League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Aug


Originally posted by Darius_Garland

People need to stop clinging to an "identity" and be individuals. Huge problem with this world.

We are individual because we express who we are? Only when you truly embrace the multiple layers of your identity you can be your own individual self?

I think what you meant was maybe "people need to stop clinging in sub group/clans/etc"? I hear you, I think, ultimately, we are all humans and need to act at a global level, but being inclusive shouldn't mean being "normalized" to all be the same.


Originally posted by kon9879

Thanks for the reply! I really appreciate it hearing it from someone who obviously has experience with that topic. If he wants to meet new players who are LGBTQA+ I'm totally fine with that, and like you said, it's even greater if they have the same interests (LoL). It just seemed like he does not even consider playing with someone not associating with LGBTQA+ , just because they don't have the same "experience" as them, instead of learning new things from them. I really liked your response and I am able to comprehend now why someone would want to join this kind of community.

Glad it was useful :)

Just remember, what "seems" like is often just our biased POV on something, if you ask for some more details, you usually open yourself to a whole new world of understanding :).



Originally posted by Nighthawk4800

Yes something things that are happening to gay people around the world is f**ked up I’m not gonna deny that. But you saying the world is being build around heterosexuals is simply unfair. Everyone has their struggles and I’m sorry if anyone has ever harassed you for your sexuality those people are literal human scum but your struggles may but do not definitely out way others people struggles so you saying “the world is built around heterosexuals” is simply unfair.

Nighthawk, one thing for sure is, someone calling their struggle doesn't diminished yours.
Any struggle is a struggle, you can't put them on a scale.

However, human sharing common struggles like to connect together, because, for me, it helps me not feel alone within my ecosystem.

I.e. I will never be able to understand truly, I can empathize, but understand truly what it is like to go through loosing your kid, I'm not a parent, I will never be able to understand that. Clearly a struggle, clearly parents that went through the same thing connecting is a powerful thing for them to share and a way to cope and be better on the other side.

Again, people wanting to connect around who they are, part of their identity or their struggle is not a matter of exclusion, but a matter of survival, coping, celebrating whatever they need, that can emerge from that specific group of peers that walked their shoes as well.


Originally posted by kon9879

I understand his legit point. Why is it necessary to be LGBT to play together? I am straight and I couldn't care less if my DuoQ partner is Gay, Straight, Lesbian etc. because what I care about is his performance ingame and his personality, not his sexuality. As an example, if I were an archer, would it be necessary for my DuoQ to be an archer? Not really.

I'll try to share my POV to see if it might help you understand more that type of request... I do think your question and reaction is legit, at first, it can seem odd, so I'll try to see if I can give you my POV to make you see what it feels like on the other side of the fence.

As mentioned above, LGBT folks share a defining factor that deeply connect them together, because they share similar life reality growing up and what not. It makes LGBT folks not better, but like you wouldn't know what it likes to grow up in India, if you were born in America, not being LGBT prevents you from connecting at that deep root experience level. (I wouldn't know what it is like to grow up as a straight guy and I won't pretend)

That being said, it doesn't prevent everyone to play together, it is actually encouraged. But the request here is not about finding "players to duoQ", what he's actually asking is finding a group of people with whom that person can bond and connect with th...

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Wait is that the Weeknd, the famous NA Camille one trick

It's me your favorite wintrader

11 Aug


Originally posted by ThinkinTime

Can someone make this during the next Riot Thunderdome

There was a team last year that made a game pretty close to this. Was a bit more like soccer, and 2v2

09 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]

Don't worry the people that made the runes reforged system were silver :)



Originally posted by DeathCap4Cutie

The crows are scared of him... his E is literally crows flying away from him so fast they hit people cause they only care about getting away, His R is he jumps into a group of them suddenly and they freak out and act similar to someone whos been feared by his Q and just run in circles. Except theyre even more terrified and will rip and peck any anything they pass by.

I don't know if this is right but....eh, sounds close enough to be new canon

08 Aug


Originally posted by thiswasonceeasy

I would be interested in knowing a little more about the game engine itself. I remember reading in the past that it doesn't use a major engine such as Unreal, Cryengine, or Unity and that it was developed in-house. Is this true? And if so, I'd be interested in how the dev tools were developed and what features they have.

You are correct. We don't use one of the major commercial engines, we've rolled our own. This allows us to be more flexible - if we need something we can add it. We get to decide what the most important features are and what needs support. We also have had to build all of our tools (the game related ones at least. We still use 3rd party tools like Maya etc for art and audio and whatnot) - so our tools are customised to do what League needs: Creating particle effects, linking them to spells, dealing with game logic to name just a couple.

We are constantly iterating on our engine and tools so that we can more quickly and efficiently add new content. Of course, adding new content and features has a cost in terms of performance and memory, hence this eternal battle for framerate.


