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As far as grubs count for the first 3 epic monsters slain, you need all 3 grubs for one stack, so one grub gives 0 stacks, even 2 grubs from first spawn and one grub from second spawn would give 0 stacks, but 3 grubs from one spawn is a stack+2 dragons for example would be enough for the feat
First blood and first turret no longer give bonus gold, first blood is 300g, first turret is 250g, all it does now is count for the feats
The stats on the free boot upgrades are meant to be 150g worth of stats, he considers them worse than the current bonus gold for FB and first turret
The support item counts as a legendary for the tier 3s(you need 2 legendaries to upgrade to tier 3s), so if you’re pyke and you have bloodsong and umbral, you can buy the T3 upgrade
The tier 3 upgrades are meant to be more efficient than components but less efficient than legendaries, so if you have 3k gold you should buy cosmic drive or black cleaver, but if you hav...
Thanks! This is a very nice summary.