Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

06 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

If that doesn’t work, could you please tell us where it is installed?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

That looks like the Windows version of our launcher.

Assuming I’m right, could you try right-clicking on it and selecting Run as Administrator? It won’t prevent the need to unarchive packages again, but might make it stick next time.

05 Apr


Thanks for the reports! The first will be quite easy to fix, but the second issue will take a bit longer.


Posting to would be fine.


Hmm, interesting. I tested this and when I summoned a new minion (so unsummoning my wolf and summoning a new one), they regenerated health correctly. Can you post your output_log from AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch? Though the log probably won’t show anything unless you start over.


Thanks for the report! If you summon a new minion after respeccing, do they regenerate health?

04 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve heard back from our service provider.

This error is related to either proxy settings or firewalls interfering with the download. Can I please ask whether you use a proxy or VPN, and which firewall you have installed?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

When you run the Launcher in the main Last Epoch folder, does it download something?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

A Clean Boot would be nearly as helpful and probably far less inconvenient.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is the problem being reported by the log files;

[INFO] Tue Apr 2 12:40:42 2019 - Downloaded data is completely invalid.

It’s not an issue we’ve encountered before, so I’m trying to see if one of our service providers can get us more information as they may be more familiar with this particular issue.

The issue can’t be on our end - as if it was it would either affect everybody, or at least affect anyone connecting to a particular server. I’m not seeing any other reports of this.

I’d be curious if creating a new Admin account, logging in on it, and trying again on that profile would be successful. From what I can see either the data is corrupted by the time it reaches your computer,...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports!

This is on our radar. Last time I checked in on this we weren’t entirely sure what was causing it just yet, but we’ll continue to look into it. We don’t currently need log files for this.

03 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can you please let us know whether this issue is persisting?

We’ve made a few server-side changes.

    Bonfi96 on Forums - Thread - Direct

On closer inspection it looks like your controller is not supported by the plugin we’re using for handling controller input. Your best bet is to try to use x360ce and remap your controller to a virtual 360 controller.
I’ve used it countless times to play games with my old PS2 controller and it works most of the times.
Make sure that your controller is always in xinput mode also in this case

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Is that definitely the full file?

Could you perhaps upload it as an attachment instead?

    Bonfi96 on Forums - Thread - Direct

Your controller seems to support xinput mode, that should work fine out of the box.
Is your controller connected in xinput mode or with dinput?

02 Apr

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Which controller do you have? What Operating System are you using? Have you used that controller in another game, just to rule out the possibility of it being faulty?

    Bonfi96 on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys, Dario here!
I’ve been taking care of the controller implementation in the game and I’d love to hear more opinions on the current system so we can iterate on that.

For this purpose this topic is now the place to leave your feedback on anything controller related.
Thanks to everyone who left their feedback already and thanks in advance to anyone who will leave it after!

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately your screenshot suggests launcher-log.txt is 0 KB, and thus it is unlikely to contain much useful information - it looks suspiciously empty. :confused:

Could you please check this support article and post the other file if it isn’t blank?