League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Sep


Goodbye, till we resume next year! Was lurking most of this year on reddit, but made me always happy to see so much positive feedback for our EU production!

16 Sep


Originally posted by lunfard0reload

What players do you use for those test? Many bugs are only possible be found by Pros/Challengers/OTPs which restraint a lot the amount of useful testers.

And not to mention the tons of known bugs that were never fixed (e.g: morde infamous bug list), so even if those tester found a critical bug, chances are you wont have time to fix it.

We've used a range of Rioters & QA; this week we'll be getting additional help from the Playtest teams at Riot (much higher rank than majority of Rioters) which will help us get games that are as similar to pro play as possible along with running the maximum amount of "direct connect" spectators (explained here) to add stress on the servers.


Hey everyone,

We are definitely taking these issues seriously and it's a top priority right now for multiple engineering teams. While the shows are going on, we're running internal playtests on our offline servers to gather additional data with frequent engineering changes, improving logging (and performance when possible) to help dig deeper into the root cause.

In regards to NA LCS today, the reason for the extended Chronobreak pause was due us moving the game between servers in order to provide information into the performance differences across setups.

In the upcoming week, we'll be ramping up the amount of offline game server playtesting we are doing on the Worlds patch as well as continuing to investigate potential causes outside of the game server process (which could be adding to the performance problems).

14 Sep


Originally posted by SernieBanters

I worded my comment poorly. What I meant to say is that those things aren't necessary to climb out of silver. I personally reached gold by spamming Bard and just destroying enemy supports.

Wave management is very strong (I got destroyed by Garens who just froze waves on me). Powerspikes are helpful. Warding locations are useless IMO because I haven't seen anyone play around wards in Silver. Usually people just put a ward before they facecheck.

Oh yeah, can definitely make it out without knowing much about it, but I think it is one of the most valuable things to pick up.


Originally posted by SernieBanters

Except that none of these get you to gold. You get to sound pretentious while flaming your teammates but it's pretty much useless for climbing low elo.

EDIT: Said the wrong thing. What I meant is those skills aren't necessary to reach gold. You can get to gold knowing none of these. I definitely did not learn these things in Silver.

I think wave control is one of the best ways to improve your win-rate in silver. It allows you to assert pressure on the map all by yourself without really giving up much (assuming the other team does not know how to manage their side-waves).


Originally posted by SeiKoss

That's funny since I agree on fankifalfur, you learn #1 & #3 from watching high elo streamers / youtubers.

Casters will talk a bit about #1 but won't go in to detail, Dong Huap for instance has a youtube clip where he explains it and I learned more from that then I did from watching 6 years competitive.

#3 is something I learned from watching Dyrus / wingsofdeath back in season 3. Casters will say x champion needs these 2 items before they really come online but they again won't go in to detail. For instance old Irelia didn't want to fight Riven at lvl6, but lvl7 was a free kill if the Riven didn't respect it, while casters will just say she needs her trinity powerspike.

While #2 is something you learn from just watching a competitive game if you pay attention to it / minimap.

Yeah you can definitely learn those things through multiple channels. I personally learnt a lot of the core concepts from watching EU and NA LCS and learnt more intricate things from streamers/youtubers. But ofc. this depends on who you watch and it is cool that there are lots of different options out there.


Originally posted by fankifalfur

I feel like only the 2nd thing is the only thing on that list that can actually be learned from watching pro play, you're not going to learn wave management watching the spectator go around every lane every few seconds. Also you can't really tell if a champion is powerspiking as a spectator because often enough you don't see them instantly fight when they spike or you can't feel the powerspike yourself.

Warding though I agree, some very creative and useful ward spots can be seen in competitive games as a spectator

point #1 and #3 is learned from the casters in my opinion (but you are right, that it is not something you learn well just by watching). To be fair, those things take a while to fully understand and remember.

Edit: I can say personally, learning about wave management from the casters over the years is one of the main factors contributing to my improvements.


Originally posted by FlanxLycanth

Do you think there is anything a Silver ranked player could learn from watching competitive or is the skill gap too wide?

Some of the things I always take away from pro play:

- Wave management (when to push, when to freeze, why it matters, etc.)

- Good/creative ward locations (warding lanes, where to ward around baron, etc.)

- Power spikes of champions

12 Sep


rejected titles include

RIFTQUEST: Player's Handbook

The Gentleman and The Gem

Immortal Journey Vol 2: The Sacred Sword

The Battle Bunny's Secret Weapon

Command: The Steamy Golem

The Most Magical Journey

Zero-Gravity Hair Health: A Guide


The Tempest's Last Breath

Deadly Ionian Nights

Daisy's Crush

07 Sep


Originally posted by I_AM_A_MOTH_AMA

I never saw one. u/RiotAfic any word on whether that was happening?

