Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

22 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


So my response to this will echo my post in your other thread. So far we have been concentrating on low level uniques because the available campaign content is for low level characters, and the average character will be played less now compared to at release.

When an item drops, the game determines which base type the item will have - for example, a ...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the feedback!

Due to Last Epoch being in alpha it currently has limited campaign content available. We’re trying to make most skills unlock during that time, as not everyone will choose to play the Arena much on every character, and we do want those skills to be available.

As Last Epoch continues through development we will add more Chapters - and as we do so we’ll be gradually pushing back some of the skill unlocks to higher character levels. As a ballpark estimate, at ...

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Originally posted by Ryukenden123

Does that mean buying alpha packs get you the new beta pet when its out too?

No; the MTX you'll have depends on which supporter pack you buy.


You’ll be happy to know that Black Hole is already a Sorcerer skill, though admittedly not nearly as elaborate as you have here.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback!

Did you know you will be able to become a bear on the 30th of April? :slight_smile:


Originally posted by CrazySwitch

So when beta starts it won’t be implemented? Is there an ETA on when it will be?

No specific ETA. We'll be gradually expanding our testing - the pace at which we do so will be determined by how well that testing goes.


Thanks for the report!


Huh, how strange! I haven’t heard of this bug before.

Can you both please upload your log file and ...

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Sorry to hear about that! Can you try talking to him again and then upload your log file? Thanks!

21 Apr


Originally posted by CrazySwitch

Multiplayer, when?

We're testing multiplayer internally at the moment - we'll be involving the community in this testing during beta.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there @SaiZaro!

So let me try to clarify a few things;

  • The KickStarter series of supporter packs are no longer available. We made a commitment at the time that these would be exclusive, and our KickStarter campaign was a year ago.
  • When we launch our beta we’ll be replacing all our current packs with a new series. There will indeed be different tiers availab...
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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Would you be interested in trying an experimental solution?

This would mean the erasure of save data, however it may resolve the problem for you. If you’re interested, I’ll shoot you an e-mail to arrange something. Sorry again for the delay.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mind if I also ask for your graphics .ini file?

I’d be curious about certain settings (e.g. memory allocation). If you typically play with the Vertical Sync setting enabled, could you try disabling that temporary for troubleshooting?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


In that case I’ll lock the thread. You’re welcome to open another in future if necessary.

20 Apr