League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

18 Jun


Originally posted by AthieshGaming

Calling pro players sheep!

How boorish of you.

Something the matter; you seem a bit bristly?



She's been extremely good for several years and finally someone influential figured it out, so like sheep, a bunch of pros flocked to her.


Originally posted by Rendorian

malphite vs sylas is unplayable in and out of lane

Last I looked I think this was the hardest counter by winrate differential. The interesting thing is its actually all 3 of the top 3 hardest counters, Malphite v Sylas in jg, mid, and top.

17 Jun


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

It's funny because for years we only had a bare handful of skirmishers (like, Yi, Yasuo, Trynd, Jax, Riven, Fiora) and then at some point someone at Riot realized that holy shit people love playing melee carries and opened the floodgates.

Something like that. They’ve always been extremely popular, but 4 or 5 years ago we felt we finally had a good handle on how to best serve that audience, and it had been significantly underserved for a while.

That said, this year ended up unusually dense on them for some scheduling shenanigans reasons and we’re looking to cool it off a bit - I don’t believe there’s one on the schedule next year, and if one is added onto the schedule next year it’d be because we had a VGU that made sense opportunistically (say, Trynd or Jax), not a new champion. I don’t think there’s currently one on the schedule for 2024 either but schedules are extremely fluid that far in advance so very much subject to change.

For the record, Zoe is absolutely as much an artillery mage as Sett is a juggernaut or Lillia is a skirmisher… which is to say not a pure one but definitely in the category.

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Originally posted by Redm1st

I loved Sett's release, can we get something new and simple as well and not million dashes and convoluted mechanics?

Yes, of course. We want to make all types of different champion complexities. Simple champions are part of that as well. We don one really simple champion in dev that im excited about. I should hopefully be able to start talking about that champion in the next roadmap

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Originally posted by Zarathielis

What roles would you feel are missing a complex champ the most (apart from tank)? And is the tank going to be on par with Azir or be more like Aphelios and require knowledge about his kit?



Originally posted by PDG_KuliK

Originally the doublelift was for face checking a bush and dying from when he did that multiple times at season 1 worlds.

I thought it was when Doublelift walked into a Viktor and instantly blew up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fgvzk1V42c

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Originally posted by HarpInTheKeyOfC

When the champ team sets out to create “complex champions” why not aim for something more like Lee Sin, where he is complex not due to his kit but due to skill expression on the player’s end.

Champs like Aphelios demonstrate complexity in the fact that it takes time to learn to optimize their buttons, whereas characters such as lee sun take raw practice and technique to truly access their powerful options, for aphelios to some extent it’s just getting the right gun combo

yes, of course, we try to create both. I think the type of champion u are talking about is a lot more broadly appealing, and we try to do a lot more often. Their are some players that like a champion where you have to learn how to optimize their buttons like Aphelios or Invoker though.

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Originally posted by Abd5555

Maybe that idea will resurface? Or did player reception to the "complexity" of aphelios kit discourage you?

I personally don't think Aphelios is complex at all tbh and I'd hate for him to be the limit of champ complexity cause people refuse to either try him in practice tool or watch a video of someone playing him

No, Aphelios has been a successful champ for us. Every champ isn't going to be for everyone and we are 100% ok with that. Aphelios was targeting players that specifically wanted a super complex ADC and he landed well with that audience. He maintains a solid pickrate for how complex he is. I dont think we would make a ton of champs that complex. but the roster def has space for them. Trouble right now is that most of our high complexity champs are mages, so other roles are lacking in that space right now more then mages (hence why we are making a high complexity tank right now) Azir really being the stand out high complexity mage, but you even have stuff like Zoe and Ryze who are up their in complexity

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Originally posted by VioletteBasil

I'm still hoping for an Invoker(Dota) in League, has there ever been any talks about a kit like his?

Aphelios started out with a goal to make a champion like that. CertainlyT thought it would be more interesting in the ADC space then the mage space, since the ADC space didn't have anything close to something like that, so we changed it from a mage to a ADC early in discovery

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Originally posted by bz6


Boss I am finding a hard time understanding what her new gameplay mechanic is. Could use your help :p What is the hook you're going for here? A lot of these spells we've seen before.

Some of her more unique mechanics are hard to see in that video. Once the kit is fully revealed I think it will become more clear. She definitely has some really unique things about her

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Originally posted by [deleted]


The VA is 100% not Laura Bailey

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Originally posted by Oreo-and-Fly

And honestly a brilliant weapon design.

Though id prefer it being an Urumi but eh. Not easily shown anyway.

It is a Urumi! :)


Damn super clean. I could learn a thing or two!


Originally posted by Fair-Bus-4017

Skarner? Who?


16 Jun


Hey all -- glad you're enjoying it so far! Hope you keep noticing all the fun bits. I'd like to share you can get a free month of Paramount+ with the promo code "PLAYERS."

The only thing more free is your League of Legends skill! :)


Originally posted by mikael22

Ep 2 spoilers You just know the writers saw heimerdinger, read that his nickname was "the donger" and then instantly wrote him into the show.

Actually this is basically exactly what happened lol


Originally posted by inde99

This video almost made me depressed.

At the same time it's one of the best LEC teasers I have ever seen.

Really glad you enjoyed it!

15 Jun


we're nerfing that exact thing next patch!

Also, different champs are different. Yorick ALWAYS has ghouls, BV only gets her minions when she takes rift or baron.