League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Sep


Originally posted by Omnilatent

I'm glad you are in a better place now!

Just out of curiosity: What you described sounds like a day hospital to me (I've been in one, too). Why did you not call it that?

I updated my answer to be more specific and address that.


Originally posted by Chibraltar_

what is a mental health high school ?

A slightly easier way of thinking about a mental health clinic.

I was enrolled in a day clinic but allowed to go home at the end of each day. I don't like saying I went to an institution or mental health facility / clinic so instead of thought about it in a way that made it more understandable and for me, more exciting.

I'm enrolled in a special course to learn about myself, not assigned to a mental health clinic.


Originally posted by MAXIMUM-WORF

Most people can't even talk to a doctor these days let alone have the privilege to take 3 months off of work to work on themselves

100% understand this and I can relate. I grew up in South Africa where healthcare is very similar to America, it's so expensive.

I'm fortunate to live and work in Germany and healthcare here is absolutely next level, I sincerely hope more countries can develop in a similar way.

I know I'm very fortunate, and I think it's still more helpful to share than to keep it to myself in my position.


Thank you for the interview Tom, and thanks to anyone that read this. It's kind of awkward trying to share this personal journey in a way that hopefully encourages discussion without crossing the line into "look at me" territory.

I hope the intent is clear, speaking about mental health and seeking help can only lead to good things. I want to try lower the stigma around talking about these topics even if only a little.

Can I also say thank you to all the positive support when I was away and when I returned. This community has been nothing but inspiring to me and I hope to entertain and be part of the club as long as we're all having fun together!!!!


I've been asked a few times about "high school" and answered this lower down in the thread. I was prescribed to a day clinic or day hospital but don't like saying it that way for my own feelings.

"A slightly easier way of thinking about a mental health clinic.

I wa...

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16 Sep


Try relogging


Originally posted by OrionWingSouth

I have a question about stuff at riot. Is it okay if I DM you? No troll.



Um actually grammatically this should be "whom" do you keep.

Downvoted for Travis's poor grammar skills. Upvoted for MarkZ.


Originally posted by Karsha_

Wait but Kalista is the first born from the first born. Does this not make her the heir?

Viego is Kalista's uncle, even though she's older than he is. So Kalista's father, Nivor, was Viego's brother (or half-brother, I believe). Succession follows whoever was closest to the previous king (Alvaro), so when Nivor died unexpectedly, Viego became heir as the last living child of Alvaro.


Originally posted by crazynam101

Is this coming to Australia?

Hi! It's already available in Australia. Here's a link to a copy, though you can also check with any local bookstores to see if they have it in stock.


Originally posted by Zyph7007

It seems she was capable, but Viego was next heir before her because he's the son of the previous king while she's the granddaughter. Even if she's older, Viego is next in line

^ This is the correct answer. If Sanctity had deemed Viego unworthy, Kalista would have been next in line.


Originally posted by RandomUsername12123

Have to plans to translate the books?

Yes, we are translating the book into quite a few languages! You can follow updates on our landing page (see the FAQ at the bottom) about availability in different countries/languages.


Originally posted by BionicleIsRelevant

Can you please reveal Heca's VA in the audiobook? I loved the perfect blend of nobility, sexiness, obvious evil-guy vibe in hindsight. Not to f*cking mention how perfectly it matches the grungy, gruff, camp (in a good way) voice of our in-game horseboy!

Hecarim is voiced by Scott McNeil, the same actor who recorded his voice lines for the game!


Originally posted by SurrogateMonkey

They did something like this before, Remember the Brolaf Skit?

Brolaf skit was great. I edited and scored it!

Originally posted by youarecutexd

Nice, good to see you're still doing it. Sometimes I miss those little corners of the boards most people didn't go to. There were some nice little places.

I lurk on the Lore of Runeterra discord every so often, but I also miss the Boards sometimes.

Originally posted by youarecutexd

I recognize this name. Are you the Rioter who would always pop up on the boards whenever anyone mentioned maps?

That's exactly who I am, and I helped on the maps in the RUINATION novel too :D

Originally posted by Primordial_Ant

I have no idea what this is referencing but I too now want to learn about sand trolls.

That'd be the sand trolls mentioned in one of Ezreal's field notes on the Runeterra map. He says:


Did you know sand-trolls are a thing? I, for one, did not know sand-trolls were a thing. Turns out—sand-trolls, totally a thing.



Originally posted by SaucesOfFieri

What other champs did you consider putting in there that weren't previously related to the Ruination? (like Ryze and Soraka)

Teemo, obviously. ;)


Originally posted by Regular-Poet-3657

So what happen to the rune? And is what happen to the rune a consequence of what happens if other rune get shattered? And what happen to Vladimir?

The POV characters in the book didn't get to see exactly what happened to the rune, so it wasn't something the book needed to focus on. I have my ideas, but not sure that needs to be completely defined at this point - someone else at Riot might have a better idea (or maybe I'll have a better idea), so sometimes it's nice not to commit publicly to a direction if we don't need to.

As for Vlad? I'd have liked to have him appear, but I think I'd have need considerably more pages in the book than I had to do him justice. This was Kalista's story, really, and we needed to be fairly ruthless to keep it focused.


Originally posted by Eloquent44

What has writing this book taught you about approaching the lore for the mmo?

Hmm, I'm not sure specifically. Probably more just a reinforcement about how big and beloved this IP is, and how important it is to treat our champions (and our regions, cultures etc) with deep respect. Every champ is someone's favorite, and every part of the world is someone's favorite, so I think approaching everything with a certain humility and respect it really important.


Originally posted by refuse_2_wipe_my_ass

what is the name of the continent that camavor is shown on in the map included with the book?

another rioter on here, i believe it may have been reav3 (not 100% sure) once said we were previously only seeing about 1/6th of the world with just the continents of valoran/shurima/ionia. are there current plans to expand the lore of this new continent past this book and nilah (assuming kathkan is one of those “independent kingdoms” on the map)? or any other continents and societies besides the ones we’re already so familiar with?

Currently undefined, I believe, or at least there has not been a product shipped that needed to define it. I'm sure more of Runeterra will be explored in the future, but it's hard to say exactly where, or when (or how). Not he most satisfying answer, sorry!