Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

13 Dec


Originally posted by PierreGrenX

Steam Deck verified is coming, confirmed, but most likely not in time for 1.0. (You can find it here just search)

Controller support has started to get done bit by bit since a few patches, and will be completed with 1.0 possibly but not necessarily, dont recall any direct source.

We have never committed to Steam Deck. It's very likely but we haven't even decided if we want to try yet.


We are unable to consider this as a potential 1.0 launch feature due to the required scope.

12 Dec


UI customization has never made it past the player request stage.

11 Dec


Originally posted by emilion06

but its a passive from the blade dancer skill tree. i assume it just increases my dot but the global part is kinda confusing

It's an oversight. The word "global" is redundant because it's on a passive tree, and should not have been included.

10 Dec


Minipets can't be controlled and have no functional purpose.

The A command controls minions that you can summon in game with abilities. For example, skeletons, wolves and Manifested Armor to name a few.

09 Dec


Originally posted by Emparawr

Super lame. What a waste of points.

Having a reliable way to apply frailty to all nearby enemies on a triggerable skill is very useful. If you have another way to apply it reliably then it's not useful for your build. I frequently take at least 1 point in there if I'm using it as an auto cast at the end of werebear charge.


When warcry hits an enemy, they get frailty for 2s per point.

That's it.


Originally posted by deathboyuk

I have played it a few times.

Dying here :)

Trying not to sound braggy

07 Dec


Originally posted by DarkElfMagic

As much as I hate to admit it, I do think that if you were to of executed these characters as "Heroes" or "Legends" that are named as if they were closer to something like borderlands, Instead of making them "Player Classes" and such, it would actually make it more digestible. At least in my experience with gaming. I can't explain exactly why my brain decides to work like that, but for sure it at least helps me dissociate myself from the character I'm playing. I don't think this would be preferable, but if you were unable for whatever reason to unlock gender, it wouldn't be the worst path to take either.

I think the best example for me personally is Overwatch OR fighting games. I think there's something about making them proper named characters that would help re-contextualize it for my brain. It feels more like i'm working with this character rather than becoming this character, which it might just be a me thing but I often naturally fall into trying to become my charact...

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I don't think we are even considering going down the "just give them names" route. The plan is still to do a proper character customization system. I'm just trying to understand the issues better. It doesn't directly affect me in the slightest so I have to work to understand it a bit more so we can deliver a better experience for people who want these features.

I will check out Lunacid and I really appreciate your insight, thanks.


Originally posted by JustRetributor

Oh, another genius here who clearly can't see past his nostalgia goggles. Newsflash: LastEpoch is nothing like Chrono Trigger. Just because it has time travel elements doesn't automatically make it a Chrono Trigger clone. Maybe try actually playing the game before making baseless comparisons. But hey, who needs originality when you can just jump on the bandwagon of mindlessly bashing everything that remotely resembles a classic, right? Keep living in the past, buddy.

Just so you know, I'm one of the founders of Eleventh Hour Games and am a Senior Developer for Last Epoch. I have played it a few times. I can say with 100% certainty that Last Epoch is influenced by Chrono Trigger. Last Epoch is influenced by dozens of games. I didn't mean to imply that it was a CT clone.


Originally posted by DarkElfMagic

sorry for necroposting, I appreciate that last comment. I'm glad you understand why people want it. I personally just have gender dysphoria and I feel like the only two classes I can play is Rogue and Acolyte, which luckily I happen to really like necromancers/liches/warlocks

also I don't even need light customization, i'd honestly be happy with like, just a superficial pronoun selection would help my brain a lot. (you'd even get bonus free press/exposure from that one bald angry guy getting angry about it like he did with starfield)

Really appreciate all you and the team do, hope you have a successful launch !

I'm sorry you're struggling with being comfortable playing as the Primalist, Sentinel and Mage. We haven't made a ton of headway on character customization yet. We do plan to add a proper character customization system where you can choose things like body shape. Because we only have one script, we usually try to only use the term "Traveler" when talking about the player character. Part of this is to just avoid gendered pronouns all together so we don't need to know what class you're playing as.

This is a very much ongoing issue and there are dozens of topics I've replied to on various platforms since this post so I appreciate your perspective and don't worry about the necropost.

One of the things I realized relatively recently was that I think that a contributor to these gender issues in Last Epoch specifically is being able to name your character. I'm really interested in getting more people's opinions on the topic but if any of this makes you uncomfortable or you...

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Originally posted by Awesomedude33201

I always want to catch you live (even if only for a bit) but I never know what days or times you're streaming.


When do you do the streamey video thing?

Fridays at 3PM central (NA) for 2 hours. This week will be muffin standing in for me because I'll be out.


<3 it's always nice to hear that people are still enjoying my rambling. Thank you.


Originally posted by Coldk1l

Voted. You made me choose between your game and sea of stars which is another great game (but you won my choice).

Another game heavily influenced by Chrono Trigger.

04 Dec


Originally posted by PierreGrenX

There is even accurately datamined info on, confirmed by devs to be close, not 100%, but very close. Topic isnt that old, just browse back a bit. Confirmed to work like this in many posts over time though, but Im not gonna go looking for one for you 😉

Just for clarity, I don't think we've ever commented on the LP chance numbers from LETools. There was an infographic post a while back that made a statistics math mistake which made almost every number off. That was the post we commented on to be wrong.


Do you mean character portrait?


Originally posted by xDaveedx

Hm, by total tiers you mean from t21 to t20 right? That could work for balancing yea.

What if the total affix tiers get thrown into a pool and reshuffled completely while reducing the total tier by 1? That would probably be too crazy and give you too easy access to t7 mods right? So t4/7/5/5 could become t1/7/7/6 with -1 to one of them.

I mean it's all hypothetical and we aren't doing any of these but yea, something like that as an additional cost.


It would have to be a rune, not a glyph and it would probably need to reduce the total tiers by 1 or something.