Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

04 Apr

26 Mar

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a really cool idea!

Some of what you suggest could be exciting parts of the skill’s specialisation tree.

19 Mar

07 Mar

26 Feb

    Mitch on Forums - Thread - Direct

If anyone in future has issues finding our Community Discord, here is the link!

19 Feb

12 Feb

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please report any typos or misspellings you’ve found here

It’s helpful to include:

  • detailed description of where you found the typo
  • screenshot link of the typo
  • version number of the game client where the typo was found

11 Feb

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dunno if you’re aware, but you may be interested in this;

(Sorry for off-topic post.)

10 Feb


Dude! I’m so sorry I wasn’t clear.

Nothing is set in stone.

I’m a massive LAN party guy. I’m one of the lead organizers of a massive annual LAN party. I go to monthly LAN parties. We are absolutely working towards LAN play. It’s just not something we are doing for our pre-Kickstarter demo. It’s not our current focus. I have an active D2 LAN character that I play with my buddies once every couple months at a LAN party.

We absolutely want to have LAN play. It is not cut from the game. If we get an outcry for LAN play as a primary feature then it will move up the list from a want to a need.


We will do a big deep dive into our loot system. Right now in the early stages of multiplayer loot will just be fully random and whoever clicks on it first gets it.

Down the road this will change, a lot. It will never be as far to the extreme as D3 is. I love finding gear for other characters or friends. I’m working with the rest of the team to make a big push happen with the game ASAP so we’ll have a bigger devblog that goes into this in detail soon.

08 Feb


You’ve got some really good insights in there Darkquake. Most of your attribute points are going to come from 2 places, passives and gear. We aren’t creating the system with no golden path as the primary goal. I think that as long as there are multiple things that you really want and you can’t get all of them then it’s going to keep things interesting. I’m sure that general builds will emerge. My hope is that people can put their own flair on those builds and still have fun with them. I can tell you the exact perfect amount of stats for 99% of all D2 characters with a very simple formula and that makes their attribute system a low point in character customization. Skills are a pretty similar story. The way you customize your character to make it your own in D2 is through gear. We are absolutely going to have fun and interesting gear decisions that will play very heavily into your build.

So much of these systems are still theoretical because we are actively making the systems ...

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04 Feb

    kqkyle on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nice write up Mike!

02 Feb


Most of the nodes on the Passive Grid are placeholders because we haven’t finished developing the systems for more complex nodes. We definitely agree that making the nodes interesting in their own right is important!

We also have lots of UI improvements and explanations coming up which should help explain this and other systems more fully. And there will certainly be more dev blogs coming, stick around!

    Mox on Forums - Thread - Direct

This was definitely our most intensley debated system internally and I was afraid that we wouldn’t come to a conclusion that all parties agreed on before this. Very happy with the positive feedback we’ve received from this version of the passive system so far and with the improvements around the corner I’m confident we’ll have a system ARPGs players can pick up quickly, has depth and interesting choices, and allows for very distinct playstyles. Great writeup, Mike!



Passive Skill Systems have been an integral part of many of our favorite video games over the years; it provides a method for you to customize your character as they grow in the game world. Currently in the ARPG space we have passive systems such as: Diablo 3’s Pick 4, Path of Exile’s Massive Passive Web and Grim Dawn’s Constellations. Each of these play to different strengths in their respective games, but we felt they all had some room for improvement. I’m going to walk you through the process that we went through to make our passive skill system and go into some details on how it works.

Creating our Passive Grid was a very long process and it is still going through minor evolutions to this day. We had many long discussions about every aspect of it and I’m very happy with the result. Since we already have many skill trees to play around with in the game, we wanted to avoid the classic WoW style talent trees. We needed something that would work well with our class evolution ...

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15 Jan

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

An echo spell, that repeats what was cast… (get it?)

14 Jan