Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

27 Nov


It's a cool idea. I like giving big +skill spikes. We can't put this on a non-unique item outside of the slot that the skill x already has a +skill affix for. So one of helm, chest or relic depending on the skill. So sadly boots are a firm no for this.


Originally posted by stefanw1337

3? Will the 14 remaining ones show up at some point then?

The 3 items which specifically drop for those 17 bosses.


Originally posted by stefanw1337

Hehe, I like Necromancer ;)

So where can I see those loot tables? it's only for the 3 boss specific drops on each of those bosses


Originally posted by PushAggressive6243

I sincerely hope this does not become a Wolcen situation where we are waiting years for a conclusion. Not that I think its likely, but "launching" an incomplete game will give people that worry.

As we've been in early access so long and with the volume of post-1.0 content that we will be creating, I hope that the game won't be "complete" for a decade. Picking a 1.0 launch date is fairly arbitrary. This will be the point where we feel like we have a complete experience for the players at a quality level we are proud of.

We are dedicated to launching significant updates to the game on a regular basis.


Originally posted by Pretend-Guide-8664

Yeah a lot of things make sense here. The logic of where to stop seems arbitrary to players for sure. And a media company can't just tell their players to suck it, so you have to curate the right expectations. That all makes sense. To me it just seems a bit arbitrary where you draw that line. Like, the decision to include affix shards is a similar decision to choose 1-2 more loot filter conveniences. There will be some people that ask for more but isn't that always the case? I guess I'm saying I'd expect the resistance to be around the same level, and that y'all can pick any middle point to stop at and have the same resistance you do now. Of course again, IMO

This may become a larger problem as power creep inevitably creeps in, too. Although LE seems to have done a good job by not making it speedy speedy (no generic mana on hit, movement skills are class locked and have good cool downs, etc)

I appreciate all of your replies!

That is a very good point about it being arbitrary and I guess this is where we planted that flag. It's not necessarily a forever decision either. I think we probably won't budge much at all for 1.0 but it's a discussion that we will continue to engage with.


Originally posted by chesul

With the affix shards thing, I definitely understand wanting players to still have to click on them, and I think that's a fine thing, but I'm curious why they go to the inventory instead of to the crafting pouch, as there's never an instance where you want to look at individual shards/runes. While picking them up seems like a fine thing, as I definitely think seeing a pile of shards fall on the ground is a nice small hit of dopamine, having to stop, open your inventory, and clicking the "put the things in the pouch" button seems like a step that doesn't benefit anyone, so I'm wondering what the thought process on that is?

I'm pretty sure we are getting rid of that step. Don't quote me on that though. I'm pretty sure I heard something about an auto stash option for crafting mats. The original reason was to try and make them feel more like items but as we have made more and more of them, they end up feeling more and more like resources instead.

26 Nov


Originally posted by Pretend-Guide-8664

Fair enough. I'm not sure if I personally agree with the slippery-slope argument but I can see the motivation.

Well, we are on the next step of the slope with affix stards and we get daily requests to advance them to the next step so that's the information we are working with.


Originally posted by stefanw1337

Monster specific drop tables are coming.

So.. Is it here yet?

Level 4 Threadsurection spell. Very impressive.

Technically yes. 17 bosses have specific item drops.


Originally posted by Pretend-Guide-8664

Sad. Why create friction :( the game is the game not the dopamine rope pull game of hovering over good thing after hovering over 100 bad things. Boo.

This take feels discordant in respect to having a filter integrated at all. Did a different lead make that decision? Just seems weird inconsistent, but I understand that I don't have all the details. Still boo

It's a slippery slope to sad town. Did you play Magic Legends? It was very short lived and overall really disappointing. They took this idea of perfect filtering to the natural next next next step and it was one of the worst parts of the game.

At the end of an activity you would get the relevant gear just added to your inventory automatically.

So if we add in perfect filtering, every single item that drops you want to pick up so you just automatically pick up every single item. You might look at it or you might not. Once we get there, the calls for auto looting will increase dramatically. Then we cave to that and you can auto loot. Then the people who have dot builds and minion builds are up in arms because we are making the game worse for them. So we just make it auto loot infinite range and you've got Magic Legends' loot system.

Now, you can't really walk any of those steps back without massive negative press.

So, where do we hold the line? Because...

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Originally posted by Dildhosaggins

Sorry, but one thing is supporting the game in early access by buying it, knowing its unfinished and with bugs here and there, another one is buying it on release at full price and then realising its unfinished.

I bought the game a long time ago, and honestly i don't care much for the story, but the point here is that in this sub most of us are already supporters, the problem is with the ppl that will buy the game at release, i don't think i would be happy with my purchase if i was one of them.

And that's totally fair. Delaying the game by another year would be way worse. So this is our best option.


