League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

16 Sep


Originally posted by Eduvoir

The skin is really beautiful, good job!

I just think that her ult should have some dragons effect into it, it's looking too simple.

the ult has 2 dragons


Originally posted by Affectionate-teddy4U

Wheres the "Dragon" in Ashe's Ult? T_T sighs

there are 2 dragons in the ult.


Heyo, just dropping a comment saying I see this! I'll bring this up with the right team tomorrow, and I'll follow up here if they need anything like screenshots or logs to help them investigate. Thanks for the report!

15 Sep


Originally posted by KillerQueen702

Incredible skin, but would push to skin to godly status would be the E being changed to a dragon as well as the ultimate!

the is a dragon! It's just a little dragon.


Originally posted by KKtheValorous

Man, they really don't like Umbra, huh. Choncc in both, Ao Shin the focus of one. No sign of Umbra.

Heyo! I can answer that.

I love Umbra, but unfortunately, he wasn't as far along as AoShin or Choncc, and his model wasn't ready yet when we started production on this trailer. So we opted to keep him out to be on the safe side.


Originally posted by SpiderTechnitian

Are you personally related to LCS production?

Yes, I work with the team on the LCS broadcast.


Originally posted by shinomiya2

no kobe quickshot :(



Don't forget our team is also hosting EUM, the majority of world's and nearly no down time in-between. As such logistically and staffing wise, it just wasn't feasible. This is an over simplification, but something I've not seen discussed a lot. It's not just studio and casters, but all the production team. Remember that EUM ran during our playoffs, from our studio ( not LEC casters, but everyone behind camera is the same) and EUM is still running till this Sunday and world's starts next friday.nits tough.


Originally posted by pluep

Ashe should have shot a dragon for ult

She shoot TWO dragons!


Originally posted by Megalodontus

  • Announce Ao Shin, drive up hype.

  • Announce Aurelion Sol, say sorry we couldn't make Ao Shin.

  • Announce Ao Shin skin for Aurelion Sol.

Master stroke by Riot.

200 years master stroke


Originally posted by whzz_

The base skin is amazing however I think that the brighter prestige models colours contrast too heavily with the darker abilities

There will be a separate thread for the Prestige skin.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I am unsure if this is also meant for Prestige Obsidian Dragon Sett, but when it comes to that skin, I find the model very good and exciting, however the visual effects are a bit underwhelming (especially since they are still red themed).

I am pretty sure this is only because its still in developpement, but just in case it isn't, well that is my opinion about it.

Thank you for the chaddest skin :D

There will be a separate thread for the Prestige skin. :D


Originally posted by ZingerSauce

As beautiful as the base skin is, I feel like the prestige's abilities contrast the character model a bit too much. The red abilities and recall with a golden-white-blue model seems a bit contrasting imo.

There will be a thread for the Prestige Skin.


Wait, hold up. Is that a new dragon themed Sett skin on PBE? You know it.

Obsidian Dragon Sett is hitting the Rift with:

  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!

Obsidian Dragon Sett is set to be 1350 RP.

Obsidian Dragon Sett will be available to play soon on PBE! As players who get the first chance to take a hard hitting look at this content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!

Just wanted to clarify; there will be a separate thread for the Prestige Skin

UPDATE Thanks for all the feedback! We were pretty happy with the results so not too many changes. One thing that was expressed a lot was that the in-game colors didn't match the splash so we have toned down the coloring in game so that it looks less purple. It won't match the color of t...

Read more External link →

Gods and spirits AND DRAGONS guide us.

Fae Dragon Ashe is hitting the Rift with:

  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!

Fae Dragon Ashe is set to be 1350 RP.

Fae Dragon Ashe will be available to play soon on PBE! As players who get spirited away to the Fae to see new content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!

UPDATE As always, we appreciate the feedback! We fixed a few issues with some clipping, changed the VFX on the Q/Empowered Q and made the bow ever so slightly smaller (it was bigger than intended lol).

External link →


We're aware of an issue where after logging in, the navigation tabs (Home, Collection, etc.) may be missing. This also impacts accepting game invites. Until we have a fix onto PBE, you can resolve this issue by entering a lobby like Draft Pick. Functionality should then return. The tabs should appear afterward, and should persist until you close the client (and even afterwards sometimes).

If after entering a lobby (e.g. going into game mode selection, choosing Draft Pick, and clicking CONFIRM) your navigation tabs are still missing, please screenshot your client on the lobby screen and showing where the tabs should be and share that here along with your LeagueClient logs. You'll need to upload your logs to a filesharing service and share that link here.

External link →

Originally posted by TheNephilims

We thought group draw was a privilege, turns out it was just a chore.

We willingly obliged, because we love it!


Originally posted by ephemeralfugitive

Azael’s response for the lazy:

They handled the heavy lifting for group draw last year - it's an insane amount of prep condensed into a super short amount of time quickly after the season ends.

If you don't have to do group draw you get weeks more to stretch out prepping for teams over - our turn this time!

EU production is in a really busy time with their EU Masters broadcasts so they asked LCS production to handle it. We obliged.


Originally posted by ReptarSteroids

it doesn't seem like anything in group A will be that interesting aside from TL vs MAD

unless supermassive have changed their playstyle since i last watched them a few years ago, i expect group a to be very fast-paced.

and Shad0w's lee sin makes any game interesting