, there's not much I can do with that information.
I would much rather wait and be pleased then sooner and disappointed
Thanks for the feedback! :)
I'm going to sticky a link to the FAQ post in the forum thread about this.
We've already added some additional questions to it, and we'll likely continue to do so.
It’s weird to me that the last base class is coming so much further down the line. Shouldn’t that be more of a priority?
Our scheduling of the Rogue's release is due to how much the other classes have grown over the last year. We want her to feel at parity with them when she is added, and that means a lot of content being available on day one.
If you look at our KickStarter page, you'll see that each base class was originally envisaged as having only two mastery classes, rather than the three mastery classes currently planned (and in a couple of cases, already available). The previous ...
Read moreThis game is looking to fulfill almost all my ARPG wishes. The passives, the skill trees, the end-game system plans. If it all falls into place it will be extremely hard for any other game to outdo it. I think Grim Dawn has been the only one to properly scratch that itch since Diablo 2. Glad to see Last Epoch closing the distance :)
Thanks! And happy cake day. :)
I haven't personally tested it, but you may wish to check out this tool created by the community.
We don't object to people creating backups of their characters, though we can't offer support for tools we haven't created.
Hey there!
I'd generally point people to our forum, as we find it easiest to find things again later there.