Originally posted by VisAnalysis

This is interesting content (that Riot doesn’t have to publish) so it’s weird to me that so far these comments are just complaining about things.

It’s cool that they clearly take a lot of time to tell us anecdotes about things that happen under the hood, and as a coding hobbyist it’s fun to hear about some unexpected challenges, since anyone who codes, even as a team with QA, has done things than this or worse.

Kudos to the writer — this was written in a grear ELI5 sort of way. Could you (Or anyone) comment on why the Swain problem showed on a mid-spec machine but not the low-spec ones you tested on?

We don't test every skin of every champion on every spec machine on every game map or game type. There are just too many combinations there to do in a reasonable time with QA team. Even PBE doesn't catch every combination, which is why we need to keep an eye on live games and player reports for outliers. In this case, the Swain slow down wasn't flagged as an issue with our internal testing, or even on PBE. Either it wasn't noticeable enough (the impact would depend on screen resolution as well as GPU type and even the CPU could mitigate the GPU slowdown if it was slow enough) or it was deemed within the acceptible bounds of perf degradation or it wasn't seen.

So, to your question, it should have showed up in testing. If I was able to test on a min spec machine myself, it would have shown up. But my development machine is not min-spec (I do need to be able to compile the game), its more mid-spec and even on that machine it only showed up when I was running two game clients t...

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07 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


Introverted men also face many of the same issues (excluding the sexual harassment parts). When training managers there are many call outs specifically for how to help introverted individuals ensure they get a voice in the room. Some of the best leads here are great at doing that.


Originally posted by Trashacc5436

I appreciate that Riot is quick to reply, and i think that this statement is an important one.

The key word there is “strive”--our cultural values are aspirational and we’re realistic about the fact that the values and behaviors in our manifesto aren’t always perfectly reflected in the reality of the experiences of Rioters across Riot.

I think you're going to find sexism, and interpreted sexism, in any situation in which the genders interact. I doubt that it could ever be truly prevented, but it certainly needs to be addressed. My concern is what steps exactly is Riot taking to address it? The D&I program discussed sounds like it could be the right response, but the information presented is fairly vague. Revamped HR, new manager, task force, none of that really tells us what riot is doing in regards to the situation. It sure sounds like they're doing something, but corporations are exceptionally skilled at putting out statements that ma...

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Some really good questions that I should have hit /u/Trashacc5436

The team that works on this stuff wrote this up a couple months ago to talk about what they've been up to https://www.riotgames.com/en/work-with-us/diversity-and-inclusion


Hey everyone, Riot Smileyjoe here. I work in Riot comms and have been working with this journalist for the last few weeks to get Riot’s view into the piece.

We appreciate that the reporter took the time to reach out to us, but since Kotaku didn’t include the full statement, I wanted to make sure this community saw the full response we sent.

Riot Culture

We strive to cultivate a unique culture that positions us to best deliver amazing player experiences: one where we obsessively focus on players; one where every Rioter has equal opportunity to be heard, grow their role, advance in the organization, and fulfill their potential; and one where open feedback helps us all get better.

The key word there is “strive”--our cultural values are aspirational and we’re realistic about the fact that the values and behaviors in our manifesto aren’t always perfectly reflected in the reality of the experiences of Rioters across Riot. Talking over wo...

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03 Aug

02 Aug

EDIT: we're heading back to work! as always, some Rioters will stick around and continue to answer questions. Thanks for joining us, and we'll see you for the next one.


The time for tradition is over, but an AMA is still a worthy challenge. We'll kick it off at 11:00 AM PDT and run until 2:00 PM PDT. Load up the comments with your questions and we'll come out from our shroud in a bit to answer as many as we can.


Here are some of the Kinkou acolytes prepared to answer your questions: u/RiotScruffy - Lead Designer | u/Thermal_Kitten - Narrative Lead | ...

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29 Jul


Originally posted by WHOISTIRED

Yea so is Kiwikid.

kiwikid actually was never on playtest

24 Jul


Originally posted by baottousai

how many pages are there? geez. most of them won't even get seen because people will just leave after the first few pages, probably. also wish we could sort by champion or something

edit: okay i've been browsing for 25 minutes. WAY too many entries

The entries are displayed in random order to ensure good coverage of all of them and prevent it from being just the entries on the 1st page that get the most views. If you refresh the voting site you will see that the 1st page is always different. So as an example if 50,000 people vote on the contest, but never go beyond the 1st page we can still guarantee that all entries are being seen by many eyes. We do it this way because we get far too many entries for a single person (or even a small group of people) to reasonably sift through, but a large community can do it in a number of hours. It's also fun to look at and share everyone's awesome work.

22 Jul


Originally posted by ryanbtw

Ready when you are!

I'm on.