League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

26 Nov



If you file a ticket with our player support folks they can hopefully help you out.

Any chance you used a different email account for your original LoL account, then created a second account using the email you password reset with today? I've seen that happen before to people and similar resulting confusion. I don't think we ever reset accounts that have had a meaningful number of games played on them, let alone enough time spent to unlock all champs

25 Nov


We did try it, it was too out of the way and didn't lead to great encounters either. Team taking it is basically pinned and has nowhere to run


Originally posted by imworthlesscum

i think the logic is any 3 void grubs counts as 1 epic monster


enemy team takes 1 void grub, you take 2

enemy team takes a second void grub, you take the remaining 2

→enemy team has 0 epic monsters, you have 1

That's how i understood it



Originally posted by kherazur

Ok but what happens to casseopeia?

her passive gets upgraded


Originally posted by Zarathielis

One question about storytelling: I hope I didn't misunderstand, but each season is connected to each other right? Will the champions also be loosely connected/share a story or will each season tell an independant story

Some seasons will connect to others, some won't. That variability is another reason we didn't want to use terms like chapter or act instead of seasons, given it implies they're all part of larger whole, rather than separate but often related experiences thematically.

In terms of storytelling, there'll be some linear story at times definitely. Linear storytelling isn't our only, or necessarily even primary goal though. We also want to do things like deepen connection to factions, to characters etc that won't always mean narrative. What a part of the world feels like etc

Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Kinda happy they are getting rid of the boring row in domination for something more interesting.

Early minion and ward tp is interesting to see, but will heavily depend on slow you are to get across the map.

Correction on Grisly Mementos - it is now 4 Trinket AH (2 Summoner AH on non trinket modes), stacking up to 25x (no longer infinite). We made a tuning change recently after the article was written


Originally posted by Cowboy_Slime100

What is merc threads passive?

Basically same thing but magic shield.


Originally posted by 6ITCH6ITCH6ITCH

you probably won't read this but, the literal only other game i play on occasion is Sky: Children of Light, and i looove their 'seasons'

looking forward to it


Can't read everything, do try to though on the day these videos go out at least


Originally posted by Zedskr

What is the timeframe for that? Like can I still get the skin if I get honor level 5 in July for example?

With our current plans if you miss Shen in the shop and if you hit honor level 5 this coming July, you would be fine and get Shen.

We have a target date for these changes but we don't want to communicate them just yet because things can change. Keep an eye out for patch notes as these things are rolling through and we'll keep yall updated.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Did Endless Elixir still make the cut

It did not


Originally posted by Zedskr

When they say that they will add "ALL" honor skins to the honor shop for extra tokens, does that also include the Shen skin?

Okay yeah it looks like we're adding Shen into the shop when we do this (and once he's live in game).


Originally posted by PowrOfFriendship_

So all skins will now have borders to guarantee you get a border for whatever skin you pull?

The milestones on the pass effectively make it so that the next milestone after the skin, should be its border. So technically it’s not impossible to have one and not the other, but it’s like…right there. 😂

(Except the prestige, that’ll have the icon and border in the same milestone)

The only thing changing here is the whole token redemption element.


Originally posted by PrivateVasili

It's a pretty minor detail, but is the new teleport "dash" unstoppable? Or can you run into a random Poppy W or something and get interrupted. It says Unleashed TP is very fast, so maybe it doesn't matter, but I can imagine players having the reaction time to knock people out of it if it's possible, whether that be from Poppy or Alistar or whoever.

It also could spoil some otherwise very good TP flanks if you can just see the person flying past you. I think it's fine to have a travel time, but I'm not sure if they should be visible to enemies while doing it.

It's unstoppable yeah, think like a Hexgate.


Originally posted by LonelyMail1938

is atakhan gonna stay just one season?

Nope, he'll be sticking around


Borders in the paid pass correspond to skins also in the paid pass. So that scenario where you have a border but not the skin should be impossible.

(Unless some really weird bug happens and if so, report that)


Originally posted by Fickle-Description74

Will arena be back soon?

We'll talk about modes a bit in the next video (start of January), including when in the year Arena will return


Originally posted by Jragon713

We already have a mode that's "SR but faster", why try this instead of tweaking URF into something you can leave up long-term?

We think the two modes serve pretty different needs. URF loses a lot of the strategy, personal power build-up, and narrative arc that a Summoner's Rift match has because of how accelerated everything is, to the point that a lot of characters have pretty distorted gameplay. Pulling that back to the point that Swiftplay is at really makes it an entirely different mode, which is why we want to keep them distinct.


Originally posted by packy17

The update didn’t touch on the Jinx exalted skin or nexus finishers. Are those still coming next patch or are they pushed back?

Still planned for next patch. Didn't have any additional updates to share about them, so spent our time elsewhere


Originally posted by Zedskr

When they say that they will add "ALL" honor skins to the honor shop for extra tokens, does that also include the Shen skin?

Actually don’t know the answer to this one but I’m asking. Edit: Yep we're adding Shen when he's live.

If not it’ll still be obtainable/granted when hitting honor level 5 next year after this change.


Looks like we had something slip through in this edit of this blog, the random should be a 1350 rp skin or below, (not 975).

Not entire sure how that happened but apologies for the confusion.

Updating the blog to get that corrected as well.