League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

25 Nov


Originally posted by apolyoNNN1

Is there a prestige skin list for 2025..?

The start of January dev update video will include a list of Season 1's prestige skins.


Originally posted by accel__

They are replacing quickplay....they are killing team builder...again.

Why...the f**k...they always DO THIS! We had matchmaking tools, that ensures that you can play the champ you actually want to, twice now. Both times you guys removed it for "something better". For f**k sake stop doing this!

Let us play the champs we want in a normal matchmade que!

Swiftplay will still let you pick your champ in advance just like Quickplay today does. You'll also be able to select the same champ for both roles you queue as


Originally posted by TheKronkler

Hi Meddler!! I'll wait as long as needed for a super cool rework :D How does Ezreal fit in all this though?


Originally posted by Hikazuki

How will this impact regions that don't have draft? Does this mean ranked is the only alternative if we want to play normal SR?

For the initial test of this we're only going to be launching Swiftplay where Normal Draft already exists, so there'll always be an unranked standard-ruleset SR option available. We'll need to learn more about how y'all enjoy and interact with this queue before making permanent decisions.


Originally posted by mystireon

I get she doesn't fit the thematic but it feels kinda rude that Shyvana players have been waiting since 2019, were told she was getting worked on in 2022 and are now just left in a limbo for whenever the right theme rolls around

Yeah, we messed up on this one. We should never have announced her so far in advance, let alone without a committed direction or clear timeline. Feels like a broken promise as a result.


Originally posted by Lorik_Bot

Is VIktor Dead? I thought the ending was open, if they died, or they could be transported, time travel.

I think the fate of a lot of champions in Arcane 2 is open to interpretation


Originally posted by Telestoooo

I don't mean to be mean so if I come off that way I apologize. I'm genuinely just confused how this is considered a vgu?? Only thing changing is his ult, and it's still mostly the same. Is this not more of an asu?

We did originally explore much larger changes to Viktor's kit. Reaction from Viktor players was pretty negative to a few different versions though. There wasn't a pressing game health or balance need behind those changes, so we concluded it was better to update Viktor's art, audio etc but keep his established gameplay.


Originally posted by MidnightArchangel

so her progress is stopped at the moment and we wont get any news for a while and she wont be in 2025? its sad you didnt inform us earlier about this cause some people were really looking forward to her vgu especially after the long wait...

Correct, she won't be in 2025. Completely agree the long wait here is a really poor experience for those looking forward to her update and our apologies. We're going to avoid revealing updates like this so far in advance in the future to avoid that broken promise feeling.


Originally posted by Igenatius

So smaller servers don't get to play Summoner's rift unless it's in ranked. Can't see that being a positive change for ranked health in those regions.

Is this in regards to Swiftplay? For the initial trial, we're only launching Swiftplay in regions that already have Normal Draft today to make sure there's always an unranked standard-ruleset SR queue available everywhere.


Originally posted by LordVaderVader

I feel in my bones that my collection of skin shards gonna be erased 😢 😭 

Read more

Nope! We’re not touching any skin shards in your inventory! (Skin shards also aren’t going away)


Originally posted by SleepyLabrador

When will season 2025 begin?

Ranked in 2025 will reset in early January if that's what you mean.

Or, if you mean the first season of 2025 that's focused on Noxus, that will also kick off early January. Thematic will change after 4 months, ranked won't reset until 2026 though


Originally posted by Destroyer29042904

So at the very least we know not to expect Shyvana's rework until the season changes, potentially to Demacia? If she is still being worked on at all. A mention would be comforting knowing the uy in charge got laid off

We'll still release a Shyv VGU at some point, as you say it will need to connect with a season's theme though. Wouldn't necessarily have to be Demacia specifically, could also tie into other themes too. We don't have any plans for a dragon focused season for example, but other themes like that could also make for a great moment.


Originally posted by IcarusNocturne

I'm a little sad we didn't get any updates on ASUs but I imagine we'll be hearing more about them next year.

Larger champion updates will generally be tied to each season's thematic. Expect some details about the first of them in January as a result


Originally posted by KostekKilka

Hi guys, will elemental drakes still affect the map in the same ways as before?



Originally posted by Fncrs

Outside of the first section are there any arcane spoilers? Haven't had time to finish it yet

Should be just that first section

Brave of you being on Reddit at all if trying to avoid spoilers though!


Originally posted by NyanDiamond

Yeah, makes sense

Did you nerf the CD? Cause tbh I don’t even mind the shield so much as the CD since with 10 seconds and also some item haste, that’s popping multiple times in a single teamfight. A longer CD though can be popped like a banshees

(Or did you make it specifically CD without taking dmg?)

Numbers you'll see on PBE tomorrow are:

  • Cooldown increased from 10s >>> 12s
  • Shield amount modified from 10% maxHP >>> 15-150 (level scaling) + 5% maxHP

And we'll still be doing balancing for the next month if this doesn't end up being right.


Originally posted by bz6

Only one champ per season?

Yes, though 3 seasons per year, so same number of new champs as this year


Originally posted by nCr123

League has needed a mode like this for a loooong time. Only thing I'm wondering is if it's gonna have its own champion balance like ARAM, otherwise it reads like early game champs are at a disadvantage

Yeah we'll be balancing the mode like we do for ARAM & Arena. We're already planning to use some more unique levers like attribute scaling over time, because if Draven is weak since it's harder to snowball and close out from the early game, just giving him +20% damage or something would probably make the experience of laning against him unreasonable.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Also since this is the last dev update of the year, would you know if the info regarding future plans for shows that Praeco talked about was pushed back or in a separate dev blog

Not something I'm the right person to comment on sorry. Potential future show thoughts or news will come from Praeco, the rest of the animation team, Fortiche etc, not those of us over on the game dev side of things


Originally posted by willBthrown2

How will Challenges work in Swiftplay? Will it be possible to get challenge progress in this new mode?

Yeah, you'll be able to progress Challenges / Eternals / Champ Mastery. Most of them should be compatible, some will probably progress a bit faster, they probably won't be fully polished for launch.