Amazing. I will show Ashe :)
Amazing. I will show Ashe :)
So you agree. You think she's really pretty.
I mean she does make fetch happen
Love.... Uh... the passion here!
But she's really an excellent member of KDA and my personal favorite too.
I feel like a goth girl listening to this
It's my favorite song from how spooky it is!
If you don't mind me asking do you know why there wasn't anything like an update/notification that was like "Hey sorry, the Pentakill should've had a drop but there was an error and it will be coming later"
I feel like the majority of the criticism with drops was the silence that came with it especially with the Pentakill as it's the one thing most deserving of a drop but there was nothing about it (that I've seen tbf) until just now a whole 5 days later.
Heya. I am sorry about that...we were trying to tie up a few loose ends and make sure we captured everyone, and sadly we forgot to let everyone know until we could get it working. Hopefully getting it late was still okay.
Hey everyone! We had a glitch with the Penta drop at Worlds so we had to re-drop it. You should see it in your drops page if you were logged in, opted in, and watching on at the time. I also wanted to say that we're listening to your feedback and hear you. While there are reasons for the challenges we had, we ultimately wanted to make something fun for Worlds during an unprecedented time and we're going to make some changes for the better moving forward. I can't thank you all enough for being part of the professional LOL scene this year and I hope we see you again for All Stars and beyond.
Hey everyone! We had a glitch with the Penta drop at Worlds so we had to re-drop it. You should see it in your drops page if you were logged in, opted in, and watching on at the time. I also wanted to say that we're listening to your feedback and hear you. While there are reasons for the challenges we had, we ultimately wanted to make something fun Worlds during an unprecedented time and we're going to make some changes for the better moving forward. I can't thank you all enough for being part of the professional LOL scene this year and I hope we see you again for All Stars and beyond.
Hey everyone! We had a glitch with the Penta drop at Worlds so we had to re-drop it. You should see it in your drops page if you were logged in, opted in, and watching on at the time. I also wanted to say that we're listening to your feedback and hear you. While there are reasons for the challenges we had, we ultimately wanted to make something fun for Worlds during an unprecedented time and we're going to make some changes for the better moving forward. I can't thank you all enough for being part of the professional LOL scene this year and I hope we see you again for All Stars and beyond.
For purchase or for gemstones?
For RP direct purchase. ;)
If its a Charity skin doesn't it mean the skin will be out of the store after the event like Dark Star Cho'Gath and Dawnbringer Karma? Seems pretty shitty to make Ornns multi year awaited first post release skin limited in that way if i'm honest
The skin will be available after the charity event.
This type of idea is typically quite unsatisfying for the user. Its success case leads to disincentivizing action as the optimized behavior. It might be satisfying on release while enemies are caught off guard by the turnaround, but once people start playing around it, it will end up being quite unsatisfying and have very few use cases.
Tbh it is pretty daunting. I had no idea how complex and how many layers there are to this game. Everyday I seem to learn more and more but there’s still so much info and I feel like I’m still such long ways away from being able to join in real games and actually not hurt the team. However, I will say that in this situation, my ignorance has been my ally bc I had no idea what I was getting myself into but hey, here I am and i have to admit - it is pretty fun! Sometimes, when I reach a personal best, I’ll take a pic of the end game results and send it to him and when he gets excited for me and says “GJ Mom!” It’s such a great feeling. When he plays, he laughs and jokes and screams and makes all these funny noises and I can’t wait to be a part of that joy. Thanks for the well wishes, I’m grateful for all the advice and would be happy to post updates :)
This is so great to read. League can be incredibly complicated, but it sounds like you're both finding your joy in it already! One thing I found helped some of my less experienced friends face the challenge was understanding that it's not just you—the game is designed to be hard enough that even very high level players can have pretty big gaps in their knowledge and skill. You don't need to know everything or be able to do everything to move on up to a harder difficulty or higher skill level, and everyone's struggling with at least some aspect of their play right alongside you.
Maybe more practically, I think making little plans and predicting what will happen can help a lot in the early days (and honestly, much past the early days as well). Like, "I think if I use all of my spells on that Lux right now, she will die," and if it works then you've gained the knowledge that you can kill her in that situation in the future. If it doesn't, you know she wasn't low enough health....
Read moreThanks
Abilities that have guaranteed crits such as the second auto from Fiora's E will no longer crit. All crits are converted.
RE: Rageblade/Rageknife
Additional un-listed change, the on-hit per 20% crit strike was reduced from 50 to 45.
Thank you so much! Also a fellow artist :)
Yes indeed! I did the final design for Zoe <3
I love this so much thank you for sharing. The attention to detail is awesome <3
Hey all LeaguePBE posters, I'm sorry to disappoint you and say we won't be swapping the black chroma with the base. I'm glad ya'll liked the black chroma though but we have insights across other forums that really enjoy the base skin's color, too. Once again so sorry you guys :(
Due to popular feedback we have beefed up the arms and shoulders!!
Thanks again for all the comments. We hope you enjoy the change :D
It is now live on PBE!