League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Dec


Originally posted by Outrageous-Elk-5392


As far as grubs count for the first 3 epic monsters slain, you need all 3 grubs for one stack, so one grub gives 0 stacks, even 2 grubs from first spawn and one grub from second spawn would give 0 stacks, but 3 grubs from one spawn is a stack+2 dragons for example would be enough for the feat

First blood and first turret no longer give bonus gold, first blood is 300g, first turret is 250g, all it does now is count for the feats

The stats on the free boot upgrades are meant to be 150g worth of stats, he considers them worse than the current bonus gold for FB and first turret

The support item counts as a legendary for the tier 3s(you need 2 legendaries to upgrade to tier 3s), so if you’re pyke and you have bloodsong and umbral, you can buy the T3 upgrade

The tier 3 upgrades are meant to be more efficient than components but less efficient than legendaries, so if you have 3k gold you should buy cosmic drive or black cleaver, but if you hav...

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Thanks! This is a very nice summary.


Originally posted by FireDevil11

The pen boots actually give less than 750g worth of stats according to the math but play testers are super psyched about them “OMG SO OP”.

Sorc shoes give 12 mpen, upgraded for 750 gold they give +7mpen and +10%Mpen.

46.15 * 10+7 * 46.67=788g worth of stats.

Unless they plan on buffing regular sorc shoes too

You already get +4mpen for the triumphant boots, so the 750g is only giving +3mpen, +10%, and +5ms


As in making reaction videos or something similar that include those images where you talk about stuff on the official accounts?

Go for it if so!


Originally posted by OpenMidGG

I wonder how long ago this has been in the works.

A good bit. These things take time.

There are other efforts happening in parallel to identify address gameplay behaviors we think are disruptive to folks.


Originally posted by heronic_bird

Honor was always meant to be a "good behavior score" and not an activity tracker. That's the biggest weakness of the current Honor system. That's also the biggest thing we're going to change with this update. Your new Honor level is going to be based on a constant evaluative score that looks at your interactions with teammates, honor votes, active penalties, and a lot more behind the scenes from your most recent games. Once changes are live, playing more won't help you get to Honor 5, unless you're exhibiting the right behavior

Good Bird.

05 Dec


Originally posted by ladled_manure

Well that will be interesting at the start of the season, with most being reset back to Honor Level 2...

Honor will not work the same way as today. I am not directly working with that team anymore, but I am familiar with their designs. The new system will not punish returning players and will not reset people into a punished state.

For details, I will let the team discuss on their timetable :)


Originally posted by gatoviudo1

Now that I think about it. Can riot buff Sion without fearing Baus? Is Sion Baus-jailed similar to other champs being pro-jailed?

We do not fear Baus directly but his playstyle and builds do tend to spread pretty fast. If they are degenerate play patterns (i.e. old inting Sion which I think is what prompted the structure damage nerf) that can cause it to be on our radar.

03 Dec


Originally posted by Prestigious-Wall-183

Please pull the graves nerfs. Not because they arent justified or good for the game, but because i personally want graves to be OP forever.

I respect the honesty


Double check - have you confirmed that you've unlocked Ambessa?

02 Dec


We know Ambessa is too strong when people have learned her at the moment; wanted to get a clean read on her power and optimizations before nerfing her, otherwise it can be challenging to understand how her mastery curve is shaking out when it's also conflated with power adjustments.

We're pretty sure she's balance able but will just need a little bit of fine tuning to get her into a good spot

01 Dec


Originally posted by mystireon

is yuumi intended to buy boots..?

its intended to be a player choice, if it wasn't we would lock her out of buying them. Which is I suppose an option but not something we are actively exploring


Originally posted by I_am_avacado

I can believe it ebbs and flows and I can appreciate that the Riot entity has undertaken mammoth tasks in technology, building the RSO system and transforming the original PvP.net that you worked on into a modern, multi game system.

However, and this is where I believe we have different fundamental thoughts on this,

Riot needs to crack down on account sharing, individuals with multiple accounts and gamifying the match making system.