Not yet. Still on the to do list. No ETA unfortunately

04 Sep


Originally posted by THIS_IS_NOT_A_GAME

Saddest thing about Ornn's items when he was released was it was just a stat buff and nothing even a little more interesting. Imagine if Zhonya's was 1 second longer, or recastable to stop the Stasis. Imagine if Warmog's passive also worked with mana. Etc.

We actually tested quite a few of enhanced effects in development. Turned out that it was EXTREMELY powerful and we decided that it would be too difficult to support longer term, so they became what they are today. Felt like a bit of a missed opportunity, but given the timing of everything I think it was the best decision.

03 Sep


Originally posted by Nightwing_Starfire

Great but please tell me if this includes GARENA region as well ?
i bought the whole bundle and i am dying to know if the money went to charity or not
Garena does tons of scams and please just tell me

This is world wide and includes Garena numbers. We are handling the payments out to the nonprofits through GlobalGiving so we have a fully auditable trail of where the funds go.


So freaking proud of how this campaign turned out. It started out as a small hackathon project we did for Bryan and turned into our largest community donation to date. $6.1M raised beat our internal goal pretty considerably and we saw a lot of people who don't even play Cho show up to support.

Thanks to all who helped make this possible. These funds raised will go to help hundreds of thousands of lives around the world in thanks to this community.

17 Aug

15 Aug


Originally posted by Firedrakez

I've been going to gamescom for the past 6 years now, going again this year. I thought it was really weird that they stopped attending Gamescom. When they were there, they easily took up half of the hall they were in. I can understand not wanting to do lcs playoffs there anymore, but you can attend without an esports event and still make a lot of people happy.

Even now that LoL isn't at Gamescom anymore, you still see loads of LoL cosplayers. There are even a lot of people playing LoL at booths that aren't even being hosted by Riot, and there are always loads of people there to watch it. Really hope they decide to come back one year.

Hi Firedrakez,

we're still actively supporting the Cosplay Community at gamescom every year, be it with prices or some € to help them rent the space for their Cosplay Booth. We do the same with all the booths that wants to play League. We supply them with accounts or the tournament realm and help them design small little tournaments.

I was with Riot at gamescom from 2012 to 2015 and I still miss it, but Draggles already pointed out some of the challenges we face. It is really hard to put up an event for so many people and making it a great experience. This year we have a "small" tournament on Saturday at the ESL stage, so definitely stop by and say hi to my colleagues and me if you are still there. :) Also don't miss the League of Legends Cosplay contest on Thursday evening!


Originally posted by SwigNation

No one is being silenced lmao.. they can talk wherever they want. Sexual orientation doesnt matter when it comes to playing a video game. This user literally just offered you an easier way to your solution and you shot him down and told him that you would rather take the hard way by asking a community that really isnt that interested in your search criteria. We are here to play League of Legends and have discussions, not shun people when they provide a response. If people want to talk, they will talk and not a single person is stopping them from it other than their own.

"This user literally just offered you an easier way to your solution and you shot him down and told him that you would rather take the hard way by asking a community that really isnt that interested in your search criteria. "

You say "a community that really isn't that interested in your search criteria... "
If comatorium is part of the league community and is looking to connect at that level, that means you can't claim unequivocally that the whole community ain't interested in that search criteria.
Also, the probability that comatorium is the only one with that need out of millions of player is doubtful... See it this way, if one person in the room is asking, there is probably a lot of people in the room that has been thinking about it.

Finally, there is multiple reasons, ALL valid, to play video games. Some it's to blow up stress, some it's to achieve greatness, some is to stay connected with friends that live now apart because of college, etc... I d...

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Originally posted by Renozoki

Renozoki, I would say, let other gay players actually assess if comatorium post/saying is degrading or not to them. You are trying to talk on behalf of a really huge group here...

No, op is trying to talk on behalf of an entire group, heavily implying that gays are all as closed minded as him.

What is said here is that he wanted to connect with people that are both LGBT+ and care for League of Legends. That's all.

Whenever a situation like this pops up, replace the group with white or straight people and see how that makes you feel. If the idea of someone making a thread asking for only straight people to play together sounds even the least bit not ok, this isn't ok either.

And yes, being gay defines who I am; being part of a minority groups impact a lot of things (you can read a lot of development studies/books on the topics). It might not prescribe anything in what I will become in ...

