League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Jun


Originally posted by CannoloAllaCrema

I like your idea of removing lethality sivir, but aren't the changes on her E maybe a liitle too much? That would force her to go ER first or be out of mana every time given that her new "go to" ability (W) isn't exactly free

Mana changes are very WIP. Adjustments will likely be made before live.


Originally posted by Tronei

What are you guys aiming to achieve with these changes? As someone who was once upon a time a Sivir enjoyer, I feel like these changes don't really address the weaknesses of the champion. There are definitely some good ideas in here, such as the crit on R lowering cooldowns, but I feel like these changes don't address her on-going issues and why the lethality build is the more used build currently despite, in my opinion, being the worse build than crit. It's not because she doesn't scale off crit well enough, it's because she has issues consistently applying her damage with crit build due to her lack of range and requirement of needing more items than some of her counterparts, while also being a worse early game champion than most of the marksman who have similar range (Kog'Maw maybe being the exception, but I think he is more powerful than her early since his damage output is more consistent + he gets a bonus attack range on his main DPS spell).

Now all that's happening is...

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We want to maintain the weaknesses specifically. Sivir's unique weakness is her low range+no dashes, but from that gets the unique strength of best in class AOE damage. The intention is to make her very effective when she finds opportunities to off-set her range disadvantage.


Originally posted by Slumberstroll

why did you decide to keep the teamwide MS buff on her ultimate? i thought one of the goals was to reduce utility to strengthen her individual carry potential.

Wanted to keep it because it's iconic for her design, but did not want it to be so potent for moving teammates around (hence the removal of the burst). Removing team-wide movement speed would make her too foreign I fear.


Originally posted by UpstreamRedteam

I know this is a midscope, but did you guys tinker with the idea of giving Sivir more from her kit, depending on how much gold the player had unspent?

Yeah I had tried some gold-related things, but failed to find one that wasn't just tacked on or would take budget away from other spells.


Originally posted by bz6

I am assuming the Heal on E will only proc if the spell shield absorbs an ability correct?



Originally posted by SyriseUnseen

Why not higher then? AP sivir will be atrocious either way, might as well make it 100%. The 20 extra heal with baron wont matter tbh

I don't want it to ever be real lol. Just enough so baron/staff of flowing waters isn't wasted.


Originally posted by FarmNcharm

I like shits and giggles. Now add one to her Q and she can go Corki build lmao

Q still has one from live.


Originally posted by bowieneko

Curious since I do not know much about coding and I'm interested in the process of technically making a champion, but were you/would you be able to salvage parts of old Fiddlesticks' crow bounce code in it to possibly prevent or mitigate what you call jank or is it a lot more complex than that?

No idea how I'd even find that code, and I don't know enough about old Fiddle to know if it would produce the same behavior tbh.


Originally posted by ChiefBlueSky

Are there any preferences to bounce targetting written in? e.g. prefers bouncing to Champs if in range, prefers bouncing to a target with a target (avoid dead ends), do they prefer the closest target, or closest non-repeat target, etc.?

Prefers bouncing to targets that have been hit the least.

Literally the logic is: It checks all targets in 500 range for how many times they've been hit, then out of the lowest-hit targets (0 hits in most cases), it jumps to the closest one, then repeats.


Originally posted by k4AcaoSVC8vQZSO8FMbn

Specifically aiming to NOT make her a broad, pick-every-game champion.

When should she be picked, in your view? The ult doesn't justify picking her any more, as I think I've seen you mention. I feel like if you're picking her because the enemy is short range you could just pick any long range hyperscaler and be safer while dealing nearly as much damage (or more, due to the safety allowing you to AA more). Is the goal just to double down on her damage until the tradeoff is worth it?

Yeah her damage and teamfighting vs heavy melee comps should be sharply better than Jinx/Aphelios etc. So while Jinx may get more uptime, Sivir should get dramatically higher value in whatever uptime she gets.


