Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

07 Sep


You can repair the game files on Steam. Let me know if you experience this again. If you do, just post your Player.log files and I can take a look to see if there was an error.


I wasn’t able to reproduce this. We will keep an eye on it.

Thanks for the report.


Yup, doesn’t look like it’s working. I made a note of this, thanks for the report.


Thanks for the report, we’re tracking this issue internally.


Thanks for the report. Made a note of it.


Is this in monolith or story?


There was a collider issue with certain early void enemies. It should be addressed in the upcoming hotfix.

Thanks for the report.


Thanks for the report. I made a note of it.


Yep, we’re aware and are looking into it on our end.


This is a known issue.

Thanks for the report.


This is a known issue. It is very rare so it’s hard to reproduce internally.

Thanks for the report.


This does not give you a haste buff only allies. If it gave you a haste buff it would mention “You and your allies”.

This is working as intended. Thanks.


How many times did this happen to you, did it always happen, or just sometimes?


Yes, I believe this is intentional. The tool tip will be updated to clarify this.

Thanks for the report.


I assume it’s what Andrew is saying. In any case we have plans to expand the quest reward system in the future, so they feel more useful and exciting depending on where you are in the story. Potentially items that give you fire resistance when you are at a place with lots of fire enemies. Stuff like that.


That is frustrating, this is a known issue. We are working to resolve this but it is a complicated problem with how the boss is off a ledge and how abilities pick targets. It will take some time to address how to approach this issue.

Thanks for the report.


We should have a fix for this in the next hotfix.