Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

28 Oct


I’m sorry to hear that this hasn’t been resolved for you. Are there any crash report files in the following location? If so, it would be helpful to upload them here C:/Users/YOURNAME/AppData/Local/Temp/Eleventh Hour Games/Last Epoch/Crashes

Unfortunately, if your computer is restarting without any warning it sounds like it could be a hardware related issue. I would recommend trying to run the game without any overclocks or voltage changes on your CPU and GPU, and disabling XMP for your RAM.

Please let us know if that helps.

If this still happens without any overclocks or XMP, the problem could be related to your computer’s power supply. However, I recognize that it’s not very practical to try replacing that and hoping that’s the problem.

Also, thanks for linking to troubleshooting information ...

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Sorry about that! Could you please upload your log file after this happens?

To clarify, are you clicking the Leave Game button (which should take you back to the Character Select screen) or Exit Game, which should close the application?


It’s likely that an item or passive you have is doing this, such as the Avarice unique gloves. Have you checked what you have equipped/selected?


My apologies for this issue! Thanks for uploading those files, they help a lot.

I have a few follow-up questions:

  • Could you provide a screenshot of what the game looks like after pressing play? is a good place to upload.
  • Have you played the game before on this computer? If so, when did you last play without this issue?

Hi everyone! I’d like to apologize for the unacceptable response times in this forum section. It’s been difficult to dedicate the necessary resources here while maintaining everything else, but we will do better.

With that being said, the most helpful thing would be for anyone encountering this issue to upload the following things inside a .zip file (which will make it small enough to attach here):

  • Your log file after this problem occurred
  • Your Saves folder (which is located next to your log file)
  • Your ...
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27 Oct


Just woke up… Can I get a McFluffin Matriarch Maple Muffin please?

26 Oct


I’ve confirmed this issue internally and we’ll work on a fix. Thanks!

25 Oct


There’s a quest encountered during the campaign you need to complete. I’ll speak with the team about better tutorializing this.

Thanks for checking out Last Epoch! I hope you’re enjoying your weekend.


That’s one of my favorite gaming randomness videos.

I can’t remember exactly what it was but there is a GDC talk (or something like it) somewhere out there where the guy talks about being tasked to create a random system and then repeatedly asked to make changes to it because it doesn’t feel random yet. When he’s done, he has a nowhere near random system but feels very random.

All I can really say right now about crafting in general is that it’s not even in it’s final form. We have systems planned to incorporate still. We’ve just prioritized other things for a few patches. And as always, we will continue to listen to feedback and update the game going forward.

23 Oct

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ve seen a lot of similar requests made in a few different threads and agree with a majority of them. We’ll see what we can do!

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The current Mac client will remain available for a considerable period of time but we will no longer be releasing updates on macOS.

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Travelers,

We’ve recently had to make a difficult decision regarding the future of our macOS client for Last Epoch due to Apple’s announced upcoming transition to ARM-based Macs [“Apple Silicon”].

The future of Macs is promising, but at this time Apple’s transition will involve dropping instruction set support for the Intel and AMD CPUs that power most modern computers. Similar to other games, Last Epoch relies on those instruction sets and a number of third-party libraries to function properly. While many organizations have expressed a desire to adopt support for ARM-based Macs, it is unclear whether all of these libraries will be updated as necessary and how long it may take their new versions to become fully stable and feature complete.

Unfortunately, it is not within our means as an indie team with limited resources to properly support these upcoming Macs therefore will no longer be releasing updates on MacOS. However, Mac players will still be abl...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

For folks’ convenience, here is a collection of links you can use to track staff posts;

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22 Oct


I’ve fixed this internally. Thanks for the report!


Thanks, I’ve confirmed this internally.


I’ve tested this and found that Conduit does not work until you have taken at least one point in Thundering. We’ll look into a fix.

Thanks for the report!


Thanks, I’ve confirmed this and made a note of it internally.


Thanks, I’ve confirmed this and made a note internally.