League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Aug


The total output of W was accounted for when making these changes. It sums up to about 8% of her total PVP damage.

06 Aug


Hell yeah friend!

Out of curiosity: What was the most challenging thing for you to learn in League?
And on the other side: What kept you coming back?

05 Aug


We have done a visual appeal study previously on champions. Just going to note that if you split the data by age bracket and gender, it will have different outcomes. However, because most league players has similar demographics, it does bias the data. :) also there are regional differences too!

03 Aug


Originally posted by Dear_Cheek5278

okay so I just tried it, the game used to crash after play for 7 - 5 minutes but now I created a custom gamer and stayed there playing for 10 minutes and it didnt crash so I take it as fixed

Thank you for confirming!


Hell of a game for opposing supp to pass on exhaust


Originally posted by blazingalpha

Watching kennen slowly walk up, bait tris ult before using everything and killing 2 people was the highlight

The Tristana bait was actually very clever

02 Aug


Originally posted by Aceclaw

I feel like Hai should have gotten into coaching with how creative of a player and shotcaller he could be at times but never did much for whatever reason.

Well do I have news for YOU about the state of the current C9 roster (Hai's the assistant coach I'm pretty sure, he's certainly on stage a lot with the team these days).


Originally posted by IWDominateLoL




Originally posted by KIRYUx

Their rollercoaster didn't even stop there.

  • Going into Worlds 2015, Jatt infamously commented about Balls's solo queue ranking, calling it a worrying trend.
    • The first week of Worlds, Balls responds by pentakilling Fnatic, one of the favorites to win the tournament.
  • C9 goes 3-0 in the first week and only needs 1 more win to make it out of groups.
  • Loses the next 3 games and a tiebreaker to bring NA's week 2 record to 0-10

Imagine this being the first Worlds you cast LOL


Originally posted by dabmin

YESSSSSSSS more content like this



Originally posted by Every_Ad_3654

Is there any chance this is fixed? I'd like to try the senna stuff out on a bot game before I actually hop in a real game.

This should be fixed now! Please try and if it still occurs, let us know

01 Aug


Originally posted by Every_Ad_3654

I totally forgot to check up on this anyways, but thank you so much!

No problemo! Please check again now as we believe we fixed it and are not seeing it occur when we test it out and let us know if you experience it again.

31 Jul


Hey folks! We are actively triaging this now and hope to get a fix out soon. Thank you for the report!

29 Jul


Hi folks,

This accidentally got into non-ranked several queues where it's not meant to be. We're working on a fix, thanks for the patience.

27 Jul

24 Jul


Originally posted by XpMonsterS

Can you look into no move briar bug as well please ?

Basically whenever you end your frenzy manually and pick up a card at the same time you enter a state in which you cannot move your character at all. You can only ult, or use your frenzy and then after the character just stands still.

I too have a strong repro rate for this one Sadge.

FWIW if you Frenzy again you'll be able to move .

17 Jul


Hello! Thank you for the write up!

The crashing should be fixed tomorrow morning!

Some of these other bugs we are getting engineer and designer eyes on to see if we need immediate fixes. (We are currently overhauling some systems which will address a few of these more core bugs, but that will take some iterations!)

Thank you again for doing this report, it really helps us triage and address quickly.


Thank you for reporting! This should be fixed tomorrow


Originally posted by justiceknight

so yasuo max E 1st meta is back like the good old days?

We are so back