League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Sep


The plan was 200 BE and an icon. /s


Originally posted by Frostzera

The ADCs not building boots bug was fixed, but now i see the bug where bots stop using teleport when it becomes "Unleahsed Teleport" and I went through a few replays to confirm that. Also Nautilus bot does not use his Q offensively, to the point where there is nothing between you and him but he does not use it unless someone cc you first, but he tries to use it defensively even when he doesn't have range to hit a wall, casting the anchor on nothing and dying. There is another trend I saw that is bots tend to not use their skills to fight off super minions when the nexus is open, making them lose the game by just auto attacking minions while the enemy team goes baron or something. Thank you and the dev team that work on the bots for the amazing project, new bots that can jungle and use TP and items is something I've been asking riot for almost 10 years and it makes me very happy to see it come to life and to be able to help improve it

Thank you for the feedback and support! The team and I are currently focusing on some improvements to the new player experience so we really appreciate you all flagging bugs for us to look into and triage!


Thank you for reporting! What settings were the bots on? Intro or Intermediate?

09 Sep


Originally posted by uBorb

Thank you! Could you share if this split changes are going to be concentrated around a certain role or class?

Won't spoil anything now, will have plenty more to talk about tomorrow though :)


This is real but there are no plans for a global release right now. Always possible things could change, but at least to start this is a China-only project.

07 Sep


I'm not sure what the original poster is referring to, but as far as I'm aware we're not planning on making changes to Voice Chat for China server

05 Sep


Originally posted by Aleiben

How is Sniper that confident against Impact when he got GIGA Gapped two weeks ago? LOL

That's the beautiful thing about Sniper, he's always the same no matter the situation.


Originally posted by blueragemage

Kinda fitting that the only team in the LCS since the start is guaranteed to be in the finals

I'm gonna nitpick here but technically Liquid (or even Curse) haven't been around since the very, very start of the LCS.

BUT they are the oldest org in the League in Finals weekend and 2nd oldest overall behind C9.


Originally posted by LeRenardRouge

It reminds me of a random bit of Doublelift's stream I caught earlier in the year of how he rarely listens to music while driving alone and would instead start thinking about item powerspikes and laning. Or closing his eyes before sleeping and seeing lane phase play out.

I've talked to quite a few players over the years that have mentioned using visualization (particularly before bed/while trying to sleep) to help them improve matchup understanding and 'practice' different scenarios while away from their computer.

Interestingly the player I first remember talking to this about was actually Biofrost!


Originally posted by Shihai-no-akuma_

You will do nothing, lmfao. That's all Riot does about inters: nothing. This game is plagued with AFKers and inters and all because you don't apply actual punishments. Just put them in low priority queue; after X mins they do the same thing again. How about actually disabling ranked games for them? How about actually severely punishing them?

I don't think we get comments like this without real pain behind them.

You like League, but it's hurting you. Worse: It's costing you time as it hurts you, which is a double whammy. You expect the organization that stewards this game to take it seriously, but your lived experience doesn't seem to be improving.

If nothing else, please believe that the enormity of the problem is not lost on us. You and many others are seen and heard and felt. Friend, we play the game, too.

There are many reasons why we cannot just Thanos-snap everyone who causes disruption in your games, but we are working on and testing a bunch of short/long term changes that we feel will help. These will get announced in patch notes and videos and the other ways we chat with players that aren't one-off Reddit responses.

Until then, I hope your next games are awesome.

03 Sep


Originally posted by _SKETCHBENDER_

I dont see anyone mention how league runs well on a potato pc too. It isnt as heavy as other games

We like potatoes


Originally posted by OverpoweredSoap

Ukraine going up 66% holy shit

EDIT: 73% for league itself as someone pointed out, that’s even crazier

Yeah this one especially sucks. When we did our last round of price adjustments 2 years ago we kept prices the same in Ukraine largely because of the war, but unfortunately, because we kept prices the same, Ukraine has become by far the top market for out-of-market purchases. The vast majority of purchases in Ukrainian Hryvnia are being made by accounts that normally play outside the country or follow the patterns we see with account/currency resellers.

29 Aug


Originally posted by SnowleafKat

My duo partner did not see them. only me

Found the issue. We check for your summoner level but that check appears to loop every 256 levels. If you are level 256xN + 0 through 10, you will see the arrows. Very much appreciate your help, we'll look to fix in 14.18 or 14.19.

Gonna toss some goodies your way, much appreciated


These GIFS are awesome. They help us out a lot to understand what you are experiencing!

Are these all within custom games? We have some special logic in customs, so it helps us triage to know what queue the bugs were experienced in so we can get to the root cause faster :)

For the Galio bug, did you experience this only while playing yuumi?


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

Interesting. Do you know if anyone else is seeing it or just yourself

Im looking into the issue now


Originally posted by SnowleafKat

the game ID for my most recent game 5097837369 It happens every game

Interesting. Do you know if anyone else is seeing it or just yourself


Originally posted by SnowleafKat

Server: Na

Type of Bug: In Game Bug

Description: Lane Indicator shows up even though my account is over level 1000

Video / Screenshot:

Steps to reproduce:

Expected result:

Observed result:

Reproduction rate: Happens every game

System specs:

Can I get a game ID


Hey friends, super sad this happened during playoffs which is such an exciting time of year. There was a bug regression with the spoiler protection feature. We are working on a fix and should have it deployed today.