Originally posted by Jiaozy

But how come something like Katarina ult can proc on-hit, stack conqueror and all that when it looks like anything but auto attacks, while Sivir's W is literally her auto-attacking will smaller boomerangs but doesn't?

Because she's frequently kiting and these boomerangs can be hitting people off her screen.


Originally posted by NSawsome

I think the heal will be really nice for this reason but like how does this champ not become hard bound to PoM ER and maybe even manaflow? Her q is still rly expensive and she needs to use it to dps and waveclear especially with a weaker w on 2 items. has her waveclear felt any different in testing in early to mid game essentially as that’s often what I feel gates my mana on Sivir

Her waveclear is similar in early mid, slightly worse in the late-game. Mana is an area we are actively tuning so feedback is valuable.


Originally posted by NSawsome

Landing q max range guarantees both hits and this makes that more reliable, and the second hit is less likely when someone’s on top of you emphasizing the range of the ability as it’s strong point

Correct, good analysis.


Originally posted by photographyraptr

But I feel like you aren't really tackling that being difficult to auto is the reason she's not being played at all outside of poke lethality and even then she's just a worse varus at that. Sure it can be rewarding, but why take the risk when there are longer range champions that can still output damage without the risk of being such short range? I like the idea of the new W direction but my worry is that it just won't feel like she'll stand out over other teamfight adcs cause of how hard the short range will be to navigate vs. others.

Yeah lemme know how you feel when you test it. The intention is to be similar to Samira where they are situationally the very best pick but not a top pick in 95% of games like Jhin/Lucian/Jinx


Originally posted by NSawsome

Ok so with kraken er ie and zerkers and her w maxed that’s 120% bonus attack speed, at level 13 thats also 26% as from growth so 146% as, with a ratio of .625 thats 1.536 as, meaning the expected value of w is approximately 6 aas which as mentioned above in optimal conditions is potentially better than current w, however before this it’s just worse 95% of the time no? This because her being bound to er gimps her as until significantly later in the game

Depends on how many targets. New W is ALWAYS better at 2-3 targets than the old one.


Originally posted by CerbereNot

I mean one rotation of spells early game and she now loses half her mana, you want her heal to save her lane but it really feels like mana will just gate her even more and make her even worse vs matchups that outrange her, her base stats are terrible

Mana tunings are WIP, especially for laning phase. Thanks for the feedback.


Originally posted by StrwbryAcaiPanda

I think that's fine when you look at the ADC roster overall, but please realize that some people just want to play Sivir because she's Sivir. Won't know how I feel 100% until I get to test the changes, but it'll be very disappointing if she is literally unplayable in games with multiple ranged champions.

Agreed. If you find it's too sharp (like she literally can't be played into X% of comps) that's good feedback.


Originally posted by Ckrest

Slightly off topic from just Sivir but applies to her and other attack speed steroids abilities. Have you considered having the duration start on auto attack instead of button press?

I find often on Xayah that I hit w to get the move speed from hitting the enemy and feathers but if they go out of range, or I cast it from too far away I lose a large potion of my auto damage without even getting a single hit off.

It just feels weird to that the correct play is to make sure to get closer than my max auto range so you can use the attack speed and immediately start attacking with it instead of just right clicking on someone when approaching.

That's an interesting idea. Not sure why we don't do that (my guess is so there's more mastery behind it?).


Originally posted by FarmNcharm

Hello, is there a reason that you guys added an AP scaling to her heal? Or is it for just shits and giggles.

Mostly sh*ts and giggles


Originally posted by StrwbryAcaiPanda

Would you guys consider removing the heal on her e and instead either remove the mana cost or lower the cooldown? I don't mind the mana restore being removed, but the heal seems unnecessary, especially when BT/enchanters/heal exists. I feel the power would be much better spent elsewhere

What we found was that unless the E has an alternate reason to cast other than blocking Blitz Q (or whatever the other key ability is in lane), then it's just super lame to play with and against.