Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

14 Nov


Originally posted by Tee_61

Sounds like you already have an API for that no? That's how LE tools works I believe.

So it's just a matter of making the call from the client as far as getting the data, which should be fairly easy, unless that API is slow/expensive.

Making a UI to fill that data in sounds like a serious PITA though.

It's WAY more performant to ask the game server that you're connected to than to hit an external API.


Originally posted by Socrathustra

Kill Majasa naked as an achievement please

We might word it a little more tactfully but I like it.


Originally posted by AAAAnst

Didn't have a clue about that. Thanks for explaining!

For sure :)

I also don't want to imply that we won't do it because it is still a possibility, it's just not a quick one.


Originally posted by AAAAnst

100%, and I think that would be a low effort addition to the game, although I dont have any game development experience

The information of what other players have equipped is not currently synced between server and client. So this isn't just a matter of making the UI function and hooking that all up (which is also not exactly low effort).

13 Nov


Lots of UI updates coming, and some of the harder-to-read text is being either brightened or enlarged. If anyone has any target pieces of UI that are noticeably hard to read, please do let us know! You can even comment under this post and I'll make sure to check it personally (I work on some of the UI when I have time).


Originally posted by Zaszzzaa

Monolith of Fate: half way between D3 GRs and PoE maps

Just copy maps, it is the only thing that makes POE endgame best of all games and makes me want to play it even though I don't want to go through all its bloat. Maps itemization, maps as loot, it is so good.

No reason not to copy it, they found the formula, good for them. Everyone should copy and develop it more.

Apart from the legal issues of just copying something, many game systems work in concert with each other. Transplanting a major system from one game to another unchanged is risky at best. Sometimes it works but regardless, we set out to make our own game so we are developing our own end game. I agree that maps are phenomenal in PoE and they do several things really well that monoliths don't. We are working very hard to hit those weaknesses of the monolith system so that we can have our core end game on that same level of awesome.

12 Nov


I haven't read all the replies so I'm not sure if someone else answered already but I think that the key piece of missing info is that end game starts before max level.

So you technically don't have to even complete the campaign that is already there to start the end game loop.

We have 3 main end game activities and these are the super watered down descriptions.

Monolith of Fate: half way between D3 GRs and PoE maps

Dungeons: themed challenges with a special mechanic, boss fight and reward.

Arena: endless and challenge modes of waves of enemies that get progressively harder. Similar to Crucible from GD.


Originally posted by iuse2bgood

Good to know. Things like reach level 20 on a specific class or reach level 30 on hardcore is surely something you keep track off.

Well if you deleted the character we wouldn't record that you had at some point done it but if you had a lvl 30 hardcore character sitting there, then yes we could easily look that up. Now, we won't do many super simple ones like that. Doing an achievement for hitting every 10 levels isn't exactly engaging achievement hunting.


Unfortunately I don't think it's going to make it into 1.0 but they are in the works.


Originally posted by iuse2bgood

If the Steam Achievements dont go live in 1.0 and I play the game and later the achievements are added. Would I automatically get the achievements that I already accomplished?

This goes for any new achievements that get added. If it's something we track then we will try to retroactively apply it. If it's something like kill Lagon while unarmed at 200+ corruption, we probably can't give that one after the fact. I just made that one up but I kinda like it.


Originally posted by Depnids

If some modifiers are flat increases/reductions, the order should matter though, right?

The order they are calculated is static and matters but the order that you add them to your character doesn't.

Flat added mana doesn't have a %.

(Base mana + flat added - flat subtracted) * (1+increased + reduced) * (1 + more) * (1 - less)

11 Nov


Depends on what that modified actually is. If it's a more/less then it's multiplicative with other modifiers. Increased/reduced is additive.

The order which modifiers are selected has no impact.


Steam was having difficulties earlier


Originally posted by actionless

apparently item names then just in the AI dataset then

it's raising an interest topic how some other company could accidentally break copyright by using "original" AI-generated content

I don't know anywhere near enough about this to speak with any authority on the broader topic but I think that's why we don't use any ai generated stuff.


Originally posted by HeavyTractor

I'm on steam deck, so it's on. Restarted a couple of times.

Unfortunately steam Deck is an unsupported platform so it might have some weird quirks. Have you tried changing accounts temporarily and switching back? Also verify game files.


Nothing in game is chatgpt or any other ai generated.


Make sure steam is on.

Reboot your computer.

Verify game files.

10 Nov


Originally posted by Uncle___Marty

Thats cool, im sure you guys will have fixed the transition thing by release. I'm just happy you have an offline mode so I can use cheats/hacks to test builds and try stuff without annoying you guys and the player community :)

It's a GREAT game by the way, hats off to everyone involved. Can't wait to see it rock the world at release :)



Originally posted by Uncle___Marty

yikes! I know you guys are putting in a "proper" offline mode but will it have LAN/steam connect capability? Seasons and stuff are fun but I prefer to play offline most of the time.

Sorry, no. LAN capability is one of those things that seems like it would be easy given that we have offline and online modes. Should be able to just run the online stuff locally right? Unfortunately it's a massive project that we are not prepared to undertake at this time.


Originally posted by Uncle___Marty

Actually no, regular load times are pretty quick for me but I had it installed on an M2. Interestingly while the level transition bug/problem happens in single player, if I party up with my wife (same room/connection which is 1gbit) the transitions take WAY longer than in single player.

I just wish this game had a LAN mode right now as it's near unplayable for me at the moment and offline only lets you play single player.

Honestly, I've uninstalled till I see patch notes mentioning about fixing these things, its just no fun to play for me :/ I DO need a new ARPG that isn't D4 though and this really feels like it has the potential to be it.

The reason it takes longer with multiple people in the party is that a fresh server needs to spin up to accommodate the 1st player making the transition while the previous server stays up for the 2nd player. Once both have made the transition, the previous one can be added back to the pool.

In single player, the same server is used and the new zone is loaded in place.