League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Sep


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Does that mean its going to be drops like the discount codes the LEC had earlier this year?

We're dropping a bunch of stuff, some in game, some out of game, with a brand new set of custom Drop card art specific to Worlds. There's a section in the bottom middle of the article about the stuff we're dropping. :D


Originally posted by jayjaybird0

This part about Drops is a little unclear to me:

If you miss the notification, you can visit lolesports.com/rewards and see the Drop anytime.

If you miss a rare Drop, keep watching for another chance! If you don’t get the rare item, you still get a common reward.

So, what happens if I find a rare Drop but don't click the notification? Will there be a rare Drop in my rewards tab? Or will it just become a common?

Some of the Drops will have a special rare reward associated to them and you'll be issued the drop with no action on your part. If you're one of the lucky ones, you'll get a little extra something with your drop, otherwise you get the main reward and drop. If you miss the drop, that's okay...we're not changing the drop from a rare to a common, for example, if you don't click it. If you get a rare, you get the rare. :)


Originally posted by owkuy

Will the drops work on SEA garena servers?

Unfortunately, not at this time.


Originally posted by komaeda11

Will the capsule be automatically delivered once the Play Ins start since I just linked my Riot acc to my YT acc or do I have to do something else?

It SHOULD just arrive in your league account once the linking is complete and you watch a game during Play Ins (similar to the Twitch Prime loot if you had participated in that), but if you don't see something definitely contact Player Support.


Originally posted by ValiantSerpant

Why doesn't the rebroadcast which is intended for NA viewers count for drops?

That was one of the trade-offs we had to make due to a few things, and we're working with the teams that produce rebroadcasts to see what might work better in the future. There are a few ways to snag some rewards, via Pick Em and Watch Missions, but Drops won't be part of any rebroadcasts.


Originally posted by SupremeQuinn

u/Riot5oda Can I not have to log in to the lolesports website every time I want to watch even though I clicked the 'stay signed in' box?

Yeah, we're working on trying to make that better and will get an update out there as soon as it passes the tests. It's one of the side effects of how we try to remain secure.


Originally posted by Miruwest

Watch a live game, not VODs or a Rebroadcast, for Drops.

Uhhhh is anyone else seeing this as a big problem? Not only are the times set to maximize Chinese viewership, but others around the worlds are also punished for not being able to watch the games Live.

Hey there! As fellow fans from the West, we're also bummed out about the timing. In trying to bring this product to fans in time for the tenth anniversary of Worlds, we had to make some tradeoffs, and one of them was around the rebroadcast. You can still receive Watch Rewards for viewing VODs as you had been able to do in the past, but Drops are specific to the live games, albeit very early in the morning. We're looking forward to seeing how this year's plan goes so that we can get more time to make something that works in all time zones for next year's events.

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Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Reav3!

Thanks for these graphs, it really let us see through trends over time and where champs tend to land. Can I ask for Sett, Fiddlesticks and Volibear graphs? They haven't been shown yet. Really curious how much Fiddle and Voli jumped since their VGU.


Originally posted by [deleted]

It feels kind of bad as an NA fan that we can only get drops if we watch the games live, when the majority of games take place at really unrealistic hours for NA fans. As someone who is living on the East Coast I can only watch the games in the morning, and it feels kind of bad that I'm missing most of the drops.

Hey there! many of us are in the same boat and won't be able to watch live, but that was something we had to balance when bringing the drops feature to Worlds this year, especially given some limitations we faced thanks to the global pandemic. The drops will fire off for fans who are logged in and watching, and all drops are passive, meaning you don't have to click on them to get them; you simply have to click the notification or visit the Drops page to see what you got, Ultra-Rare or otherwise. In the meantime, there are still Watch Rewards, Worlds Pass Missions, and Pick 'Em for the times when most of us are normally awake in the West.


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Its not as good as it sounds, since the time is so shitty for NA. At best, you either stay up all night watching, or you maybe wake up super early to watch.

Hey there! We had to balance a few things to bring this feature to Worlds this year while also battling some of the realities of the global pandemic, and as such we had to limit it to the live games due to how we're triggering the drops. Having said that, there are still Watch Rewards, Worlds Pass Missions, and Pick Em if you can't get up super early to watch live.


Originally posted by NoxAsteria

If a North American Team wins (NA Fans Only)


Also can't wait for 5 worlds token drop

Heya! This particular drop is related to some specific drops one of our NA-centric partners are sponsoring and as such is worded that way. Anything you might want to read into that is entirely your call, but load it up to see what happens!


Originally posted by JesusEm14

So Play ins wont have drops?

Correct! Watch Rewards are live during Play Ins, with Pick 'Em and LOLEsports Drops going live on lolesports.com for Group Stage onward.


Originally posted by unimagine97

Confused about the YouTube drops thing? Are all the drops available if you watch on YouTube like the Capsules and chest and so on? or are they only for lolesports and the YouTube thing is something separate?

Hi! We're running two programs for Worlds this year. The first program is running during Play Ins where you can link your Riot account to your YouTube account and receive a special capsule. The other program, starting n Group Stage, will reward loot and content drops for those logged in and watching on lolesports.com.


Originally posted by Javonetor

linking the youtube account gives different drops if understand right?

so for maximum drops i should watch worlds on lolesports page from youtube?

Hey there! Yes, there are two programs we're running. The first is for linking your account to YouTube resulting in getting a capsule. The second program is for logging in and watching via lolesports.com, where there will be a variety of drops and watch rewards for those viewing on our site. Hope that helps!

20 Sep


It was real nice of Riot to give her two themes, this one and 'The Baddest'.

Check out this gold - all in my purse
I'll give you some - to rent a hearse


Originally posted by Leema1

Nz baby :D

There's some real talent in New Zealand. NZ always shows up strong in the high school league for a reason.

19 Sep


Originally posted by bz6

Don’t mind change. But why force the mobile theme onto the PC players?

It's the other way round, WR working to be as close to LoL PC as possible. What I meant in my other post is that these new icons are being designed to read well at any scale (some of them aren't there yet).


Originally posted by tfwaffleman

Silhouettes for Banshee's Veil and Luden's Echo are very hard to read compared to their old icons. I stared at the BVeil icon for a full 10 seconds trying to figure out what the positive and negative spaces were. It's too busy. Similarly, the icon for Zhonya's Hourglass looks cool when examined closely, but the silhouette doesn't read at all in miniature.

Luden's and Needlessly Large Rod also lose too much of their color familiarity. The important parts of both those icons for quick identification were always the bright purple backsplash and glow, respectively. Also, Luden's changed direction.

All of the other icon updates we saw look real good though.

Thanks for the clear feedback! I don't think Luden's was updated yet - was it perhaps Void Staff you are referring to?


Originally posted by profdudeguy

Will there still be tabs for specific stats?

Yes, that’s coming a bit later on.


Originally posted by _liminal

he should've bought banshee

No, it only blocks 1 spell she is spamming Q every sec, visage gives heal incr3ase and he HP which saves him with his w