League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Sep


Originally posted by RogueGG

GG WP G2. Hard one to take but still proud of what we achieved against all opinions. See you at Worlds! #GoRogue

You guys did so well this split. Excited to see what you have to offer at worlds.


Originally posted by [deleted]


thanks :)


Originally posted by uridel

I want a fund for the LEC version of the star wars saga.

me too

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Varrik

"Players have long been asking for a snappier, more responsive champ select."

No. We want a champ select that doesn't cause dodges because of stupid bullshit spaghetti.

That's literally it.

Yes, the reliability of champ select is the most important thing, we do not want dodges due to client issues. We have data around dodge rates at a high level, but we are digging deeper to see if we can find the dodge rates due to client issues, and its tough!

either way, the work we plan on doing in champ select will help reduce client-related dodges, that's definitely a success measure for us

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by papu16

TY boys,really right now client look like way better than it was before you start to work at it, I understand how hard to work with someones code and really respect your job, Its actually amazing how you managed to make visible this improvements.

Just interesting, is it possible to make client like valorant one that is integrated in game with actual league?

Thank you! We as a team believe we can deliver improvements in champ select and end of game over the next couple months that will provide a lot of player value, and ultimately see the frustration around the client trend downwards. We have a lot of work coming up, but are up for the challenge

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Baarek

Cactopus, Am1t & A Huevo with the hot potato here. Good luck guys, its a spicy topic!

Thank you! Im the new guy on the team, I know I'm in for a challenge, but reallllly want to make the client better for all of you!

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


You are right, we are making one of our success measures on reducing memory leaks, not only in champ select, where we will start, but all over the client.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by KainMassadin

u/Am1t8 It would be awesome if the folks working on this could share their findings on riot's tech blog. As a dev that has followed your blog since the firsts articles on the new client, I'd be eager to read about it

This is something I am considering, would live to share the technical details behind our work.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RayliOtter

u/Am1t8 Anything you can say about the Match Accepted bug? This is the biggest prblem for me. its literally game breaking. ...lets say elo breaking

Can you direct message me the exact issue (report steps if possible), I can have the team look into it, thanks!

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


I will have the team look into this, definitely an annoying bug.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AthleticSloth1

I wish i knew wtf they did to post game though, where it used to be quick and now takes ages to get out of the game.

This is something we plan to tackle in the coming months! stay tuned!


Originally posted by RogueGG

Yes it will be on the LEC Channel tomorrow at 14:45 CEST.

Ok, thank you friend


Originally posted by ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp

Frosk should have got an award for that amazing "wha we gon dew!" accent in the LEC wars.

I agree


sorry for writing that cold open. I take full responsibility


Originally posted by ElBrazil

Kiwi taught CoreJJ everything he knows. Before every play he just thinks to himself, "would Kiwi do this?". If the answer is yes, he doesn't do it

This one always cracks me the f*ck up, especially because it’s probably true


Originally posted by GroundbreakingAlps2

It's quite dishonest to say that this is a mass survey and draw comparisons between regions when n=600 per champion. This data is worthless, it's just random noise (at least quite close to it).

Only 600 people got a chance to rate how frustrating X champion is to play against per region, and then you compare.

Run the same experiment again in NA and you would get absurdly different result. Something that might happen is that the 24th most frustrating champion to play against might become the 78th most frustrating champion to play against when you run the experiment again (and hence ask different people).

Another thing to note that you're surveying completely random people (or I guess it's not completely random, its from people that played the game in october 2019). Sure, that can be good but it can also be bad. It can be bad in the sense that you randomly survey a bunch of people that barely play the game, you survey a bunch of aram only players (who's opi...

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A bunch of other people are writing in RE the statistics... I'll just say consider the business case.

I'm already surveying ~150,000 players. The full list of questions per each champion, plus a demographic block, plus we run some other blocks + questions in this survey means it's already long per person.

Now I can either survey more people, or I can make more people evaluate each champion. Either way I'm putting strain on players to be evaluating more champions or I'm expecting more people to take this survey (remember, we're running surveys on esports, on skins, on other cosmetic content, on seasonal events, etc. etc.).

Also we're not using this data like winrate data. I don't have the confidence to say that if a champion ranks 13th in frustrating with a likert score of 4.25 that the champion at rank 14 with a likert of 4.23 is less frustrating. But compared to the champion at rank 35 with a likert of 3.9? Now I'm more confident. The champion at 1...

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Originally posted by _Aki_

In conclusion: pretty cool Pantheon rework. All Riot did was estrange old Pantheon mains while introducing him to the Top "frustrating to play against" list.

(1) he was only higher in Korea relative to other regions

(2) This was October 2019, around worlds. He was overtuned and 100% banned. I attribute hist higher frustration rating there to Korea being more sensitive to pro play.

(3) frustration isn't the only thing that speaks to the sucesses/misses of a rework.

04 Sep


Originally posted by patmax17

Yeah, ok, maybe stories are an exception here, fair point. Thinking of it, the marvel comics also weren't tied to skins, hmm

Why a project gets made is definitely not purely determined (nor gated by) whether it’s attached to something that generates revenue. :-) Any project gets approved based on many different criteria. The questions of should we make it, when should we make it, how should we make it, are asked against several factors, with a focus on delivering player value as a primary focus.


Originally posted by Bgndrsn

Damn you and your bro are pretty into Star Wars. Doesn't Greg have a bobba fett tattoo?

I'm actually the one with Boba! Inside left calf, Captain Rex outside old Republic up front and imperial in the back.