League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Nov


Originally posted by Czar_Alexander_I

Yeah, well thanks for your insight! This is actually my first ever post on Reddit and it actually means a lot that you stopped by and gave me your thoughts!

You are most welcome!


Originally posted by Eloni

Why do it that way, instead of 180 degrees, so players could always be blue side? The way you're always bottom side in TFT.

I know the old answer was that the map is not actually 3d, but you must have solved that if you could rotate it 45.

This was on the old old map so way different...everything. I think this was while we were working on the oldish map so there was new tech to try things like this in the 3 day hackathon. No idea what we can do today or what we could try since I've left that part of the org :(

02 Nov

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MardPoptart

Would making her passive notes only apply to nearby allies on Echo casts, but always applying to herself on all spell casts help remedy this? Less poke in bot lane, while not affecting mid

Edit: Typo

One thing we are experimenting with is making her E not do reduced damage to minions, which shouldn't effect her support WR while making her a bit stronger in mid

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Reav3, is the order for releases Tank supp-> Mundo VGU -> Romantic jungler or Tank supp-> Romantic jungler-> Mundo?

Nah, Mundo has like A LOT of skins we have to remake, including a legendary skin so he won't be that soon sadly. Current plan is Tank supp -> Romantic Jungler -> New Chamo -> Mundo. Can always change of course.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by EfficientMatch

Funny just months before, they talk about how they are gonna "approach" differently about new champs. Despite her win rates is climbing every single day, they already decided to buff this cash grab bait just few days in the game.

/u/Reav3 you jokers should just stop talking when you always fail to keep your words.

We aren't looking to buff her overall, just her mid WR which looks a little low. Also with PreSeason hitting soon we dont know how that will effect her WR so we want to assess after that as she could go up or down when that hits.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Hyeonwoon

Thank you so much ❤️❤️ will it be a hotfix oder next patch?

We are currently targeting it for 10.23 if it goes well of course


Originally posted by jonijoniii

/u/KlauseTheBear Sorry to ping you but can you confirm we will receive the icons within the 2 day timeframe seems like many people have worries with this. I have 70 points since semis but not a single icon.

It should be 48 hours max, but if you are still not seeing anything please let me know and we can look into it!


Originally posted by Czar_Alexander_I

That's really interesting, I wonder if it would have been better in some way for the map to have been originally oriented differently, and now it's much too late to make such a change. Not that I think map imbalance due to camera angles is a huge problem.

Yeah, when Dominion was around there weren't actually side imbalances there. On SR there is some, and it varies by champion. Long range skill shot champs (notably Rumble for his ult) tend to do worse on red side while champs like Singed don't care. That's part of why we tried to make it sideways for that project!

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We saw that as well. We are currently working on a changelist to buff her mid WR


There was a team that rotated the old map by 45 degrees for our Thunderdome (hackathon) in order to remove map imbalance caused by viewing angles. For veterans it was unplayable, confusing, and in some cases nausea inducing.


Originally posted by aireil

Blaustoise, you wouldn't have a screenshot of this vertical game by any chance? :)

no but i can draw it for you in ms paint with like explosions and sh*t

EDIT -- Here you go



And, and by the way, you don't want to do that either.

You think you don't, but you don't

There's some weird hotkey in the dev build that causes the map to shift to being vertical instead of diagonal (so imagine that middle lane runs from the bottom MIDDLE of your screen to the top MIDDLE of your screen, instead of bottom LEFT to top RIGHT)

It will give you some of the worst motion sickness you've ever experienced. I legit almost threw up.

OH and any Among Us players, if you've played the Skeld map on reverse... you might have experienced something similar. But this is like... 10x worse. It's horrible. Never ever suggest this again pls pls pls


Originally posted by K-DA_Worlds

Do we just message player support on the in game of the league of legends client?

Yes or through the website.

01 Nov


Originally posted by Seneido

i mean sure aiming high is fine but as i said getting a league spot is difficult. riot will look into his finances and see that he is a youtuber. who knows if he has enough money to keep the team in 3 years? immortals got kicked out for that at least that was the official explanation.

Bit Immortals are back in league xd


Originally posted by Seneido

also i don't see him get an spot. there are bigger fish who want clg spot than him for sure. i thought he would create an amateur team like hai and have fun for low money?

You cant enter the league from relegation tournament anymore, only by purchasing a spot. And he said he'd like to watch his team at MSI and Worlds


Originally posted by [deleted]


how much is a bowl of dogfood worth

31 Oct


Originally posted by TheVerraton

Your casting was the worst part about the set. ngl



Holy moly, this is so creative and awesome. You really stuck to it and have a beautiful group here. I love that you thought up your own skins for each one, super impressive and you pulled each one off well. Congrats!