Riot has spent more time addressing the symptoms (e.g dodge and op.gg warriors) rather than the core of the problem, that unlike valve or blizzard Riot isn't millitant on punishing rule breakers. Nor does it go strong enough in the direction of providing players with an environment that encourages engagement and improvement with the game

Best of luck to you if you do genuinely intend to solve this though, maybe you'll get to it before I lose bladder control

I don’t disagree

30 Nov


Originally posted by I_am_avacado

I mean I was in high school when you first said that I now have a mortgage

It’s an arms race. It improves and then worsens again over time and we have to be vigilant and get ahead.


Originally posted by GeeWizard666

Been saying that for at least a decade my dude. You don’t do anything and won’t. Especially since they’re famous streamers using Smurf accounts like crazy. I’d love to be proven wrong.

And we have improved and have made a lot more stuff that we are supporting. Are we perfect? No.

29 Nov


Originally posted by GeeWizard666

You know after playing some more games where I had smurfs in all of them all I can say is you are full of shit. “It’s against our TOS”, we’ll do something about it! It’s your job and seems like it’s not happening. Make 2FA mandatory. Otherwise you’re just a joke. It’s Riots holier than though attitude that really pisses me off.

What I am saying is that we don’t want the bad behavior - not that we are effective at stopping it sufficiently (yet).

We will improve.


Originally posted by Twotro

Players selling accounts to each other doesn’t give us revenue

But people who got perma'd for trolling/toxicity buying accounts and re-buying skins does, stop pretending you don't know that's what people are saying

The reason things that make sense for our players don’t get executed is much more likely due to organizational misalignment and teams with competing priorities rather than any nefarious motivation. This upstream issue is the number one reason we’ve restructured the company and why we’ve made many leadership changes.

These types of changes create the conditions to do things that make sense.


Originally posted by CoUsT

We are taking a hard look at smurfing and account issues right now

*that doesn't negatively impact playrate and $ spending.

Important thing you left out.

There are countless ways to impact smurfing and other account-reselling stuff BUT if players have to do more stuff like attach phone number to your services etc then they will simply bounce away from your game.

So yeah, you want quantity not quality. And you also gaslight players and drop smoke screens everywhere. Whoever is reading this, don't even bother with serious reply. Don't work for them for free, they already have workers that should do this job. They just don't want to do anything other than make you think they do things (they actually don't or do bare minimum). I was here for 10+ years and I just know.

Maybe that’s the reason - or maybe there are other reasons?

I think we’ll be able to make progress on improving this stuff now and so believe it or not, people sharing perspective is helpful.


Originally posted by Diss_ConnecT

Ever heard of Investors and KPI's? Having lots of new active "players" in your games makes investors think the game is growing, making them more likely to invest money into your company.

Yes, I have heard of investors - Riot is privately held so we fortunately don’t have to drive the business with really dumb short term KPI’s like this and we can take a longer term value creation perspective.

Our errors are mostly to our organizational / team / people / efficacy issues, typically not due to misalignment with investors.


Originally posted by chozzington

More accounts = more potential skin sales.

Not really: more accounts = more cost and people’s alts / throwaway / Smurf accounts tend to not buy skins


Originally posted by elMaxlol

Thanks for taking part in the discussion—this is definitely a big issue, and I personally think AI could provide a solid solution for smurf and fraud account detection. An AI system could crossmatch players based on behavior patterns, IP addresses, play history, and unique in-game quirks to flag potential smurf accounts.

A key step would be making smurf accounts mandatory to link to a main Riot profile. If players don’t do this, those accounts should face bans. Toxic players with suspended mains could also be flagged by the AI and banned across all linked accounts, which would make it much harder to dodge consequences by switching accounts.

For accounts under review, a good approach could be to restrict them from Summoner’s Rift queues entirely, allowing them to play only ARAM while keeping communication channels open—either with an AI chatbot for straightforward cases or human support for more complex ones.

Implementing such an AI system would obviously req...

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Appreciate you taking the time to write out your thoughts