Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

09 Sep


Could you post your character’s file?

It should be located at:

C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves


We want players to only be able to use it on positive mana.


This is working as intended, Warpath is designed to trigger off of 1 mana cost to activate the skill regardless of mana cost reductions in the tree.

Thanks for the report.


llama is correct. Smite needs an enemy target by default, hence why the Keen idols do not proc on the dummy in EoT, it’s not marked as an enemy.


Yup. It’s not just related to Lagon. We most likely need to make Erasing Strike unable to remove boss corpses, it will solve both problems and others that might come up in the future.


I asked the question above because this particular zone has had issues before. I know you are having performance drops in general but I would like to know if you are getting the same degree of performance drops in other monolith echoes. This information will help determine if the performance drop is linked to Multishot or zone related.

08 Sep


Our team was very happy to read this and shared it around internally. We appreciate you taking the time to provide us this feedback.


Originally posted by Orzislaw

I agree! My only gripe is that now older chapters pale in comparison. First chapters are what gives first impression, so I really hope they get spiced up in the future

As Alex said, we definitely do agree. We won't have another chapter of content coming out for a while and we're now turning back to previous chapters to bring them up to the level of quality we have with Chapter 9.

A lot of the team is very excited about the opportunity to do this. Revamping Chapter 4, updating enemies in chapters 2 and 3, updating the deserts before chapter 9 to the same level of quality, and making the presentation better in general with voice acting, new dialogue panels, shorter dialogue text, etc. are just a few things I'm thinking of right now. Lots to do to bring the quality of the game up to the new standards with the expanding studio!


Is this a new character or an older one?


Do you experience this loss of performance in this specific monolith or in all monolith zones? The one you recorded a massive spike is known to have some issues.


This is a known issue. Thanks.


This is a known issue. If you leave and come back it should be fixed.

Thanks for the report.


This is a known issue, you can reload a scene and fight bosses multiple times.

Thanks for the report.


This is very likely to be a result of a collider problem we were having. 0.8.3c should have addressed this issue. Are you still having problems with Energy Wave in Rive after the hotfix?


It seems to only be lasting 5 seconds, interesting. I made a note of it.

Thanks for the report.


That base is a mistake, not sure how it was added, it will be removed. Sorry about that.

Thanks for the report.


This is a known issue. We have a fix coming.

Thanks for the report.


This is a known bug.

Thanks for the report.


Good to know, we’ll keep our eyes on this issue. Thanks for the report!