Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

15 Oct


I’ve taken a look at the nodes in question and I’ve found that the bug is Frenzied Phantom doesn’t work correctly with Spectral Distance, regardless of whether you have Enemy Of My Enemies. Frenzy is being applied to minions within the AoE, rather than to those outside of it.



I think what happened here is that Splintered Dominion doesn’t apply to existing Mages. If you resummon the Mages afterwards, the node works fine.

However, there is a separate issue affecting Pyromancers that we’ll look into. Thanks!

14 Oct


Thanks, I’ve confirmed this and we’ll look into it.


I’ve tested this now and I found that Swift Release was working as intended for enemies. The alt tooltip for the node states that it doesn’t apply to minions, so this is intended.

If you’re sure the duration is not being reduced for enemies, please post a screenshot of your Bone Curse tree so I can look into this further.



Thanks, I’ve confirmed this and made a note of it internally.


Thanks, looks like this node was missed during our conversion. It doesn’t have any effects at the moment, but we’ll look into adapting the node.


Could you give examples? It’s definitely possible that we need to take a pass on standardizing the wording used.


Sorry, I mean that I’m not sure whether making Smite cost mana is the intended functionality or not, so I’ll have to ask other team members. What you wrote was just fine.

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Good suggestions. I’ll bring this up in a design meeting.

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Hi, Lizard! I want to thank you for taking the time to make such an in depth post with your thoughts on these updates. I will make sure that the design team reads over this post and bring it up in one of our upcoming meetings. As all things in Epoch, your feedback is greatly appreciated and we do try to read and consider as much of it as we can between development sprints :slight_smile:


Thanks, I’ve confirmed that this is caused by Brightsmith and we’ll look into it.


Thanks, I’ve confirmed this and we’ll look into it.


I believe this is working as intended - the double damage nodes don’t explicitly mention “hit” anywhere. If people think this is un-intuitive or overpowered we can certainly look into it.



I’m not sure what the intent is here, so I’ll ask for clarification. Thanks!


This will be fixed in 0.7.10c. Thanks for the report!


I’ve confirmed this and we’ll fix it for 0.7.10c. Thanks!


You count as your own ally mechanically, so Smite’s base functionality is working as intended.

However, Soothing Balm isn’t working at all. Thanks for the report!


I would argue that a tooltip error is also a bug, but that’s besides the point :wink:


I’ve tested both of these nodes and they are both working correctly. I know it’s not easy to verify that in-game at the moment, but the nodes definitely grant the stats stated.

If you post a screenshot of your Werebear Form skill tree I can double check for any bugs that could be caused by other nodes. Thanks!


I’ve confirmed this internally and we’ll include a fix in 0.7.10c. Thanks for the report!