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Renozoki, I like the passion in the topic, I think you highlighted something interesting. You want me to replace it with "looking to play with str8 people" and how it would make me feel?

Actually, it wouldn't really make me feel anything. Everyone has the right to associate with whoever they want. There is a difference between "I refuse to let "X" people exist in my society" and "I would like to connect with "X" people in society".

Also, there is books and research that highlights how being part of a minority (culture, language, skin color, sexual orientations and whatnot) and how it impacts people's personal, emotional development.

For example, a lot of LGBT+ people don't start to have actually "romantic" types of relationships as early as heterosexual people. As of, heterosexual might explore "connecting romantically" when they are young, most LGBT+ folks might explore it later when they are in their late teens/early twenties. At this point, their emotiona...

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14 Aug


Originally posted by SwigNation

Thanks for playing the middle ground I guess???? You act like I don't understand why he wants to be a part of a group of like minded players. You felt the need to go into emotional detail the reason as to why said person is searching for like minded players. I understand all of this completely fine. However moving away from your comfort zone should not be viewed as negative. It's fine that he wants to find these people he can level with and relate to , however not finding them should not be viewed in a negative light. Every single game there are 9 individuals in which you can search for and have conversation with. You can build healthy friendly relationships with these people and it is guaranteed that at some point in that environment, he will come across another player with similar viewpoints. Not to mention a much stronger bond can be created with these people in a random environment. It's like walking into a house party full of people you don't know or really get along with and ...

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So, I don't disagree with your statements, but I also don't think they are mutually exclusive nor being able to comparative.

Btw, he's not looking for people with similar view points (view points as takes on politics, what,s good or bad, etc.) but just people that had a similar walk of life.

I don't think any kind of relationships is defined by how much they have in common... however, there is research on inter-cultural relations, as how enriching they can be (can be is highlighted), but how much more efforts and patience are required because you have to build a lot of common/shared pool of knowledge to be able to communicate on the same ground.

So yes, I strive and love to be put with people that are completely different than me, it helps me learn and discover new things. But, sometimes, I also need to be with people with whom I don't have to explain how I feel on certain topics, because they innately understands.

That's my whole point, one is not b...

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Originally posted by SwigNation

I'm not the one getting upset over it. I'm just saying that it's good to find friends with a variety of view points. My response is nothing to get defensive over. I'm just saying there is no reason to pinpoint a single community when there are plenty of good people to converse with that you can just find in game.

SwigNation, you assume there is no reason to pinpoint a single community... yet, if he's asking for it, its because he feels there is a need.

On that note, no one holds the truth, but why don't you just try to understand where he's coming from rather than convincing him that he doesn't know what he wants? I think we can assume we are all grown ups with good intentions here and we all want to connect with human beings with whom we have affinity. He's just trying to find his group.

Are you part of any kind of minority? Were you always passionate about something that no one else around you cared for? Didn't it feel good when you could actually find someone else who walked those shoes with whom you could connect with? It didn't mean that person was better or that the relationships would be of greater quality, but it definitely felt good to be able to, for a second, feel like someone else knew what you were going through.

I think, that's all he's wanting and ...

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Originally posted by Renozoki

How am I dragging down gay players? YOU are the one saying all gays are the same lol.

No, when questioned your reasoning for trying to segregate yourself, the reason you yourself gave puts all gays in a small, closed group of people that all think like you because they are gay.

Also, there are many things that pertain to gay culture that are relateable among members. I am not pushing any perspective, simply asking if there are other players who are involved in communities.

And that's fine. But how long can you possibly talk about just those things?

This is especially useful in a game like league where there are so many toxic players that tend to be close-minded bigots.

With probably over 1-2k hours put into league the topic of my sexuality seems to rarely come up, and somehow none of the people I play with know I'm dating a black girl. Perhaps because her skin co...

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Renozoki, I would say, let other gay players actually assess if comatorium post/saying is degrading or not to them.
You are trying to talk on behalf of a really huge group here...

What is said here is that he wanted to connect with people that are both LGBT+ and care for League of Legends. That's all.

And yes, being gay defines who I am; being part of a minority groups impact a lot of things (you can read a lot of development studies/books on the topics). It might not prescribe anything in what I will become in my life, but being gay certainly defines who I am as an individual.

See it differently... Would you have been offended if the request was "looking for people who speaks French on NA server?", because I feel it would be easier for me to speak in my native language?

Ultimately, comatorium wants to connect with players with whom he can connect on a deeper level than just League, it's causing you no harms in any way, having zero impac...

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