They're NA, they're the only registered user with the name TP Lovecraft + the profile matches.
Sweet! I can send him some RP today :D thanks for doing the leg work. B)
They're NA, they're the only registered user with the name TP Lovecraft + the profile matches.
Sweet! I can send him some RP today :D thanks for doing the leg work. B)
I graduated college and the pandemic has made it very difficult to get a job with my bachelor's. I've had a lot of time on my hands while job hunting.
I'm sorry, that's probably hard to deal with. What was your major in?
Also, congrats! That's an amazing achievement! I have only made Plat 2 at my best. I'd love to gift you some RP if you let me know your server.
Their Q, W and E switches which bar is the active HP, Mana and Shield bar. Ult takes all the bars and averages them out refill them by a percent
And what is their passive? Asking for a friend.
We have fixes for the items that have less stats than their combined items. Should be fixed before 10.23 goes Live, and if they aren't, very shortly afterwards with a micropatch. Time to read the rest of your post! :)
This is fixed for live, along with Umbral and Youmuu's
Thanks Romain, oh men had so much fun watching u with the UOL team and your costumer, you are one of our heroes!
<3 <3 <3.
Keep having fun :-)
Winner's queue is a state of mind and Tyler1 is in it tonight
krugs are rich boys; they got gold veins. minikrugs are walking gold nuggets : >
Just for you homie ;)
data posts on twitter
1v1 tyler1
cringe tiktoks
Among Us Streamer with xQC, what a journey I've lived
You’re very welcome. And I like this game too. Thanks for keeping it positive in game :)
Thank you for playing League and brightening up my day. :)
Congratulations! That's a great achievement and something to be proud of :)
Blue trinket op riot pls nerf
Any word on a fix? Or we won’t be receiving anything until next patch?
Yes, this will be fixed in 10.23, the next patch!
The amount of AMVs that will be using this song will be high.
I CANNOT WAIT. I am excited about mashups/covers too!
Idk how the audio team is supposed to get work done when this EP is all that's blasting through our speakers.
Oh my god this is fantastic!! :O
Gretchen Wieners is quaking
Does she feel personally victimized by Eve?