League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

24 Sep


Originally posted by TheTruexy


wtf 2 shen?


Originally posted by kiragami

I don't feel players can actually have any confidence that Riot actually will fix these things. Obviously you are not in charge of everything but Riot 100% has made it feel like they don't care about league players at all other than as a tool to sell skins to. We've been lied to over and over about behavior systems, the client, ranked ladder changes.

It is particularly frustrating when riots other games are facing far fewer problems and even have solutions to problems league faces already implemented in them (such as individual performance scores and working clients). Granted those games are on newer code bases.

An additional point of frustration many feel is that it takes things like this getting so much attention on reddit for them to get any focus at all.

that's reasonable, confidence has to be earned, which we'll work towards by following through here. this is a pretty specific commitment so should be pretty clear cut to see if it happens or not. can't promise a specific timeline right now (it's saturday) aside from it not being next patch, but the timer work was already scheduled, and we'll look to do the extra work to make sure this feature is resilient.

I do talk with the VAL/WR teams that work in the same area my team does (competitive systems) and they've definitely been able to benefit from seeing where league has stumbled and starting fresh, but they definitely have their own challenges too. part of talking to them does involve seeing where we can take their learnings back into League, we are paying attention to areas they're doing better in

reddit's a tough one, on one hand it's only a small proportion of league's english-speaking audience, but also the folks here really f*cking care and are deeply...

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Originally posted by DontCareWontGank

How the f**k is "player never left the fountain" still not remakable? It shouldn't be tied to if a player connected to the game or not. Doesn't matter if they connected to the game if they never f**king leave the fountain.

yeah agreed, we'll fix this. also looking to move up the remake timer to when absence would reasonably start to impact the game, so around minions meeting in mid or something, exact time tbd


Originally posted by feareg

How do you feel about being part of the CancelCrew with your wife who made forcing Carlos out of the scene happen?

Lol as if our tweets mean more than a board of directors and investors who saw their investment at risk. I understand you're angry, but learn how corporates and business works before coming at people who speak up against actions that deserve being challenged.

23 Sep


Originally posted by SomethingPersonnel

Mmm so you guy can make visual adjustments to content on PBE. Interesting.

I'm a designer, not a VFX artist. I can't alter the VFX (it's ok for playing 1 time). I can alter the situations where it's playing on every orb when it fails to execute.


We'll be fixing the ult execute VFX to be much less spammy. Sorry for the current implementation


You look so cool!


Originally posted by dentistofdetroit1

Can you make right click work with buttons in the new shop like it did in the old shop? The old shop was much faster to use because we didn't need to switch mouse buttons. We could single right click items to purchase and right click on any buttons (undo, purchase, sell, close) and even right click to navigate.

That’s actually a pretty good idea. I’ll chat with the team about it.


Originally posted by MerryOtaku

Ah okay. Didn't mean for it to come off as harsh or anything, but I'm glad that it is something that could be looked into in the future

No worries :D


Originally posted by MerryOtaku

So if it's a visual issue, can't it be resolved?

Of course. I never said we wouldn't try to fix it. I would not expect a fix to ship with this midscope, but we will be investigating in subsequent patches.

22 Sep


Originally posted by NeitherAlexNorAlice

Why did Danny get into such a mode? Not trying to diss him or anything, but I don't remember the community heavily flaming him.

He's an 18 year old kid in a job with high pressure and high scrutiny that he's been in for less than a year and a half after just finishing high school.

Being in the spotlight is mentally taxing enough, now imagine you're the same person you were at 18 and it seems fairly straightforward what the reasons might be.

For all I care though, I just want him to take his time and be ready to play again. It's a shame he might not play at Worlds this year, but it'd be even worse to never see a player this obviously talented play again.


Originally posted by AnimusAbstrusum

by that logic chronoshift also should have been ok as it was neither being sold or passed off as official

Would break #3 here https://www.riotgames.com/en/legal for “No unauthorized games or apps” (and maybe 4 too depending on how you think about it)


Originally posted by Tr3c3

Indeed, it was added in March 7th, 2021 (Patch 11.6):

HOTKEY BLING When the shop is open, you can quickly select items in your inventory by pressing their number keys. Unleash your inner speed shopper!

Yeah, we added it with the new shop.


Originally posted by theoctonaut

Get Lilnasx to sign off on the pinball machines (if he was the real president lol). Thanks so much for commenting. I’ve made sure to reach out to riot a couple times to ensure and also have acknowledged in my dmd screen that riot owns all copyrights to videos and characters.

We used up all our LNX wishes getting him to move the song up a day. Sorry!


Originally posted by toxicity18241

Pinball machines are okay, but neon light tubes of Kai sa aren't?

I mean I'm happy for this person, but I don't understand why a friend of mine had your company make him destroy art work he made for his girlfriend as a birthday present

Not anything I’ve heard about—sorry. I’m not a lawyer so I couldn’t say but it’s not anything my team (comms) ever got brought into.


While this visually looks like Syndra is getting moved, she is actually moving in a straight line still. Her gameplay is unaffected, this is entirely visual.

21 Sep


Originally posted by striker879

Legit you need to tell you co workers to get on making these. 10/10 would purchase.

It’s probably good they don’t let me make decisions like that. I’d somehow bankrupt the company in a week. But I guess on the plus side we’d get some real cool merch in that glorious week. 🤔


Originally posted by toxicity18241

I'd be careful with this, riot will send you a nasty email and tell you to destroy it. Might take this off reddit.

Looks cool though! 😎

This is incredibly dope and seems totally okay based on the legal guidelines (https://www.riotgames.com/en/legal). As long as OP doesn’t try to sell it or pass it off as official then they should be good to go.

I’m just jealous I don’t have the skills to make anything like this. My dream is a pinball machine in my house and one of my goals at the Riot office is to have the high score on all of our pinball machines...

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Originally posted by rofflehouse

I literally hum Legends Never Die all the time.

I won't make a case that it's the best song, but it's certainly the catchiest one.

My personal favorite. Top quality running soundtrack🏃