Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

29 Apr


We won’t be committing to the stretch goals we didn’t reach during the Kickstarter campaign, largely because we don’t want to keep expanding our scope. That doesn’t mean those features are off the table, just that we can’t commit to them right now.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Making one of the activatable skills a permanent buff sort of misses the point.


The durations and cooldowns are for sure still up for discussion.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you tell us about the build you are using in these screenshots?

28 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can I ask why? They’re not likely to be used more often than most other skills.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

That is not the intention @trollpeis

A very small proportion of items will not be tradable. With the exception of white items with no affixes, an item being a higher rarity doesn’t mean that it will be more powerful. In this regard Last Epoch will be more similar to Path of Exile than Diablo III.

This thread is quite old now and may not have been phrased as well as it could have been in a small number of places - leading to it giving a more restrictive impression than our current intentions. We’ve been discussing either giving it an update or posting a new thread on the subject, but our upcoming beta release has kept us busy.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Patch 0.7 we will be continuing to implement the Companions system. In addition to various smaller improvements - such as slightly adjusting restrictions on how many you may have out at once - we will be adding the activatable abilities for your Companions.

One issue faced by minion-focused builds is that, once you’ve summoned your minions, your action bar can be devoid of useful skills. The Companions system will replace each of your Companion-summoning skills with an activatable ability. This will only be available w...

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We have relaxed it slightly since this post was made based on feedback from the beta testing group. There is a node in the new wolf tree which makes 1 wolf not count towards the cap. You can still get up to the same limit of permanent wolves. The temporary wolf node has been removed because we thought that it conflicted with the core values of the Primalist character.

If it really doesn’t work then we’ll look at changing it back. We aren’t set in stone with anything really. We are going to give this new system a little while to grow and see how it feels though.


Hi there,

Thanks for the report! Unfortunately in rare and specific cases like this we aren’t able to do much unless we have the log file from when this occurred. The errors that occurred should be logged there, but the file is cleared when you restart the game so it’s unlikely to give us any information now.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately this isn’t possible currently, however if you send an e-mail to us at [email protected] we can notify you when we’re able to help you with this.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving this account issue to Customer Service. :slight_smile:


Originally posted by KAJed

Our plan is to have a very distributed server set-up

Are you planning on a cloud-based virtual solution rather than the more rented bare-metal solution that Path of Exile is doing?

I'm not sure precisely how much information we wish to disclose about this; that decision would be above my paygrade.


When Last Epoch is officially launched in 2020, the game will support both online-only and offline-only characters.

The alpha is primarily client-side, and this will initially be true of our beta as well; multiplayer testing will be gradually ramped up over time. Nobody cares much about placeholder animations or a weapon's on hit sound effect being sub-par and needing to be replaced, but people are much less used to unfinished netcode. Multiplayer is the single thing with the biggest potential to ruin the game's reputation if it is released too early - which is why we decided it will transition gradually from internal testing, to Friends & Family testing, to community members under NDA, to everyone with beta access. We know people want multiplayer as soon as possible - but we also know that people want us to get it right. We're prioritizing the latter.

Our plan is to have a very distributed server set-up. It's too early for me to guarantee a specific number of data ...

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Originally posted by zeracoa

Just to be clear it will be 35$ on the website and 35€ on steam then ? Does buying from the website will give a steam key ?

It would be $35 on our website. I can't currently confirm whether it would be €35 on Steam or mildly less expensive than that.

You will not be able to play Last Epoch without a Last Epoch account. When you buy the game through Steam, before you play for the first time, you will be asked to either register or log into a Last Epoch account. If you buy through our website, you will be able to link your Steam account to your Last Epoch account to play through Steam without needing to buy the game again. It isn't currently available, however you can expect a support article explaining how to do so here:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

We made a commitment at the time that those packs would never be sold again.