You know when a TV show clearly has plans for a few more seasons but the network gets nervous and cancels the show early. Then the writers have to cram 3 seasons of story into 1 or they do a wrap-up mini movie after the fact. That was our other option. We did a bunch of research to see what people will generally prefer. We don't have the time to complete the story by a launch window that we need. So, the options are rush the ending or launch with the campaign unfinished.

Also, I don't expect everyone to track all of our news, but just in case, this wasn't a general revelation from last stream. I and many others have said that the last 3 chapters would be coming post 1.0 for a long time now.

And it's not like it's going to take years to finish it. And it's not like the story is going to just stop when the main campaign is finished either.

So while this might be disappointing, it is by far the best option we have.


25 Nov


Originally posted by EartwalkerTV

Well I guess you could get over 100% crit chance, it doesn't do much above 100% unless they have crit avoid.

How does crit avoid work anyways? Is it a % or a flat amount reduced crit chance?

Crit avoidance is the chance to convert an incoming critical hit to a normal hit. See my reply to the guy who replied to me for an example. (I was being nice to the other guy, I'm right on this one)


Originally posted by JustRetributor

Oh, really? Overcap crit doesn't compensate for crit avoidance? Tell that to all the top players who have actually optimized their builds and can easily shred through enemies with high crit chance. But sure, let's ignore all their hard work just to make a point. Keep living in your fantasy world where crit avoidance reigns supreme.

I have always understood critical avoidance to be the chance to convert an incoming critical hit into a normal hit.

The example I've heard in the past is that if the player has 200% critical strike chance (overcapped by a full 100% extra) and they attack, all of their hits will be critical hits. Then if the enemy they are attempting to hit has 10% critical strike avoidance, 10% of those critical hits will be converted to normal hits. This means that 200% critical strike chance hitting a 10% critical avoidance enemy will crit 90% of the time. This means that overcapping critical strike chance doesn't compensate for crit avoidance.

I haven't attempted to recreate this example to test it though.

I'm willing to be wrong about this though and if you've got another explanation on how it actually works, I'm happy to hear it.

Edit: overcapping crit chance does help compensate for being blinded though. That's an ailment that gives you the stat 50% less critic...

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They are not the same thing. They are only related in the sense that they are both lighting spells.


Originally posted by EartwalkerTV

Well I guess you could get over 100% crit chance, it doesn't do much above 100% unless they have crit avoid.

How does crit avoid work anyways? Is it a % or a flat amount reduced crit chance?

Overcap crit doesn't compensate for crit avoidance.


If you're playing offline, it's basically just going to feel like a big patch with a bunch of awesome stuff and you'll keep using what you've got.

24 Nov


Switching to steam only has allowed us to make the game way better. This is mostly just because we've had a ton more time to work on the game itself.

Adding GOG right now would be really difficult. It's actually going to be getting very slightly easier in February but we still don't have plans to do it.

DRM is usually first in the discussion and we don't use steam for its DRM, it's all the development, distribution, patching, testing and marketing tools that we need from it.

One of the main issues we see people having with steam is that they don't want to need to be online to play the game. If this is the issue for you (and it might not be) then, good news, with 1.0 we are adding a true offline mode. If the game is launched in offline mode, you won't have access to any of the online features and it won't call home at all so you can play it on an airplane or remote island if you want. You can also still go into online mode later if you choose.


There is no cap on how hard you can penetrate a monster.

Monsters have 0% resistances unless they have a description like "Resists fire damage", which typically means they have around 40% resistance to that damage type. Penetration and resistance reduction effects, such as shred and mark for death, can make effective resistance go negative, resulting in more damage dealt.

There's no a limit to that, so if you have 270% penetration against a monster with no inherent resistance you will deal 270% more damage to it. If you have 270% penetration against a monster with 40% resistance to that damage type, its effective resistance will be lowered to 230%, causing you to deal 450% more damage to it than you would have dealt with 0% penetration (3.3/0.6 - 1 = 4.5).


Originally posted by LoneyGamer2023

Did they say anything about the item affix range? I get it for uniques. if ya could at least filter out like the lower 50% half of drops, it'd make the boring gear so much better, especially for like idol hunting.

ex- hide item range - 50% max affix range threshold hold. 1,2, 3, 4, 5 afixes. Next option: Color red if above 50% max threshold

We have commented on that before and it's the same answer as LP. We have actively chosen not to include it and don't intend to add it at this time.

23 Nov


The current online version still has this issue. In the past we haven't been able to give much of an indication if it will get fixed because we didn't have a good lead on a way to fix it yet. It's still not fully fixed internally yet but I wouldn't give up hope for 1.0. At the very least the Emperor of Corpses is fed up with it and is done being pushed around. (it's the same issue just from a different angle)