Ok, but when are you going to raid molten core with Tyler?
I don’t have a big enough streamer audience to make the raid team prolly lol
Ok, but when are you going to raid molten core with Tyler?
I don’t have a big enough streamer audience to make the raid team prolly lol
Thanks for the context here.
Just a simple question - when do you think league's state will improve significantly? 2025? 2 years? 5+?
Different parts of it will show improvement at different time horizons because League is a live game. There will be improvements in both 2025 and 2026 that hopefully will be quite significant.
Do you think that if you were a regular riot employee, hearing public comments from your founding leader like this could lead to feeling disillusioned and affect your morale at work?
Yes. Keep in mind though that there has been a lot of internal discussion about the changes that have been happening and why, so Rioters are aware and have been engaged in driving the changes because we're all aligned that we owe it to our players to keep upping our game.
I don't wanna take sides or anything, but can anyone provide any kind of proof or corroborate this? There must be a clip of a streamer who had this in the past 8 years surely.
happy to provide some clips!
here are a few others from Tuesday:
... Read moreHey everyone, let me add some context to what I was talking to Tyler about.
To take a step back, Riot has grown a lot over the past several years both in some good ways and also in some ways that were not great. Projects were spun up that didn’t make sense for the company to pursue, the company’s structure had changed which created operating silos, our teams were struggling to collaborate really effectively across the new org lines and yes, in pockets, in my opinion we were complacent. A lot of new people had joined and we weren’t doing enough to onboard and support them in the right ways. Additionally, given all the growth and expansion, many Rioters were battlefield promoted and took on a lot of larger responsibilities without being sufficiently prepared for those expanded roles, but they were trying their best.
All of that manifests in inconsistent execution over time where we let our players down. Is this all ultimately my fault? Yes. We put all of the leadersh...
Read moreOhhh. That's why they were giving rp to streamers...
Hey all: Riot Swimbananas here. Taking over top comment for a sec. I’m the influencer strategist who worked on this. Let me clarify.
I want to confirm that this 100% has nothing to do with the Jinx skin and not in any way tied to any promotion of it. Every year we do an internal activity called “Rioter Raiding Parties” where we find streamers of all sizes (but mostly small) to take Rioters to. We have been doing these raids for the past 8 years or so, we just don’t really advertise it.
During these “raids” we encourage Rioters to give those streamers part of their employee stipends to the streamers to celebrate, thank them for playing, and spread some holiday cheer. How much every rioter gives is 100% up to them, but most give about 100-1000 of their game stipends per person. I also act as the “Riot Games” account, give out some gift subs to the streamers community, and chat as Riot to make sure the streamer knows it’s not fake.
We did our annual internal...
Read moreNot exactly the same thing, but in a similar note: Is it likely that we'll get to have champions who are usually kept with low winrates due to pro play/very high elo allowed to be stronger in this mode?
I think champions who are kept low because they're too good in the coordinated team environment are allowed to be stronger in this queue.
It gets more complex for champions who have low average win rates because they are demanding, but who are extremely powerful when mastered - is the mode better if Akali and Leblanc mains stomp most of their games, as the cost of letting Akali and Leblanc feel good to play for players who haven't yet put the time in? That's less clear to me.
I'd predict balance ends up being more forgiving here, but not infinitely so. There will still be lower and higher win rate champions.
you'd pick supports who could buy non-support items and continue to scale instead.
Is this not still the case? I think Vel'koz support feels extremely strong in this because I can use my increased support income to buy full damage mage items. It felt silly how much stronger I was than a support building support items.
If full damage mages end up being the best supports, would you consider nerfing support passive income and making actual support items a little cheaper to compensate? I get the goal was for supports to get their items faster, but that just doesn't feel right when the item is deathcap.
I think that those supports are likely very good in the mode, yes, and I think that's cool. If they're OP, we'd balance on an individual champion level, but for now we're leaning into supports being able to have a much better economy and buy 'real' items.
The goal for inflating Enchanter items is to make sure that they're viable, not guarantee that they dominate the position - had we not done anything, they wouldn't be viable.
The reason we're leaning into supports getting more gold is because the riskiest thing for the queue's health is if there's a position that demands players 'take one for the team' - and then players just don't sign up to do it. But yes it's possible we'd change support income if having supports with gold just ruins the game.
to acquire digital content through pseudorandom distribution mechanisms which use a virtual currency to fractionalize and mediate transactions
a typo found in the League of Legends client in December, 2024
I would love to earn eternals in this mode. Makes me feel punished for wanting a quicker game mode!
We intend to support eternals, hopefully in the first patch but there's a chance it'd slip a bit, working through some technical setup stuff.
EDIT: We think we found the issue and expect to be testing a fix in the next day or two.
are there any plans to buff stacking champions (smolder, veigar, nasus, etc)? I tried some of them out and they seem quite a bit weaker. just a simple increase to the amount of stacks each last hit gives them maybe?
We plan to balance individual champions once we have good data, yes. Champion, Item, and Rune changes up to this point have mainly been for things that don't make sense from a game flow perspective - Dragon Soul coming up before Kayn transforms, lane phase ending before Magical Footwear pays off, that sort of thing.
Do we really need support items to be much more expensive? Kinda sucks that for once there would be an actual chance of supports closing their build more often than not and Riot just said "No, can't have that, we need to find a way to make it suck here too".
They should be both more expensive and give more stats. We expect that supports will be noticeably more powerful relative to the other 4 players on their team in this mode than in classic SR. If that's not the case, it probably means we missed on item efficiency and should buff something.
Before we made this change, we were seeing supports hit full build at like minute 15, which both felt quite bad and meant that Enchanters wouldn't even be viable with these rules - you'd pick supports who could buy non-support items and continue to scale instead.
Other thing...I always get D- after a game no matter what and Challenges aren't showing up.
Yep we have a fix for that one coming soon. Nice catch
The gold numbers are weird in the scoreboard
Yeah should be fixed in the next few days. Appreciate it
Not a single person in my friend group enjoys the lack of champion select.
The description they have "play with friends with (riot forgot a word) different skill levels without the fear of falling too far behind" describes exactly what we were looking for. No part of that requires choosing runes before knowing matchups.
We should be the perfect group that this mode is made for. We play casually for fun without caring too much about winning, and some players are much lower skilled than others. Even the lowest ranked player wants to know their matchup before picking runes and summoners.
Quickplay failed because all it really was was a change to lobby / champion select that didn't actually improve quality of games, just got you in faster. Swiftplay already has sped up gameplay. We don't need to be skipping champion select so that we can get into a worse game a few minutes faster.
Appreciate the report about the missing word, will look into it
Swiftplay is now available to play on PBE. Swiftplay is a faster-paced game mode that includes changes to the standard ruleset for a faster pace of play. Check it out!
Bug Reports and feedback is greatly appreciated for everyone trying out this mode, let us know here!
External link →am i reading this wrong or did they nerf the shit out of Viktor's W?
I'm working on getting this line updated, but it's actually supposed to be:
1.1-2.5 (varies, random) -> 1.25
so it's actually an adjustment/slight buff
The Multiplayer Practice Tool is available to play now on PBE.
Any and all feedback and bug reports are appreciated, tell us here! Now get out there and try everything out!
External link →lol
I liked it!