Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

30 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


We’re super excited. :slight_smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately we have limited control over the servers of our third-party service provider.

I’m going to lock this thread as one of my colleagues has since helped you with this.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there,

Apologies for not getting back to you sooner. Thanks for taking the time to post an update!

29 Apr


The wait is almost over! Beta will be live at 2019-04-30T16:00:00Z. The website and login will be down for up to an hour beforehand.

Here are the patch notes!


  • Implemented a new prologue chapter to better introduce the player to the game world.
    • Set in the Divine Era
    • 7 short zones with NPCs and quests
    • Includes basic tutorials and new story details
  • Added the rest of Chapter 3
  • Added Chapter 4
  • Added a crafting tutorial quest to the Outcast Camp.
  • Added a quest to introduce the player to the Monolith and Arena.
  • Moved the entrance to The Smelting Halls to near the end of the Armoury. This should improve navigation of the area.
  • Polished the events in the Lower District.
  • Increased the xp requirements for skill and character levels to better suit the amount of content in the Beta.

The Monolith of Fat...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there,

We can indeed arrange this for you if you e-mail [email protected].

Sorry to hear about your friend! That’s very kind of you. :slight_smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Companions system is intended to help differentiate the pet classes.

While we’ll be continuing to improve the Acolyte’s minions over time, there are no current plans to either make her minions Companions or to implement an equivalent system.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We don’t want to do this, as it would just cause people to specialize some skills for boss fights, others for most other combat, and switch between them on the fly.


This is a known issue-- unfortunately I can’t offer an estimate on when this will change. Beta will include the ability to change the monitor the game is displayed on from the settings menu, however.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The beta will not be Steam-exclusive; the alpha client will be updated tomorrow.



    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t believe we’ve announced that yet; I imagine it’ll be posted on the forum when we do.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


It isn’t currently possible to download the beta; I apologize if you received the incorrect e-mail.

The ability to link your Steam and Last Epoch accounts will indeed be available tomorrow.


There’s always room for improvement, but of course our animation team is only so large and there are plenty of enemies to make too! It’s something we have our eye on but of course it will take time.

Feel free to write up any feedback you have after Beta launches.


Unfortunately we don’t have support for preloading, and I don’t believe we announced that. If you read it somewhere I’d like to correct that source.


The quality of animations will be improving with Beta-- in 0.6 we replaced all of the player character models which meant we also had to replace all of their animations. We’ve now had time to go back and polish each one, so they should look and feel better.

I believe we already have animation cancelling, though it may not be for all skills or the animations might not line up quite right. There’s definitely command queueing.


Yes, Beta access is included in the Ancient Gladiator pack, or in the new $35 pack when the next series is released.