There will be balance changes. I will see if we can get the usual tweet out.
There will be balance changes. I will see if we can get the usual tweet out.
Additionally, Nidalee has a self-heal and a 3-second cooldown zero-cost leap that clears walls.
Lets not take in account the pros of Zoe and Kai'sa...
Yes. Champions have strengths and weaknesses.
In terms of being a poke champion, the ability to outrun everyone except Rammus in a footrace while self-healing any counter-poke is a pretty meaningful strength. What exactly is your counterplay meant to be there?
Damage on Zoe sticks. Unless you gave her a flash (which you can't while chasing), she doesn't have any escapes. Even her CC is delayed to give you more chances to knock her down.
The theoretical reason why she's allowed to do this while nidalee isn't, is because she takes a lot of time to get to this point, she isn't hurling out w's at any decent rate until she gets w evolve which is usually 2-3 items on a hybrid build and 1.5+ items on the ap build, and even then, just getting the evolve doesn't do too much until she stacks more ap/penetration/haste.
While nidalee can chuck spears at you for considerable damage even at level 1.
Additionally, Nidalee has a self-heal and a 3-second cooldown zero-cost leap that clears walls.
Kai'Sa can walk quickly for about one second. Similar to Zoe: Zoe doesn't have a way out when you catch her.
I'm not sure this skit was worth it... I've forgotten what my real smile looks like at this point
Funnily enough, as a person that doesnt enjoy ryze and rarely, if ever plays him, i made a deal with a rioter back in the day (apparently 2012) to get him plat (with my brother) in 3s. I wanted the most skins any character had at the time, so it was Ryze and thats what I got. Ive never even used young ryze as i thought triumphant was harder to get lol.
I think the thing that made Triumphant Ryze more easily obtainable (and where I personally got it from) was those Microsoft Tournaments they held everywhere all those years back, it was basically at every store for quite a long time. I remember driving like an hour to go there with my team while I was VERY sick (pre-covid world, wild) to play on their laptops with my peripherals that I brought with me. Good memories!
I have 3 I consider very rare as i almost never ever see them.
Triumphant Ryze, UFO Corki, and King Rammus.
King Rammus is another one that is probably equally as rare as the ones I mentioned, if not more so! UFO Corki is also very rare but not to the degree of the other ones listed, and Triumphant Ryze, while rare, is far more common than others due to the amount of tournaments that have been held over the years!
SoloQ data also says 80% of top lane meta loses lane even more against Trynd. And at plat+ Fiora winrate is around 52%
I'm going more off the experiences of high Elo Trynd mains that say Fiora is one of the more difficult matchups.
Trynd wins virtually every lane outside of the really brutal ranged stuff (Vayne, Teemo, likely Quinn). Something stronger than a wet paper bag is more difficult than the main cast tbh.
By any chance do you have any data on the current rarest skins owned? Top 3 or 5?
I don't have the data but I believe its Black Alistar, Silver Kayle, and Young Ryze (previously known as Human Ryze) as those are all skins associated with pre-orders, Beta, and VERY early physical copies of the game.
Nice way to compensate for that problem. Now who would pick Rusty Blitzcrank?!
I have this skin and I gotta say you pick it 100% for the fact that almost no one has it
That caster saying "red gun" "white gun" "purple gun" just sounds silly. How hasn't he learned the gun names since Aphelios has been proplay meta for so long?
If he's doing it for the sake of clarity to novice/non-players, even "chakram" is more informative than "white gun".
I know Calibrum, Severum, Infernum, Gravitum, and Crescendum. But casting is about getting the message across to viewers not flexing my encyclopedic knowledge of the game.
It's not a skill matchup, it is Fiora favored.
Solo queue data puts it as flat with Trynd winning lane. Solo queue is not pro play but it’s not like there is a wealth of Trynd Fiora pro play to augment that with.
Trying something new. Glad you liked it!
Claim your I was here when T1 went 18-0 in the LCK card here.
Yeah no worries I get that.
Initially of course it's a bit of a "shame to have this interaction with someone I like" but really there is nothing wrong with it.It makes sense to call people out on wrong information, everyone on Reddit does it and there's no reason that you shouldn't be allowed to. In the end you're one of us, just a league fan who likes discussing the game.
I'm glad and respect that you are just being yourself on here, rather than not interacting with us plebs at all or only being mr nice guy. I know some people give you crap for it but I'm glad you don't let that stop you from being yourself.
Thanks. :)
Still a good idea to not be a total asshole, of course.
Yeah I knew it was wrong after checking it not much later but was too busy to edit, wasn't on Reddit for those hours, sorry Phreak senpai.
I think the first guy assumed W procced your passive the way it does when an ally hits the market.Would they have had the same damage amount at level 1, then yeah W would've done more damage. But it does not. Forgive me please Phreak-Chan!
I have corrected my comment with an edit c:
Thanks, gamer. Not singling you out here, just frustrating that people can't even be bothered to look any information at all before just spitting out random info that everyone else just laps up and reinforces despite being demonstrably wrong.
sorry ever since your opinion on void staff 2nd i cant take u seriously
RIP your ability to critically think :(
The damage is higher because Malphite has 43 armor but only 28 magic resist. You're right about the cooldown though, it would do more damage because of that.
“The damage is higher”
?????????? Y’all gotta stop making up numbers for real.
As someone trying to learn jungle for my Clash team, damn. If this doesn’t that junglers mental, they deserve an award.
This would put me on life tilt
Yoooo cheers Spawn. Didn't know you were from VIC, I knew I liked you for a reason.
Im a Yackandandah boy. Little far from home these days.